
Killer Video Squeeze Pages - Earning Affiliate Commissions Has Never Been Easier!

Killer Video Squeeze Pages - Earning Affiliate Commissions Has Never Been Easier!

The Wait And Anticipation Is Over... Are You Ready?


From The Desk Of Ken Walker And David Nayavich
March 6, 2010

Subject: We've Taken Video and List Building to a Whole New Extreme!

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is David Nayavich - owner of "Extreme Web Graphix." Chances are you may already know me or perhaps we've worked together in the past ... but if you don't, let me clue you in ;-)

I'm considered by many to be "The Graphic Designer to the Gurus."

My client list reads like a 'who's who'  when it comes to Internet Marketing ... and I pride myself on being able to consistently create amazing, profit pulling designs for my clients time and time again.

And let me tell you something else ... my clients pay BIG MONEY when they hire me to do their page designs and graphic packages for their product launches ... I don't come cheap!

But my clients also know that when they hire me ... they're going to get a page design that's not only going to look like a million bucks ... It's gonna suck folks into their page copy like dogs on meat ... it's gonna convert traffic into BUYERS ... and ultimately that's what counts!

Now, I don't say this to brag ... quite the contrary actually. I'm only telling you this because
I want you to realize the incredible value both Ken Walker and I have put together for
you - Right Here ... Right NOW!

When It Comes To A Totally
Automatic Money-Making Machine
There's No Other Plug-n-Play System
Out There That Comes Close!

And I Challenge You To Find Better Quality Designs
And Videos That'll Convert Prospects Into Sales!

Let's talk for a minute about what KillerVideoSqueezePages.com is all about, exactly what it can do for you ... and how it's going to save you thousands of dollars in expenses ... plus generate cash like clockwork for you month after month.

Here's the basics - straight to the point - of how the process works.

Each and every month you'll receive FIVE brand new video squeeze pages.

Each Video Squeeze page has been carefully designed to promote a TOP Converting Clickbank product that pays a high commission (and some with recurring commissions over and over again!) You'll NEVER have to worry about picking a losing product again!

All you do is drive targeted traffic to any (or all) of your squeeze pages ( I'll explain how to drive hoards of traffic in a moment) and get that traffic to optin to your page - OH WAIT! We've taken care of that for you too!

Every Video Squeeze Page will have an offer for a free report that your customer can optin and download - FOR FREE!

And you guessed it ... we provide you with all the FREE Reports and giveaways for each squeeze page as well - for all 5 packages!

What does that mean? It means that as far as getting the optin, YOU DO NOTHING! We've already taken care of it for you.

Once the customer opts into your squeeze page, they are immediately redirected to a Clickbank Sales Page for a product or service your squeeze page was setup to redirect to.

Of course, the squeeze pages we create for you are carefully crafted to go hand in hand with the sales page it's promoting for you.

It's a totally brain-dead-simple solution to one of the biggest challenges in affiliate marketing.

Let's look at an example:

Anxiety Video Squeeze Example

This Killer Video Squeeze Page Above Will Automatically
Redirect To A Clickbank Product Sales Page Offering A
$67.95 Product For Sale To Your Optin Lead.

Your Commission On Each Sale Is 70%

One Sale From This Squeeze Page This
Month And You Earn Over $45.00

What? You Want To See More?

Simply Click On Any Of The Thumbnail Images Below To
See The 4 Remaining Video Squeeze Pages In Action... You'll Get Instant Access To All 5 Of These Pages This Month To Start Generating Massive Affiliate Commissions Immediately!

Click Image Below To See A Sample Of This
Video Squeeze Page in Action!

Traffic Video Squeeze Example

This Killer Video Squeeze Page Automatically Redirects To A Clickbank Product Sales Page Offering A $197 Product For Sale.

Your Commission On
Each Sale Is 50%

One Sale This Month And
You Earn Over $95.00

Click Image Below To See A Sample Of This
Video Squeeze Page in Action!

Music Video Squeeze Example

This Killer Video Squeeze Page Automatically Redirects To A Clickbank Product Sales Page Offering A $29.95 Product For Sale.

Your Commission On
Each Sale Is 70%

One Sale This Month And
You Earn Over $20.00

PLUS ... This Product Also Includes An Upsell Offer That Will Earn You Additional Recurring Commissions Each and Every Month - Over and Over Again!

Click Image Below To See A Sample Of This
Video Squeeze Page in Action!

Work From Home Video Squeeze Example

This Killer Video Squeeze Page Automatically Redirects To A Clickbank Product Sales Page Offering A $69 Product For Sale.

Your Commission On
Each Sale Is 75%

One Sale This Month And
You Earn Over $50.00

Click Image Below To See A Sample Of This
Video Squeeze Page in Action!

Solar Panels Video Squeeze Example

This Killer Video Squeeze Page Automatically Redirects To A Clickbank Product Sales Page Offering A $49.97 Product For Sale.

Your Commission On
Each Sale Is 50%

One Sale This Month And
You Earn Over $24.00

Now I'm not going to go on and on and bore you with some 50 page sales pitch here ...

You either see the tremendous value and income potential both Ken and I have put on the table for you here... Or you don't.

But just in case you're at all confused or wondering how this system is going to make you Big Fat Commission Checks each and every month ... Ken's put a "tell all" video together for you that explains EVERYTHING - exactly what you'll receive each and every month ... and how your membership can make you thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions every month like clockwork.

Take it away Ken...


 Here's A Quick Recap Of EVERYTHING You'll Instantly Receive When You Join Our "Killer Video Squeeze Pages" Membership Site ...

FIVE Custom Designed Video Squeeze Pages Each Month - Each squeeze page is custom designed for optimum conversions - PLUS each squeeze page will automatically promote a "hand-selected" Top Selling Clickbank product.

So, not only will you be building HUGE targeted lists in Laser Hot niches ... you'll also be earning huge commissions on all your product sales.

To get just one of these pages done yourself would cost you upwards of $1,500.00 if you hired both ken and I to do the work for you.

FIVE Professionally Designed Flash Videos Each Month - These videos are what seperates an average page from a page that converts traffic into cash! When you drive traffic to a video squeeze
page ... your traffic is going to pay attention ... plain and simple!

Do you have any idea what it costs for a 60-second video like this? $500-$750 and that's just for ONE.

FIVE complete SETS of autoresponder emails ready for you to plug into your autoresponder. No more copywriting hassles. Now you can get into ANY niche even if you're not familiar with it at all.

Why pay a copywriter $300 or more for just one set of five messages when you can get FIVE sets for FREE as part of your monthly package?

FIVE Free Giveaway Offers - If you want to build a HUGE list you need to give your visitors something of value. Each month you'll receive EVERYTHING you need to build your list, including a giveaway product. When we say it's easy, we mean it.

How much would it cost to have a 5-Part Video Mini-Course created that you can give away? $700 MINIMUM - but with KillerVideoSqueezePages.com you get not one, but FIVE giveaway mini-courses.

BONUS - All 5 Videos in Web Ready FLV format each month. These videos alone would cost you upwards of $500-$750 each to have produced. You not only get the complete video squeeze page all setup and ready for you to cash in ... But you'll also have access to each individual video to do whatever you want with.

  • Use it on a blog ...
  • Use it as a promo by itself ...
  • Create your own squeeze page and use the video in your own design ...
  • Upload it to YouTube and drive traffic to your page ...
  • Use the video for ANYTHING you desire - This alone is a $3,000 PLUS value each and every month!

Do you have any idea what that totals up to? If you were going to go out and try to get one of these promotional packages put together you'd pay upwards of $1,550 for just ONE.

Let alone doing five of them - a whopping $15,250!

And that doesn't include time and research in picking the products to promote, managing the whole process, and the time involved to get it all put together.

What we're offering you is literally a business in a box!


And think about this.

If you were to decide today that you wanted to get just one of these packages put together for yourself and plopped down $1,500 cash, it would still take you a month to coordinate everything and get it done, not to mention the fact that both Ken and I are booked up for months in advance (And most of the big gurus pay us large deposits just to get on the waiting list.)

I think it's obvious that this system we've put together is without a doubt the best affiliate marketing "turn-key" toolbox ever created ... and I probably don't need to say any more, but I will ;-)

First, everybody knows that video is where it's at.

If you're going to grab your visitors attention, you need video!

What does it take to get a top quality video produced?

  • Script writing
  • A voiceover artist
  • Software costing hundreds of dollars
  • Royalty free stock footage and music
  • Graphics design
  • Lots of skill and artistic qualities for putting it all together and making it KILLER
  • PLUS, some pretty hefty hardware

Ken's studio has about FIFTEEN GRAND invested in equipment and tools, not to mention the studio itself.

And think about this... do you really think that with all the big time marketers out there sparing nothing to showcase their affiliate products and services, that you can compete in the affiliate marketing arena with just some cheesy 2nd class squeeze page you threw together in an evening?

The real answer is NO ... absolutely not! And testing has proven this time and time again!

Customers and visitors to your page can see right through a less than professional design instantly and the trust factor goes WAY DOWN... so your chances for a sale are slim to null!

The only way you can compete with the big boys is to have the same resources available to you. And before now, you may not have been able to afford those resources or thought perhaps it was too complicated to put everything together. Well....

NOW... We're giving you access to these
same resources and
TOTALLY leveling the playing
so you too can cash in online FAST and EASY ...

I'm sure you have no idea what's involved in putting together award-winning graphics and videos like what we're offering. Of course you don't, you're not a graphic artist or video professional. But we are ... and let me tell you ...

Blood, sweat, and tears goes into every page. You have to reach way down deep in the depths of your soul to pull this stuff out.

As you've seen ... we've spared nothing! We're talking about FIRST-CLASS stuff here that we both produce each and every month ourselves! No outsourcing ... no handing it off to employees ... WE DESIGN AND PRODUCE ALL 5 PACKAGES EACH AND EVERY MONTH PERSONALLY JUST FOR YOU!

And let's talk about affiliate marketing for a moment ... maybe you're not sure if that's your calling. Well the truth is...

Affiliate Marketing is Simply the Best
Of the Best
- Huge Commissions, Zero Support Issues, No Fulfillment Problems

With Our System, All You Have To Do Is
- That's It!

Let me explain Step-by-Step how this works so you can see how simple it really is for you:

Step 1. You follow our video tutorials (more on those in a moment) to update the squeeze page and autoresponder messages with your own affiliate code. Then you upload the page to your hosting account.

Step 2. You copy and paste the autoresponder messages into your own autoresponder (You Own The List! We've set things up so only YOU have access to all the leads you generate). The money is in the list!

Step 3. Send traffic. The system takes care of the rest.

- You saw the sample pages above, right?

- You know they look killer, right?

- Who wouldn't opt in?

Step 4. Once your traffic is in your sales funnel, the autoresponder messages take it from there directing your leads back to the sales page to make a purchase. For every sale, you automatically get your commission.

Talk about a no-brainer.

Just think ... Here you have two industry experts that have been working together for years. We're not only colleagues ... we're friends! And we're two of the nicest guys you'll
ever meet or work with (Really! I wouldn't lie -- Ask around! :-)

We make it our mission to help people online everyday! And now we want to help you, too!

We've both worked with many of the biggest names in Internet Marketing imaginable. I'm talking about people you probably know - that you've heard about and read about - that you've probably purchased something from in the past - people making BIG BUCKS online!.

Chances are you've probably seen my graphics over and over again on the web (they're pretty easy to spot) and I KNOW you've heard Ken's voice, who hasn't?

His voice just makes you want to listen to what he has to say and follow his instructions! He has a gift like nobody else I know!

We both know what works and what doesn't.


We get tons of feedback from our "Big Clients" all the time! We've done plenty of our own testing. We've been a part of focus groups and guest speakers for webinars. We've been
there ... done that ... and know what works and what's a crock of manure!

So when you come on board today, you'll soon see that we don't just talk the talk ... we walk the walk ... and you can now put our skills and knowledge to work for you too to make big commissions each and every month.

Okay... I've Heard Enough Dave!
Everything Sounds Amazing ...
But How Much is This Membership
Going To Cost Me Each Month?

Before I tell you how little this incredible package is going to cost you, I want to let you know something.

Ken and I firmly believe that this offer can literally make a LIFE CHANGING difference in your online marketing efforts.

And because of that... we both want to make this decision a no-brainer for you, just so we could prove to you that we actually do put our money where our mouth is.

We want you to be a lifelong customer and look forward each and every new monthly release. We want you to get excited about becoming a super affiliate like the big dogs.

That's why we want to offer you a full
60-days to test the system for yourself
to let us prove to you that making BIG money online doesn't have to be hard and anyone with a strong desire for success can achieve amazing results - results they never dreamed possible.

So, if at any time during your first 60-days
(a full two-months) you don't see incredible results using our system, just let us know and you'll get every penny back.

So here you are my friend - time to separate the serious "players" from the tire kickers!

You are now at a crossroad. Either you forget about this page and go on with things just like they are, wondering for the rest of your life if this was your ticket to success - the one you've always wanted and searched for ... or you Order Your Membership Right Now and give this system a 60-Day Test drive and find out for yourself.

One thing I know for sure -- Ken and I have a LOT of our big guru buddies all waiting with mouse in hand to get in on this deal (or panicing because they're shakin over the NEW competition they'll soon have.. haha!) - but either way... membership is going to fill lightning fast - you can count on it!

Here's how I see it ... It's my belief that fate brought you here today ... and fate can take you to places you never thought possible if you just put your best foot forward and truly believe in yourself and believe in the fact that both Ken and I are truly two of the "good guys" on the web who have your best interests at heart ... and our only goal for this membership is to help you realize your dreams of making a living online.

Anything less and we've failed you.. and failure isn't an option for either of us!

Special "Quick Start Bonus"

Call it a bonus... call it Dave and Ken's way of over-delivering on our promise to you. Call it anything you want... but in order to ensure you get the most out of your membership, Ken has graciously taken weeks out of his schedule to also put together some of the best FAST START Video Tutorials you're ever going to find.

When I watched these videos I was speechless. I knew they'd be great and go step by step over everything - each and every step you'll need to take to get setup with your video squeeze pages FAST.

But I have to be honest.. he really over-delivered on these tutorials -even according to my expectations!

No stone left unturned.... no part of the system left unexplained.

Once you login to your new membership account, you'll immediately have access to these high quality video tutorials whenever you need them. Thanks Ken!


Let me just say in closing that both Ken and I really appreciate everyone who's helped us become so successful online. Without all those who support us day in and day out ... neither of us would be able to work from home and make multiple six figure plus incomes ...

So this is simply our way of giving thanks back to you as a token of our appreciation to the online community.

Over 6 months of planning and development went into this membership site ... and this is just the beginning of many great things to come for our membership.

Each and every month we plan to raise the bar a little higher and over-deliver on every package we construct ... so be prepared to be blown away time and time again.

And finally... I just want to make one final point clear.

Why is it so imperative you jump on board today?

Two reasons mainly ...

First, 1000 members ONLY and the doors close.

Second, if you wait and join next month (if there's even any spots left) you lose out on this months squeeze pages. No going back! That makes it fair to all members. So if you wait.. you lose out on 5 amazing income streams ... and why would you want to do that?

So before the doors close and we pull the plug on this registration page and you lose out on joining this month (and lose out on these 5 amazing packages FOREVER) ... get in while the gettin's good.

You'll thank yourself for following your gut and jumpin aboard! WURD!

See you on the inside....

To your new found success,

Dave Nayavich

Ken Walker

P.S. Remember, you get our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, so you've got nothing to lose. But if you fail to act now ... you could lose out on this membership entirely -- or even worse ... you'll lose out on owning these five money making video squeeze page packages forever! Don't risk it! Join Now!

P.P.S. You don't need any kind of technical experience at all. We created this system with both the "newbie" and "seasoned pro" in mind. The system is so easy to use even a child could do it (and our video tutorials make sure of that!)

P.P.P.S. Ken's talking about increasing the price after every 100 members! It's simply a supply and demand thing. So, I want you to seriously think about your decision because those who get in early benefit the most.
Don't Wait ... Join Now!





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