
Anabolic Cooking

Anabolic Cooking

Discover Why 97% Of People Will NEVER Achieve Their Dream Physique!

It’s not a secret, we all know that nutrition is directly responsible for more than 80% of your results, whether your goal is to build muscle or lose body fat. Ironically, only 3% of the people involved in bodybuilding or fitness are capable of fallowing a specific nutrition plan.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

From Dave Ruel, Author of the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook

Every serious fitness enthusiast knows that nutrition is the most important part of building an impressive, ripped, muscular physique.

Let's face it, even if you are on the best training program possible and take all the best supplements, your muscles won’t grow by themselves and the fat is not going to fall off magically. Food will make your muscles grow and burn that stubborn belly fat. Without nutritious food in the right quantities, even the most intense workout or cardio session is worthless. That’s as simple as that.

And, even though we all know this, preparing and eating meals is almost always the most overlooked and neglected area of our lives. We always go for the easy option by spending tons of money in pre-made meals, take-out food and meal replacement drinks.

However, some people still manage to be faithful to a bodybuilding or fitness specific meal plan, but they quickly face another problem:

Traditional Bodybuilding and Fitness Nutrition Can Easily Become Boring

It’s not long before we crave junk food, we start cheating and eating everything on site that is tasty. Why? Because we had nothing healthy and tasty prepared in advance. Nothing that could match the satisfaction of eating something that tastes so good that you want more...

And you’re not the one to blame...Who the hell can live exclusively on boiled chicken breasts, baked potatoes and broccoli?

I bet that you know exactly what I’m talking about, right?

Other problems people face is the misconceptions surrounding cooking, eating and preparing meals for Bodybuilding and Fitness.


Top 5 Misconceptions About Cooking And Eating For Bodybuilding and Fitness:

#1 You are convinced that bodybuilding and fitness nutrition must be plain, boring and taste terrible.

#2 You don’t think that there is such thing as a delicious meal that will taste like something you’d eat at a restaurant and promote muscle building and fat loss at the same time

#3 You think that you are incapable of cooking, and you don’t feel confident and comfortable enough in the kitchen to prepare tasty meals

#4 You think it is going to take all of your precious time to make a full week’s worth of meals, and that eating pre-package food and take out will be a real time-saver.

#5 You are worried and absolutely positive that a trip to the grocery store will cost you an arm and a leg.

Is this list familiar? Don't worry, you are not the only one.

You know, I never always was “The Muscle Cook”, In fact, when I started training seriously for bodybuilding, I was very insecure in the kitchen, always scared, fearing that my meals would end up tasting like cardboard. I was also told that a bodybuilder should eat plain food to get big and ripped (couldn’t have been more far from the truth...)

I did not know how to prepare many healthy and delicious meals at all. I was eating a lot of packaged food, eating take-out and I would cheat on my “diet” more than often just because I needed to get something tasty in my mouth.

But, I was in complete denial, I would make excuses for my lack of progress and the fact that I just couldn’t build the ripped muscular physique that I always dreamt of. I was blaming everything (my training, stress from school/work, supplements not working, etc...) but the real reason : my poor nutrition!

And then I came across my mentor... a bodybuilder who had a different vision about muscle building nutrition... A man who was convinced that “dieting” for bodybuilding and fitness doesn’t have to be boring...

He helped me improve my poor diet around and make the most phenomenal body transformation I could ever dream of... Simply by teaching me how to cook healthy and tasty meals in order to achieve my goals. He thought me the secrets of cooking healthy muscle-building meals that promotes lean muscle mass gains, rapid fat loss of fat, and top athletic performances. 

Just like I Did, Stop Failing At Your Diet And Learn The Secrets Of Cooking and Eating For Real Results

Dave Ruel before his knowing the power of Anabolic Cooking Dave Ruel only 12 weeks after having the Anabolic Cooking Secrets revealed to him Dave Ruel Now!
Before, when I was in denial and couldn't stick to good nutrition habits. I wasn't going anywhere and couldn't get the results I wanted in the gym


After, only 12 weeks after I discovered the Anabolic Cooking secrets and techniques. I was a solid 210 lbs with a 6-pack and round shoulders!


Now I'm a ripped, rock-solid 230 lbs, competing in Bodybuilding, with the body I always wanted! And I'm going to show you how to build yours!


How many times have we heard stupid statements like “if it tastes good, just spit it back” or “eat for fuel not for pleasure”. Let me tell you that these statements are made by people who have clearly never come across my book. In fact, eating for bodybuilding and fitness purposes with complete disregard for taste has become one of the most detrimental concepts ever imagined. It’s like building a useless wall between yourself and your dream physique...
Like me, you will learn everything you need to know about cooking and eating for success. I will teach you step by step how to cook tasty meals to make your fitness goals a reality, no matter what they may be.
You will conquer your fear of the kitchen and you will understand just how easy it really is and how you can master the art of cooking in minutes. You too will learn how to prepare delicious muscle building meals in just minutes.
Anabolic Cooking will turn you into the cook you never thought you could be... And, you will learn everything you will ever need to know about how to save time, save money, cook healthy, muscle building meals and start enjoying life again!
With over 200 healthy “Anabolicious” recipes, you will never be bored with your diet again!
I jam packed all my tips, tricks, secrets, and best recipes in Anabolic Cooking. In fact, this book is the results of more than 10 years of trial and error, and 4 years of intensive research... Yep, it took me 4 years to develop, test, and select recipes for this book! Now, I have to be honest, not all of them made the cut, but about 200 of them did... All the recipes you will find in this book respond to 3 specific criteria: they are all easy to do, full of flavours, and will promote muscle building and fat loss.

In this book you will find:
More than 200 "Anabolicious" recipes, all full of flavours, designed to promote muscle building and fat loss, and that you can prepare in minutes. In fact those recipes are so easy to make, even a 10 year-old can do it!
Done-For-You Meal Plans : I will tell you what to eat, when to eat, and how to prepare all your meals, with the complete shopping list and full step-by-step directions. All that supported by my Best Nutrient Timing Strategies
Anabolic Cooking and Nutrition Fundamentals: everything that a person involved in bodybuilding or fitness MUST know about nutrition. You will know exactly what’s in the food your eating!
A Virtual Cooking Class: learn how to read a recipe, the different cutting techniques and cooking methods, completed with the Anabolic Cooking Glossary. All you need to know to get started cooking will be covered from A to Z!
How to prepare ALL your meals for the week in less than 3 hours!

My Best Post-Workout nutrition secrets and tactics to optimize your results as well as by best Post-Workout shake recipes
Money Saving Tips: Stop wasting your money! Learn all my tips and tricks about smart grocery shopping. I’m going to show you how to fit the food you need into your budget, and demonstrate that eating the right food is in reality way cheaper than pre-packaged meals and take out!
How to build your Anabolic Cooking Kitchen on a budget, and all the tools you will need to prepare your meals and become the best cook in the family!
How to manage your cheat meals and my action plan when you are eating out

Stop wasting your time listening to all the bodybuilding and fitness nutrition nonsense, instead get started today learning how to make your own mouth-watering meals that will once and for all give you the opportunity to stick to a nutrition plan specific to your goals and get finally the results and body you deserve!
Just listen to what others have to say about Anabolic Cooking:

"Having a book like Anabolic Cooking on hand makes it easy to maintain my physique all year long"

Martine Thebeau
When I started competing in figure, I was not very familiar with the kind of recipes that would add taste to my meals as I would simply cook as simple as I could; such as a plain chicken breasts and vegetables in the microwave, which became very boring after a while.
Then, I began to listen to Dave's tricks and advice in order to make my meal plan interesting, and now his tasty recipes are a must in my nutrition plan as it gives me something to look forward to during contest season. And, it's now easier to keep on track during the off season, I get less cravings for sweets and fast food meals and most importantly, I remain happy with my physique.
If you want to create your dream physique, it's very important to be on top of your nutrition. In my case I have to be very strict year long and having a book like Anabolic Cooking on hand makes it easy to maintain my physique all year long. No matter what your level of fitness is, this cookbook is a must-have if you are serious about your goals.
Martine Thebeau
National Level Figure Competitor, Canada

"From not being able to fallow a meal plan to Pro Fitness Model"

Honoré Levesque
Before I was able to reach the pro ranks in fitness modeling, I really got out of shape and I knew I needed serious help. My problem was that couldn't keep up with a fitness meal plan for more, than 2 or 3 weeks at a time, I was quickly getting bored and going back to my old habits. And, even though I was working out everyday, I couldn't see any real results.
Dave Ruel then introduced me to his nutrition philosophy, and I started using his recipes and meal plans. I got back in shape in no time and was able to start competing in fitness modeling Honoré Levesque, Before-Aftercompetitions. I couldn't believe how easy it was, I never felt like I was "dieting".
Honore Levesque
Pro Fitness Model

"I am using Dave's recipes in my restaurant"

Fabio Scichilone
Being the owner and chef of an Italian restaurant (Portofino Ristorante), I know all about good and tasty recipes. However, because I am also a competitive bodybuilder, my food choices are very specific...
When I first got my copy of the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook, I was so impressed with how good Dave Ruel's recipes were that I decided to use some of them in my restaurant. My customers love them and always come back. They know that they will be served a healthy meal every time.
Honestly, this cookbook is a masterpiece! Recipes are ridiculously easy to prepare and you'll be able to create gourmet meals in no time!
And personally, as a bodybuilder, this book allows me to stay ripped year-round and make incredible lean muscle gains
Dave, from one chef to another: Thank You !
Chef Fabio Scichilone
Bodybuilding Champion and Restaurant Owner, Moncton, Canada

"I am now saving money, time and getting great gains!"

Remi Robichaud
My diet was becoming boring and tasteless, until I picked up a copy of the book. Now, I can enjoy my food again. Thanks to Dave's tips and recipes, I am now saving money, time and getting great gains!
There is a reason this is considered the best cookbook for bodybuilding and Fitness of all time! This book made it so easy to get my diet on track and everyone know this is one of the most important parts of training.
This book should be part of everyone's muscle building and fat loss toolbox, period.
Remi Robichaud
New Brunswick, Canada

"If you want a ripped 6-pack, you have to eat the right food! And to make the right food tasty, you have Anabolic Cooking!"

Lucas Couturier
My dream was always to be a fitness model... I used to do some modeling, but I really wanted to combine it with my passion for fitness.
But, just like most people, my nutrition knowledge was poor and my cooking skills miserable. My diet was boring and to be honest, absolutely disgusting! So I decided it was time for me to change!
If you want a ripped 6-pack, diamond delts and big biceps, you have to eat the right food! And to make the right food tasty, you have the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook. I have learned so much with this book that I was able to transform my body completely, get that 6-pack and become a fitness model. And believe it or not that's now what I do full time!Lucas Couturier, Before-After
With his book, Dave Ruel changed my life, and he will change yours too!
Lucas Couturier
Ottawa, Ontario

"All these recipes look delicious, but I am way too busy and I don't have time to cook!"

I don't know how many times a day I hear this excuse...
The same excuse over and over again...
In this fast paced world we live in today, fathers and mothers no longer teach their children how to prepare their own foods - probably because they themselves do not know. People no longer want to take the time to learn to make and take pride in a meal they prepared themselves. Life has become so fast paced that we look for ready-made meals in a package. And as a whole, our nation is getting fatter and fatter and fatter.
Even so called “healthy meals” come ready made and microwaveable, with all that you need for a “low calorie” meal. As an added bonus, boxed meals are spiked with latest technological breakthroughs in preservatives and chemicals, so that the little box of frozen food can survive years in storage, until you buy and eat it. No wonder the number cancers constantly increase...
Is that what you want for your children? Is that what you want for YOURSELF?
Yes we live in a fast paced world, Yes being a parent, a businessman, or an athlete is time consuming... Are does valuable reasons to jeopardize your health? HELL NO!
Listen to what these users of the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook have to say and how this book made their lives easier, even with their hectic schedules:

"Anabolic Cooking has made it so easy for me to achieve my goals, to be healthy, and to set an example for my children"

Lisa Woolgar
As a single mom of two, a successful business owner, and fitness enthusiast (won the NLABBA figure competition for three years running), I found myself struggling to come up with a healthy variety for my meals and to stay on top of the "meal planning". Well, Dave just solved this problem for me and in fact I would like to say that a cookbook like this is long overdue and super exciting.
I now have the most valuable cookbook right at my fingertips. Anabolic Cooking has made it so easy for me to achieve my goals, to be healthy, and to set an example for my children. Lisa with her son and her daughter
We all need the tools to know how to eat well so we can live our best life. Having this cookbook with tons of super easy recipes, information and support is amazing. I'd sincerely like to thank Dave for this wealth of information and for making my life easier!

Lisa Woolgar
Grand-Falls, Newfoundland

"This book is perfect for our lifestyle as competitors and parents"

Adam & Sandrella
Being competitors in bodybuilding and fitness, but also new parents to a four month old, we often put our little girls' needs in front of ours. I stay home to take care of her while my husband goes to work. It's easy to neglect the basics, like healthy eating. Who has time to cook an elaborate meal?
That's why I like using recipes found in "Anabolic Cooking". Not only are these recipes awesome to get in great shape, but they are also healthy, easy to prepare mealAdam & Sandrella options for a busy mom like myself.

This book is perfect for our lifestyle as competitors and parents!
And with such a wide variety of meal ideas, my husband and I are excited to try out different recipes depending on what we are in the mood for. I hope you and your family enjoy this book as much as we do!
Sandrella Mohanna & Adam Aulenback
Bodybuilding & Figure Competitors, Halifax, Canada

If you’re a man, I know you want an impressive, ripped, muscular physique. If you’re a woman, you more than likely want to be toned, and get that fit body you always dreamed of. And, if you’re a parent, you want your family and yourself to be healthy and live for a long time in perfect health.
Anabolic Cooking will make it happen! I guarantee it will change your life. It will also help you reach your goals faster than any training program or any supplement available on the market! Period.
Well my friend, if you have read this far, then I know that you are serious about bodybuilding and fitness, that you know that if you want to get the results you are working so hard for that you have to start eating like you should!

Introducing the highly anticipated...

Anabolic Cooking

The Cookbook And Complete Nutrition Guide For Bodybuilding & Fitness

Here is was your getting:

Anabolic Cooking - The Cookbook

($147 Value) - This is the cookbook that will teach you how to make your own mouth-watering meals that will once and for all give you the opportunity to get the results and the body you deserve!

This book is packed with more than 200 "Anabolicious" recipes that are:

Absolutely Delicious
Designed to Enhance Muscle Building
Promoting Fat Foss
Healthy for you and all your family
Easy to make and that you can prepare in minutes
Anabolic Cooking will turn you into the cook you never thought you could be...Whether your goal is to build lean muscle mass, lose body fat, stay fit, perform better or simply be healthy, this cookbook is a must-have in your kitchen!

- Component 2 -

The Complete Nutrition & Cooking
Quickstart Guide

($57 Value) - The Complete Nutrition and Cooking Guide is loaded with precious information that you must know about bodybuilding and fitness and to master the art of cooking for real results.
It is called "Quick Start" because I wrote this book in a very simple manner and will allow you to get started in no time...
In the Complete Quick Start Guide, You will learn:

Exactly What's in your food and what to look for
The anabolic cooking and nutrition fundamentals
How to read a recipe, the different cutting techniques and cooking methods, completed with the Anabolic Cooking Glossary
How to prepare a week's worth of meals in 3 hours or less
The tactics and secrets of post-workout nutrition
My top money saving and grocery shopping tips
How to build your Anabolic Cooking Kitchen
How to manage your cheat meals effectively
Everything you need to know to be successful with your nutrition is covered in this book!

- Component 3 -

Anabolic Cooking Personalized Meal Plans
For Lean Muscle Mass Gains

($97 Value) - "Eat more,more and more!" I am sure you have heard it a thousand times before from your local gym "experts". But nobody has shown you exactly what to eat and in what amounts! And, in your efforts to build muscle, you just end up gaining body fat...
Now you don't have to worry that bulking up means eating fatty foods. Finally…no more guesswork. Just follow the plans and gain lean muscle mass!
I designed those meal plans using my advanced nutrient breakdown approach that will guarantee optimum muscle growth

- Component 4 -


Anabolic Cooking Personalized Meal Plans
For Optimum Fat Loss

($97 Value) - No more struggling with "counting calories" or guessing if you're eating correctly to lose body fat!

These complete "no-brainer" meal plans that tells you exactly what and when to eat to burn that stubborn body fat... all that backed up my best nutrient breakdown strategies for optimum fat loss.

And, the great thing is that you can choose from more than 200 recipes... I can guarantee you that it will be the best tasting "diet" you will ever come across!

Burning Fat can't get any easier than that!

- Component 5 -


Optimum Maximizer
Advanced Calorie Calculator

($37 Value) - Eating the right amount of calories and have the right nutrient breakdown is critical to achieve muscle mass gains or lose body fat.

That's why I have created this easy to use calculator. Just enter your details and my "Optimum Maximizer Calorie Calculator" will do the rest.

Calculating your resting metabolic rate, caloric cost of activity or thermic effect of food can be very confusing. I have programmed this calculator with very advanced formulas that I will give you the most precise results and numbers specific to you, your body and activity level.



But Wait! That's not all!

For a limited time, I am giving away those 4 exclusive Bonuses absolutely FREE!

Exclusive Free Bonus #1

Anabolicious Post Workout Shakes

($27 Value) - Your post-workout nutrition is extremely important. After you've finished working out, your body needs protein, carbohydrates, and various nutrients to replenish your energy and to begin repairs.
Those Anabolicious PWO Shake Recipes will provide your body all the precious nutrients you need while tasting great.

Exclusive Free Bonus #2

The Ugly Truth About Supplements

($17 Value) - It's the ugly truth: most supplements don't work and are overhyped! But behind all the BS, there are some legit supplements that actually do work.
In this exclusive report you'll learn all the dirty tricks supplement companies use to steal your hard earned money. Also, I will give you access to my own supplements collection to see what supplement (even exact brands) I personally use to build more muscle mass, burn fat and stay healthy.

Exclusive Free Bonus #3

Anabolic Cooking Training
And Food Log

($17 Value) - It's a proven fact that keeping a journal and logging your experience with any nutrition plan and training program increases success rates and overall results exponentially. Literally everyone I know who has a made a dramatic change to their body has done this. This workbook makes the whole “recording” process easy with daily log sheets. A very valuable tool when it comes to getting the most out of your nutrition and training.

Exclusive Free Bonus #4

Unlimited Updates
For Life



($47/year Value) - You will never need to surf the internet ever again for tasty recipes. This is your last stop! Once you come on board I will be with you for the long term in continuing to make this cookbook and complete nutrition guide better even more complete and keep improving its content.

I'm dedicated to make sure you'll never be out of "Anabolicious" recipes and remain up to date! Whether updates are made in 6 months, a year of even 10 years from now… it's still free for you.

I am not even going to charge the original $97...

Today, you have the opportunity to get the entire 5-component & 4-bonuses package, valued at $543, at the seriously discounted price of:

$97 $47

Don’t rub your eyes; it’s not a typo.

It’s a real, heavily discounted rate only being offered for a limited time.

Click Here to Order the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook

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Simply put, I want to put this powerful information into your hands today at an extremely affordable price. To be frank, I could charge five times that amount and it’d still be an incredible value, but I’m not going to do that—at least not today.

And when I said "I GUARANTEE it will change your life", I honestly meant it...

Listen, I know firsthand just how much of an impact this book is going to have on your body and your life once you make that decisive first move to take action.

That’s why when you act today I want to make that decision extremely easy for you by extending to you my Iron-clad, No-questions-asked, 60-day Money-back Guarantee!

That’s right, I’m giving you a full eight weeks to evaluate the entire cookbook, and if for any reason you don’t believe it’s the best bodybuilding & fitness cookbook you’ve ever come across, you pay nothing.

You see, I can make an over-the-top guarantee like this for one simple reason: I’ve researched it, I’ve tested it, and I’ve perfected it. I know you won't regret it... It changed my life, it changed dozens of other people's lives, and I know it will change yours!

Test it for yourself. Experience the results for yourself. And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund. That's as simple as that...

Now THAT is what I call a more-than-fair deal, wouldn’t you agree?

$97 $47

Click Here to Order the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook

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Don’t let another “excuse” stand in the way of you and the body you deserve. With this book, you can and will succeed!

You have the guarantee, you have the facts; the rest, as always, is up to you.

In heath, fitness, love of life and good food,

Dave Ruel, CFT, NWS

P.S. I want to give you a huge discount today, but you are the one that has to decide to take action. Right now, you can get the 5 component and the 4 exclusive bonuses at the LOWEST PRICE it will EVER ever be offered at by ordering right now.

P.P.S. Remember, with my Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee, I’m giving you 60 risk-free days to discover what countless others already have. Grab it RISK-FREE today.

P.P.P.S. If you don't think this is the best deal to be found ANYWHERE… check out what Shawn said… “Dave, you definitely need to charge more for this cookbook and nutrition guide. At first I almost didn't purchase it because it seemed "too" inexpensive. And, when I decided to get it, I was totally shocked of how REALLY inexpensive it was compared to the quality and the real value of this product (and all the other components too). Dave for thinking about us first Dave, and not about money! " --Shawn, NY, USA

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NOTE: Anabolic Cooking is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book, the components and all the exclusive bonuses onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.  



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