
wedding dance expert

wedding dance expert


You and your fiance are the stars of your wedding, 

so wouldn't you like to dance like stars?

Of course you would! After all, the minister performs the vows, but your chance to perform comes when that first dance is announced.  It's so important that you look and feel fabulous.

With all your friends and family looking on, the first dance is your chance to show everyone what a perfect couple you really are. (And I'll let you in on a secret right now: dancing is lovemaking, set to music. So making that first dance great is an awesome way to start your whole relationship off on the right foot!)

Dear Mary,
I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for adding so much to our wedding!   Learning to dance with you before our big day not only amazed our guests, but gave us a new, fun activity to do together for the rest of our lives.  I  think my husband was a little cautious to begin with, but after the first  lesson he realized how much he was enjoying himself.  I've always loved to  dance and am grateful to you for teaching us how to glide across the floor together!
Thanks again!

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!

When everyone asks, "Where did you find the time to learn to dance like that? "you don't have to admit that you learned a simple system, right in your own home.  They'll be so impressed, and I promise not to tell!

Let's face it: even if you could convince your fiance to go and take dance lessons, you don't have time for them. Luckily for you, you don't need them.

All you need to learn are a few (very!) simple elements that you can easily learn at home, and a way to combine them in a simple system that will have you looking fabulous, fast.

As a competitive dancer, I spent countless hours learning complex steps and patterns.

Hours in the studio? I've been there, done that. Ego-shattering coaches? I could tell you stories! And I've danced before panels of super-critical judges, all looking for the slightest mistake, so I know all about being anxious when it comes to dancing in public.

You know what made all that worthwhile?
Becoming confident in my abilities made performing incredibly fun and rewarding. Instead of worrying about performing, I lived for it.

As a professional dance instructor, I've taught hundreds of couples just like you to dance beautifully at their weddings. But the most important thing about my experience isn't what I've taught; it's what I've learned. And now I'm offering the most important things I've learned to you.

Within a few days of downloading my system, after a few short, easy practice sessions, you'll relish the chance to dance. You'll be confident, you'll be graceful, you'll be perfectly synchronized, and you'll know everything you need to know to dance like the perfect couple!

All you need to know, to dance like stars at your wedding, are a few simple principles of balance, posture, rhythm and movement that you can learn in a few minutes. Then, you'll combine these easy elements in a simple system.

You're probably going to video your dance and preserve it forever: all the more reason to make sure that in years to come, when you watch it, you think "Wow, we do look good." And by the way, I'd love to see your dance; Would you, could you, please send me a copy of your video so I can celebrate with you?

Everyone at the reception will be sure you had to memorize complicated step patterns. From the outside looking in, it will seem as though you must have studied for months to dance so effortlessly. Nope! It was easy. But you know what's even better? From the inside, it feels as good as it looks.

Listen to what some of my students have to say:


To follow my unique system, you need to be able to count to four.
Oh, I suppose I have to admit that you need a few other things.
Like, you need to want to connect-really connect-with your partner.
You need to want to express your love in a beautiful, physical way.
It helps if you want to have fun and turn each other on a bit, too.

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!


Step 1: Learn the underlying principles of graceful movement

Before you can dance with grace and poise, you need to be able to stand, breathe, and take a step with grace and poise. The good news is, I'll show you a few simple exercises that will allow you to do that within minutes of downloading my system. Not only will you look great dancing once you understand these principles, you'll look great everywhere else, too.

Frankly, I'm surprised how many people spend hundreds (even thousands!) of dollars on dance lessons but who never learn the basics. Lots of teachers go right into "teaching the steps" as though they were building a house with no foundation!

Step 2: Learning the box

Your wedding song is almost certainly a rhumba, a foxtrot or a waltz. (If you don't know which it is yet, don't worry, because when you download my system, you'll learn how to tell them apart in a few minutes. It could hardly be any easier, but it is: I'll also give you a list of the most popular "first dance" songs and break them out by type.)

No matter what style of dance your song calls for, it's based on a simple box step. If your fiance can walk down a sidewalk and step around a parking meter, he can lead you in a box step. Really, it's that easy. And after learning Step 1 (remember grace and poise) the simple box looks lovely. You and your fiance are already in "I didn't know you could dance" territory.

Step 3: Spicing it up

You can already dance, but why stop there? I'll show you how to gently rotate your box.

You'll also learn how to do an underarm turn--ladies, this is where your man shows you off! By now you'll have turned your handsome husband into a handsome dancing husband. For that, you deserve to strut! (It can be our little secret that, in dance, men have only two jobs: to support us, and make us look great. If only the rest of life was so simple!)

Step 4: Beginning and ending with a flourish

In the rush to plan and prepare, it's easy to lose track of the fact that your wedding is all about love. That first dance is your chance to really show what a perfectly matched, completely-in-love couple you are. Everyone will be watching you, so it's important that you walk on to the floor, and that your groom presents you, in a way that's graceful but commands attention.

And it's only natural to want to end with a flair. You'll learn a dramatic final dip that will convince everyone at the reception you've been practicing in secret for months. (How long does it really take? Oh, ten or fifteen minutes!)

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!

It's specifically geared for couples just like you.

check mark You'll get a concentrated video package that's comprised of 11 elements, each of which is just a few minutes long.
check mark Think of each one as an essential building block.
check mark Watch it, try it: They are easy to repeat and each one addsa new skill that can be learned in a just a few minutes.
check mark You'll also get an e-book that's full of useful tips and essential advice.
check mark All in all, it's everything you need to know to dance like a star--and nothing you don't need to know.
check mark I'll take you from the moment you step onto the dance floor until you hearthe surprised and enthusiastic applause of everyone at your reception.

first dance fabulous

You'll get all this for less than one private lesson!

Your complete First Dance Fabulous package costs only $67. That's all you need to dance beautifully at your wedding, for less than the cost of just getting started in a conventional dance studio. To say nothing of the fact that you'd probably waste as much time driving back and forth as you'd spend actually learning! And, with First Dance Fabulous, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Could you pay less for other video dance lessons? Sure you could. But no other product offers everything that First Dance Fabulous does. They don't give you a strong foundation in poise, posture, balance, and breathing. They don't show you how to use dance to enrich your entire relationship. And they don't offer a simple system that's easy to remember when you step onto the dance floor and all eyes are on you.

You know, almost all professional dance coaches charge less, per hour, than Mary does. When you hear the surprised and delighted applause of the audience at your reception, you'll know why.

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!

Click here to Download my First Dance Fabulous System Now! $67 "When can we start?"

Whenever you want, including right now, if you're in the mood. (And trust me, you'll be in the mood after the first practice session.) You don't have to make much time in this frenzied period of wedding planning. After a few practice sessions that are each just a few minutes long, you'll already look like you know what you're doing!

"Where can we practice?"

Anywhere! All it takes is a small room, so you can definitely do it at home.

That's great, because you can build your confidence in private-you (and more to the point, your fiance) don't have to worry about fumbling through a first lesson with experienced dancers all around you.

And you don't need to drive across town to a dance studio, either.

The couple that dances together stays together

Although it's really rewarding to dance beautifully at your wedding reception, it's even more rewarding to dance through life. Dancing well with your partner doesn't just make you look like the perfect couple; it helps you to be a better couple. You and your fiance will literally and figuratively connect as a couple--building physical skills and nonverbal communication skills that will last a lifetime.

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!



Thanks so much -- I wanted to make sure you were included on the memories as you really helped Casey and I not only with the dance but companionship as a whole. We really enjoyed working with you. By the way the dance went amazing...I was the one who got cold feet though and forgot what we were doing. No one knew but us and everyone was very impressed with our moves. The dance was perfectly us...fun and in love!

- Lindsey

I'm a little worried about what the rest of my industry - other professional dance teachers - will think about all of this...

After all, every year thousands of couples just like you spend millions of dollars at dance studios.

Now I'm offering a simple system that generates better results, faster
in the privacy of your own home.

Honestly, I'm not trying to put traditional dance studios out of business. There are lots of great dance teachers out there who are improving their students dancing and indeed their whole lives. In fact, if you decide that you want to go on learning at a dance studio, my system will provide a perfect foundation. You'll learn more, you'll learn quicker, and better!

How to talk to your fiance about learning to dance for your wedding

Guys are, well, guys. That means that there are plenty of perfectly great ones who think that they can't dance, and are equally sure that they won't like learning.

In order to convince them otherwise, you need to be convinced yourself--so let me start by promising you that if you and your fiance follow my simple system, you will look fffabulous dancing at your wedding, and you'll have fun learning my system, too. 

But how are you going to convince your fiance of that? Remember, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. So do not try to nag him into this.  Take the approach that you want to share something wonderful with him. 

First, remind him that you have your heart set on a traditional first dance where you and he are the focus of everyone's attention. He certainly doesn't want to embarrass himself, but rather than say, "I don't want you to make us look like a couple of dorks out there," tell him how much you would love it if the two of you looked great.

Make sure to tell him that you plan to work through my simple system together, in the privacy of your own home. And that it will just take a few sessions of a few minutes a day. Remember that he's a man, so you should use small words and short sentences, :-) and you should definitely not get into all the relationship benefits that also come with learning to dance together.

Tell him that he doesn't have to learn a lot of complicated steps. He knows from experience that complicated plays rarely work in big games. He'll like learning my system, a few simple elements, that he can just repeat until the music stops and the applause begins.

Tell him the truth: that if he does this with you, you'll both turn a potentially embarrassing moment into a moment of triumph. If he does this with you, you'll love him even more than you already do. Then pause, look him square in the eye and tell him," Dancing is hot."

Keep this in mind: Dancing is hot. So when you're practicing, make sure to communicate that to your partner. He may quickly find that he likes it as much as you do.

But maybe you don't even have to talk him into it: Girl, it's easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, so you can download my system right now and invite your fiance over for that first fun, easy practice session.

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!

  Hi Mary:

Just wanted you to know that our wedding was wonderful and our dance, as you can see from the pictures, was a huge success. Everyone had fun along with us.  I have to say it was the best night of my life and we are very happy to be married. Thanks so much for your help.

Take care!
Do you know how to dance already? Are you planning on teaching your fiance yourself?
Click here to Download myFirst Dance FabulousSystem Now!!$67 

In my years as a professional dance teacher, I'vetaught many couples in which one partner was already an accomplished dancer and the other was a beginner. Depending on the exact nature of your relationship, it can be hard to teach your future life partner, because advice and coaching can sometimes seem like personal criticism.

That doesn't mean you can't teach your fiance. It just means that an outside expert (like me!) can smooth things over. ("Honey, it's not me telling you that you have to take that step with your outside foot, it's the way it's done--watch Mary on the video.")

And if you do want to teach him (after all, you're  going to teach him other things, like how to sort laundry into darks and lights)  my system breaks everything he needs to know into easy-to-learn elements, and one equally simple pattern.  My course can be your perfect curriculum.

It's not just a video. There's a great e-book, too.

You'll also download an e-book that is a complete manual in itself. The e-book expands on the video lessons and is packed with other great advice on everything from picking your special song to choosing your dancing shoes.

A word to the guys:

I know it's traditionally the bride who wants to look beautiful for her first dance and (warning: sweeping generalization ahead) that the groom's desire to dance ranges from "couldn't care less" to "violently opposed". If you fall anywhere in this range, then you are not alone...but I can help.

Gentlemen, let me just say this: I know you don't want to look like a fool. I don't blame you. But if you don't dance at all, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. It's the shining moment when you get to make your bride's dream come true. For you, it's a dance; from her  perspective, she's being whisked around the dance floor by her knight in shining armor.

Not only that, when you apply the simple, easy system that I've laid out for you in this video, you'll see that dancing is actually easier than, say, throwing a decent spiral (and way easier than playing a fairway wood!)
The best part will come at the reception... Picture all your friends, watching with their wives and girlfriends. Now imagine all those women elbowing those guys and whispering, "Why can't you dance like that?...Not that your friends will actually admit you made them jealous--we both know they won't, but their bruised ribs will tell the tale! 

Seriously, everyone's afraid of embarrassing themselves.  You know, they say that most people are more afraid of speaking in public than they are of dying! Well, that's probably true, but the same can be said of dancing, so don't feel bad.

Let's just think about this for a moment: What you're afraid of is looking foolish, right? So we know that you do care what other people think. That's why, when you're confident in your abilities and sure that your audience will be impressed, that fear will turn into triumph. You'll actually want to have center stage.

And wonderful things happen when you learn a few basic moves. You not only win over the entire audience, your bride, her parents and even your boss; you win out over fear. As crazy as it sounds, you may just bust through barriers in other areas of your life. Most importantly, you'll find that dancing with your bride sets the tone for your whole life together.

The more you're "not the type" to dance, the more your fiance will love you for doing it! You can only win. So go ahead and say, "yes" to her; after all, she said "yes" to you.

You can have the beautiful wedding dance you dream of. All you have to do is take this first step.  

I'm ready to start learning right now Mary, take me to the videos!

By clicking on the button below, you'll be taken to a secure order page at "Clickbank". Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Your order information is kept completely confidential.

Your order is verified almost instantly. You'll be taken to a secure portion on weddingdanceexpert.com where you can download your video and e-book. The videos can be streamed right from our site, and you can download your copy straight to your computer by clicking the "download" link in the video screen. The videos will play with Real player or Windows Media player. IMPORTANT: This is downloadable video instruction so you can get started right away....you will not have to wait to be mailed a DVD. The e-book is PDF format.  (If you need a word version, you can email us!)

Ordering takes just a few minutes and if you've got a fast connection you can start learning right away. Remember Step 1? Grace and poise! After a few minutes training you'll feel the difference and your friends will see the difference.

The more time you have, and the more you practice, the better you'll get. But really, if you've got even fifteen minutes a day for a week, you'll look fabulous.

I'm so sure that you'll have a beautiful wedding dance, that if you don't I'll give you your money back.

I know that if you follow my simple system, and practice even a few minutes a day for a few days, you'll be able to dance beautifully at your wedding. That's why it doesn't take much courage on my part to offer you this simple guarantee: If you follow my advice and you don't have a beautiful wedding dance, I'll give you your money back. In fact, if you follow my advice and feel that it's not working for you, I'll refund your money even before your wedding!
Just click on the button below, and you and your fiance will be the stars of your own wedding. It's way easier than you think (and way, way easier than your fiance thinks!) But like anything in life, practice makes perfect. So the sooner you start, the better you'll look. Start right now!

You can shop with confidence, Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Once your payment has been verified, you'll be taken directly to the video access page. And should you not be happy, ClickBank offers an 8 week money back guarantee from the date of purchase.

 Click here to Download my First Dance FabulousSystem Now!!$67
I love teaching people to dance.

Thanks to my simple system, you don't ever have to memorize complicated steps.

But you do have to take the first step.

I can't wait to hear from you. And congratulations on your engagement!


Mary Pinizzotto
The Wedding Dance Expert
PS... What if you don't download my simple system? You can muddle through your "first dance"...no one's going to laugh or point. But it's not about what will happen; it's about what won't. You won't show all your friends and relatives what a perfectly in tune, completely-in-love couple you are. And you'll never have a second chance for your fabulous first dance.

You know, dancing doesn't have to be hard, but it still takes some technique and practice to look great. No one can just do ballroom. So what are your alternatives? Well, with a little research, and by checking a few references, you'll almost certainly be able to find a good teacher.

Maybe you can drop in on a few classes to find a teacher you like and trust. Or pay from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars on private coaching. But no matter who else you hire, you won't learn my simple system...and with all the stress and distraction of planning your wedding, simple is good!



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