
10 Ways How to Quickly Create a Unique Selling Proposition, or USP

10 Ways How to Quickly Create a Unique Selling Proposition, or USP

Attention: Professionals Who Need to Quickly Increase Their Sales and Profits ....

Who Else Wants to Create a Sure Fire Unique Selling Proposition in 77 Minutes or Less, Capture the Attention of More Customers Than They Can Possibly Count, and then sell, Sell, SELL in RECORD Time ... All Because of Just a Few Specially Chosen Sales Seductive Words and Phrases?  


From: Bill Bodri
New York, New York
March 5, 2010 Dear Business Builder ,

   The business world is fierce. Only the strongest survive. In this dog-eat-dog world, at times you can even feel your competition's breath at the back of your neck. You need all the help you can get and every advantage possible to make your life easier.

     Your competition is probably a nuisance. They steal away your customers and clients. They are a constant hassle that burns at your belly and grinds you down, endlessly torturing you with worries that keep you awake at night. You are always having to plan your next strategy to increase sales and fight them off, and it's wearing you down. They are an absolute pain in the as* that costs you time, energy, sales, and money and you wish there was something you could do about it ...

     Something final, something GRAND, something ULTIMATELY POWERFUL and competitively CRUSHING that would bring you to an entirely different level of operations where you weren't competing with anyone any more, could PAUSE to take a breather for a change, take a VACATION every once in a while and start floating through life with more CASH and enjoyable flow.

     You know that because of competition your business is at stake. Your livelihood is at stake, too, ... your health is at stake and your peace of mind needs a booster. There are loans to be paid, suppliers to placate, employees need to be told what to do, stress has got to be gotten rid of and your customers need to be convinced to stay with you rather than buy what they want elsewhere. You're tired of hearing clients ask for lower prices when you are already doing the best you can and FRANKLY, you know that lower prices aren't going to solve your problems.

     You need that ANSWER.

"'Four Letter Words' Ain't Gonna Win You No Business Because What You Really Need Is This 'Three Letter Word' (the USP) That Will Have You Laughing All the Way to the Bank"

    Like all businesses, you want a steadier stream of customers, better CASH FLOW and more profits but you know that even if you service your customers better than your competition, if you don't find a special NICHE and perfect your message and get it out there then you won't be around for long.

     The problem is, no one is hearing your message as is, and it might not be the right one in the first place. You need a way to both find your market niche and come up with the optimal message of unique selling points that will maximize your profits.

     Today it's not the business with the best product or service that WINS, but the business with the best marketing that wins. You need to develop a specialized reputation to bring in the customers and cash like clockwork. So what are you going to do about it? How are you going to FIGHT BACK and claim those customers and an easier life that's due you? How can you make your advertising cut through all the chatter?

     You need a way to find a highly profitable competitive market niche and claim "top of the mind" awareness for all those potential customers out there, because you want them to think of you FIRST.

     You need a way that you become KNOWN as the only logical, rational, viable choice for supplying your type of goods and services.

     You need some way that buys you higher prices and profits without any customer objections.

     You need a way to get customers EXCITED about buying from you and forgetful of your competition, something that will weld them to you with a loyalty that cannot be broken.

     What you need, my business friend, is a UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION, a USP.

"I finally quit the corporate world. ... Your USP Manual did it."

"I finally quit the corporate world. Something I've wanted to do for the last three years and it never came due to one reason or another. Your USP Manual did it. I did not expect that finding my USP is the main key to bring clarity and courage. I told my boss yesterday about quitting; he agreed and offered to retain me as a consultant! It could easily mean that I work less and make more and have more time. The funny thing is that I knew of my uniqueness all along but never took it seriously. Professional advertising friends told me and we joked about it. But it passed me until I sat down and do the 10 exercises listed. The exercises need to be done, but your pre and post-treatment of the exercises is what I cherished most. All of your work is great but this book can really serve everybody...Thank you so much."

Jok-keng Lee
Environmental Consulting

Click Here to Get Your Own Unique Selling Proposition Manual!

"I highly recommend this ... to anyone interested in growing their business."

"Over the past 20 years I have had the good fortune to work with the greatest marketing minds and top copywriters in the world, including Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, John Carlton, Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer. I just finished reading John Carlton's latest newsletter that focused on creating a USP. That sparked my curiosity and I searched the internet for more information. As luck would have it, I found William Bodri's E-book on how to create a Million Dollar USP. I read the book from cover to cover that day I got it. It packs more useful and practical information, in its 176 pages, than any other books I've read that focus on creating a USP. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in growing their business and reaping the rewards that come with creating a powerful USP."

Sam Fishbein
Kacey Fine Furniture
900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Denver, Colorado 80223

Click Here to Get Your Own Unique Selling Proposition Manual!

"Your Unique Selling Proposition is Like A Maverick 'Pick-Up Line' That Will Have Customers Flocking to You Rather Than Competitors"

A USP is a marketing concept invented by Rosser Reeves in the 1960's. Reeves, who wrote Reality in Advertising, came to the conclusion that the only way to make customers come to you was to create an advertising message about your product that contained the following three characteristics:

1. Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer. Not just words, not just product puffery, not just show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: "Buy this product, and you will get this specific benefit."
2. The proposition must be one that the competitor either cannot, or does not offer. It must be unique--either a uniqueness of the brand or a claim not otherwise made in that particular field of advertising.
3. The proposition must be so strong that it can move the mass millions, i.e. pull over new customers to your product.

     Reeves used this idea to create unique selling propositions for many consumer products such as Anacin ("The pain relievers doctors recommend most"), M&M candies ("They melt in your mouth, not in your hands"), Colgate ("Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth"), and Wonder Bread ("Helps build bodies in eight ways"). With the USP, he built those products and companies into billion dollar giants.

     The strategy of creating and then sticking to a USP is as powerful today as it was then, and is still used by savvy marketers to build million dollar and billion dollar firms. If you have the right type of USP for your product or service, that type of outcome is not out of reach.

     Since that time, the idea of the USP, also known as a unique buying advantage, has slowly expanded beyond its original bounds. Borrowing some of the findings of Doug Hall, we now also know that successful USPs should have the following characteristics:

  • A Big, Overt Promise of BENEFITS for customers who buy the product or service
  • A REAL REASON to BELIEVE that the benefits claim is credible and that customers can TRUST that those promised benefits will actually be delivered
  • A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE to those promised benefits that makes the offering unique and distinguishes the product or service apart from its competitors
  • It should be short, simple, memorable, attention getting, persuasive, motivating and compelling just by its WORDING alone
  • The USP should be an ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE idea that can sustain a business for at least 5 years or more
  • It should absolutely penetrate the business, by operational design and outward appearance, to lend overall guidance to the idea of customer service and managerial alignment throughout a firm

   Federal Express created one of the most famous USPs of all times when it said: "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight." When Fred Smith founded Federal Express, there was no such thing as an airfreight package delivery service that could reliably deliver packages overnight in a consistent fashion. Everyone knows FedEx now, but the business of Federal Express is not so much the package delivery business as it is the business of delivering peace of mind. FedEx's customers fear late delivery, so FedEx composed a unique selling proposition that focused on delivering the peace of mind that the package would get there on time.

     FedEx grew into the international, multibillion dollar giant it is today because of both its business design and its simple USP that it trumpeted over and over again in its advertising: "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight." FedEx so organized its business structure and strategies, hiring, training, tracking capabilities, management rewards, uniforms, corporate communications, delivery methods and facilities ALL around the single promise of making overnight deliveries without fail. FedEx became focused on delivering upon that USP which they had determined was the most attractive one for the package delivery market. FedEx is organized (aligned) around that promised benefit.

     Anyone can readily recognize that this USP promises the benefit of overnight delivery for customers. But the real genius of this USP escapes most people, which is the fact that it subtly offers a real credibility for that promise through the words, "positively, absolutely." Without those words, Federal Express's service promise would lose its punch and believability. Those two words telegraph that this company means what it says … it means business … you WILL get your package delivered tomorrow.

     Domino's Pizza, on the other hand, also grew into a super successful national franchise -- despite having literally thousands of local competitors all across the country - largely because of a simple business model and a simple USP that also greatly differentiated it from all its competitors. Domino's promised the pizza customer an experience that was rare in the pizza home delivery market. Its USP was "Hot, fresh pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed."

     Let's say that one again: "Hot, fresh pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed." Very unique selling points.

     Before Dominos Pizza, your chances of ordering and then promptly receiving a "fresh and hot" pizza were "slim to none" since it usually arrived cold, late, and sticking to the top of its box. Definitely there was room for better pizza service. Dominos knew this, so they came out with their famous unique selling proposition - a true customer buying advantage - and they went national by sticking to their word. If you didn't get your hot pizza on time, you didn't have to pay and so the company organized itself around the promise of fast delivery.

     Because most people already knew what pizza tasted like, Dominos didn't promise a tasty pizza or lots of tomato sauce or extra toppings. Dominos stuck to impressing you with one major promise … fast, reliable delivery of a hot pizza.

     What was the believability factor to get over the pizza credibility hump? To make its USP believable and entice customers to give them a try, Dominos offered a guarantee. They promised that if your pizza didn't arrive at your door within 30 minutes, you'd get it for free. That one factor differentiated it from everyone else and enabled it to cream all its competition. Other pizza companies now focus on different USPs (Papa John's trumpets, "Better ingredients, better pizza) while Little Caesars promises two pizzas for the price of one), but you can see how powerful a simple idea can be in creating billion dollar monsters. Yes, USPs can take you to become a millionaire and then billionaire, if you hit it right!

"In Less than 2 Hours With Something to Write On and Scratch With, You Can Sculpt A 30-second Killer USP That Will Literally Hypnotize Your Prospects Into Buying From You and Enslave a Generation of Customers for Life. Your Competition Will Think You Have Mastered Mind Control!"

    Countless successful large and small businesses, products and services have USPs. It is a critical factor in your ability to compete, survive and THRIVE in business. A well known USP is the key to unlocking your business success, gaining the very maximum profits, trouncing your competition and separating you from the me-too pack. The question is, how do you ACTUALLY come up with a USP that will do this? How do you actually come up with the words like chocolate that will naturally please, entice and SELL?

     In How to Write A Million Dollar USP, you will not learn just one but 10 different ways to come up with a USP. I'm not talking about ten ways such as offering a better guarantee, 24-hour service, larger customer selection ... qualities like that which will set you apart. You'll get a complete list of over four dozen possibilities like that which you can incorporate into your USP, and will see how they can be immediately applied to your business. Those are just components or parts of your USP, but not the way to come up with your USP in the first place.

     No, what I'm talking about is the HARDEST part of all in determining a USP -- the very questions you must ask yourself to find out WHAT BENEFITS you should promise to your customers, HOW to dramatically differentiate yourself from your competitors offering other benefits, how to establish the REASONS WHY customers should believe you and take the risk of buying, and how to position yourself to make them act FAST.

     You'll discover 10 simple ways to discover your USP in HOURS without suffering the pain of weeks of searching that cost you heartache and money, and you'll learn how to use your new USP to align your business for maximum success. Following my questions, in some cases you can come up with your USP in less than a hour.

     I'm so confident that ALL the information in this book is valuable that I'm not afraid to reveal one or two methods because there's so much more inside. For instance, one of those 10 ways to create a USP is by coming up with a well crafted answer to the following question: "Why should I choose to do business with you versus every other competitive option available, including doing nothing at all or whatever I am doing now?"

     Another way is to simply make a competitive comparison with others in your industry and find out what you can offer, that they cannot possibly offer, that will make a real and significant difference in the lives of your customers. But there's a secret as to how you should make this comparison right so that what you come up with is actually relevant to your customers. There are certain NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) phrases you must even ask customers to poll them about what you're planning on doing. Without this information, you're as good as dead with this approach.

     There are yet 8 other more powerful ways -- 10 in all and more than any other marketing consultant has ever collected together in one place -- for drafting a USP that can set your business on FIRE, so by the time you have gone through these ten methods you will not only have a killer USP that will skyrocket your sales and make you the supplier, vendor or business of choice, but you'll know how to use your new USP in all your sales and advertising copy.

     That's right, because the How to Write a Million Dollar USP Manual teaches you how to "upword" your advertising copy and sales literature with the nuclear power of your USP and emotional voltage that creates a ravenous hunger for your product so that customers cannot help but buy.

     Here's the real kicker. You'll also learn how to use that USP, or how to create a new one, to forge a personal Brand Image like an Oprah, Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Zig Ziglar, Tom Peters, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins or Johnny Carson. You'll learn how to use it to create a signature file for your emails that brings in business automatically without asking, how to change your letterhead, how to alter your business card, how to change the decor of your office, how to align your company with image coherence and operational compliance, and how to craft a 15- or 30-second "elevator speech" that naturally sucks in new customers and professional referrals without having to waste time in endless fruitless networking activities.

"If I cannot craft a compelling USP for my business after working through your book with the detailed analysis of both techniques + examples of USPs, then I need to follow Dan Kennedy's advice, and lie on my bed at night and stare at the ceiling in terror!"

"I have to confess being a little concerned at paying ... for a book on USPs - a concept that some people describe in a singe page web article. It was only my desperation to find a comprehensive way to define a USP that will transform my company from a struggling existence to a valuable asset that persuaded me to buy the product.

"I am very impressed - especially as your full page width, single-spaced line 176 page content contrasts with so many $49/$97 60 page content books disguised as 130 pages through 'generous' use of white space / notes columns / and other tricks. It is obviously not bulk that counts - but the content - and once again I am impressed - your research / references to other sources is very comprehensive and useful.

"If I cannot craft a compelling USP for my business after working through your book with the detailed analysis of both techniques + examples of USPs, then I need to follow Dan Kennedy's advice, and lie on my bed at night and stare at the ceiling in terror!"

Jeff Walters
Managing Director
IntelliNova (Pty) Ltd.

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"It's one of those products that (should) have a sub-title: when you are SERIOUS about getting your USP right..."

"I often (usually) come across materials that have a high fluff:content ratio I like your USP "manual" as being in-depth by contrast. So far, it is the most definitive document on the USP I've seen. You live up to your mission in the first few pages. It's one of those products that (should) have a sub-title: when you are SERIOUS about getting your USP right..."

Jeff Pallister
Pallister Management Consultants
Calgary, Canada

Click Here to Get Your Own Unique Selling Proposition Manual! 

"No Business is Too Old, Too Ordinary, Too Established, Too Non-descript, Too Lethargic or Too 'Out of Steam' to Draw Life From The New and Amazing 'Million Dollar USP Maker Manual'"

   Some people claim that there is nothing special about their business and therefore it's impossible to find any unique advantage they can promote in their ads and marketing.

     In "How to Write A Million Dollar USP," as one of the 10 ways you'll also learn how to kick your business into a new orbit and clearly distinguish from the other "me too's" and "we also do that's" when you really do only have a generic business. You'll learn how to create the perception of distinction through 3 "preemptive marketing" strategies. Preemptive marketing is the activity of telling customers about all the pains and troubles you take on their behalf even though your competitors take them as well. You'll learn how to say things first, how to establish a product or business name that increases sales, and how to emphasize the fact that in buying from you, YOU become part of the package customers get.

     In "How to Write A Million Dollar USP," you'll learn how to establish a marketing niche and thereby CHARGE A PREMIUM PRICE for your product or service through 6 different ways that use the power of your USP to put an end lower price negotiations forever. With a USP, you'll actually be able to get a higher price for your services, and will be able to position yourself so that you rest secure during normal business downturns while your competition struggles.

     You'll learn why you should never build a business based upon the lowest price USP, and how this strategy may last for awhile but will ultimately doom you to failure.

     You'll learn how to UNFAILINGLY uncover the true benefit customers want -- with 100% accuracy -- that attracts them to YOU like bees to honey, and what HOT BUTTON will make you distinctly, uniquely and dramatically different from everyone else so that you're the first person customers turn to when needing your product or service.

     You'll learn how to focus your USP with laserlike precision on a target market or niche, and why you're wasting your money if you're trying to be all things to all people, which is the conventional road to ruin. You'll learn how to carve out a marketing niche and how to dominate that niche through a consistently promoted message that penetrates customer minds and blows away lingering sales resistance like a wave of B-52 bombs pummeling down an obstruction.

     You'll learn how to grab attention in an EXCITING way, and 16 ways to incorporate emotional voltage and use ACTION verbs in your advertising copy to inflame customer INTEREST and compel them to ACT FAST.

     You'll learn Ries and Trout's famous 9 different strategies for differentiating a company, product or service with superior positioning and 5 ways you can even turn an ordinary commodity, like bananas, into a BRAND.

     You'll learn 32 little known ways to establish believable proof, credibility and trustworthiness for your claims -- SECRETS the highest paid copywriters keep to themselves -- so that at a moment's notice customers consistently judge you worth the risk of a trial purchase. And you'll learn 10 words you must absolutely avoid in any marketing campaigns or USP formulations, or you'll have defeated all your work.

     You'll learn specific strategies for how to pull first time customers over their pre-purchase jitters so that they end up becoming the low cost, loyal customers who keep buying from you again and again.

     You'll learn 14 "believable reasons" you can advertise for holding a sale that will have customers rushing through your doors, because without a reason for your sale, your results will usually remain lackluster.

     You'll learn of 224 different "marketing weapons" or strategies you can use for getting your USP into the minds of your customers (radio ads, gifts, ezines, videotapes, etc.).

     Not only this, but we'll analyze step-by-step the USP of many famous brand name companies, products and services to show you how these lessons apply. Then we'll dissect the USPs of famous service professionals, and then study dozens of examples on how to create a USP for your own situation.

     Whether you are an Internet Marketer * Pizza Parlor * Webmaster * Franchisor * Restaurant * Auto Detailer * Tailor * Photographer * Coffee Shop Owner * Beauty Salon * Auto/Truck Leasing Agent * Bank Executive * Doctor * Plumber * Builder * Real Estate Broker * Flower Shop Owner * Business Consultant * Commercial Real Estate Agent * Landscaper * Commercial Tenant Rep * Advertising Agency * Architect * Contractor * Courier * Dentist * Florist * Dry Cleaner * Wholesaler * Bookstore * Bakery * Printing Shop * Chiropractor * Funeral Director * Travel Agency * Coin Dealer * Fitness Club * Health Club/Personal Trainer * Accountant * Interior Decorator * Software Programmer or Publisher * Grocery Store * Engineering Contractor * Insurance Salesman * Financial Planner * Radio Host * Heating and Air Conditioning Specialist * Private Investigator * Tanning Salon * Hotel * Astrologer * Interior/Exterior Painter * Office Equipment Company * International Trade Consultant * Limousine Driver * Physician * Internet Marketer * Office Supply Store * Jeweler * Executive Coach * Marketer * Job Seeker * Pet Shop * Lawyer * Pharmacist * Retailer * Clothier * Auto Dealer * Meeting Planner * Nutritionist * Plumber * Warehouse Storage Facility * Publisher * Carpet Cleaner * Officer Supplier * Nursing Home * Phone System Supplier/Integrator * Printer/Broker * Property Manager * Residential/Commercial Landscaper * Gardener * Motivational Speaker * Retail Business Owner * Service Business Owner * Dancing Studio * Venture Capitalist * Business Coach or Broker and MORE ... you'll find countless examples of USPs to study and model.

     Don't look for your specific business or profession on the list -- Everyone can benefit! These are just randomly selected examples of the types of businesses and professions that greatly benefit from niche marketing and finding a USP. No matter what your profession or business, you can benefit too because having a USP and marketing niche is the core of establishing a competitive advantage.

     As I write this I just got off the phone with Carl Turner, famous marketing consultant Jay Abraham's chief lieutenant, who told me that the most difficult and critical step in order to help ANY BUSINESS with their marketing was to first come up with a unique selling proposition. Without a USP, he said, none of the other marketing strategies would seem to work! You've got to get your USP down first, and yet people don't want to do it because they find it troublesome or just don't know how.

     So you can end up spending your money on a $25,000 seminar, $10,000 boot camp, $5,000 conference, $1,500 set of training CDs, $ 700 piece of software, or $500 doodad whatchamacallit (we've all been there) but they won't work or give you with even a fraction of their value if you don't come up with a sweet spot USP.

     In the "How to Write a Million Dollar USP," we'll hold your hand and go step by step through ten different ways to arrive at your USP, which some people even complete in less than an hour, and we'll have you ready for a brand new business turnaround on Monday morning! Yes, you have to use your brain cells a bit in answering some questions, but in answering those questions you WILL come up with a USP. The key is what you ask and in what way to ferret out the exact words and principles important to your customers. That's the basis of you unique selling proposition.

"The 'Million Dollar USP Maker Manual' Is Exactly What It Says It Is, Not Some 'Hot Words' Fodder From an 'eBook Mill.' Think For A Moment! ...
If A Unique Selling Proposition Has Produced Billion Dollar Results For Some ... What Is the Least It Can Do For You? Just Formulating It Into an 'Elevator Speech' Alone Can Win You the New Sales and Clients You Want "

   This is the most complete, authoritative, comprehensive and moneymaking book on how to create a USP that you'll ever find. With the right USP, it is no exaggeration that you can become a millionaire by finding that "sweet spot" that literally forces customers to buy from YOU, so that you can sit back and start selling without seeming to do any work at all.

     In "How to Write a Million Dollar USP" you'll also learn how to use your USP to motivate your staff, set standards and acceptable conduct, align your company's operations and establish operational and "image coherence" throughout all your offices and facilities. A powerful USP that hits home can become your very reason for being, your purpose for existence, your motivational impulse and the yardstick by which your company and its employees will be measured. Crafting a powerful USP can not only turn around your personal fortunes by doubling or tripling your sales, but insure your company's survival.

     Not only can you use a USP to mop up your competition, but you can use it to create a leaner, meaner, more efficient, more motivated, more exciting, more profitable ... basically a HIGHER AND BETTER business. In fact, if you create your USP in the right way I'll show you, you won't ever be competing against another product, service, business or person again but will only be competing against yourself. You can use it to "kick it up a notch" so that in your NEW POSITION, you're the only one around.

     Sound good? It should.

     All marketing consultants will agree that coming up with a powerful USP is one of the first and foremost "Top 5" painless actions you can possibly do to TURN your business into a MARKETING SUPERSTAR and give yourself the ultimate unfair competitive advantage. With the right product, business and procedures behind it, it can make people absolute millionaires.

     Remember, not only are you going to learn how to create a USP that can bring to life your wildest entrepreneurial dreams, but in "How to Write a Million Dollar USP" you will learn how to create a personal USP and personal brand image, an elevator speech, a sig file and an alignment and measuring mechanism that will help you manage your business.

     As a New York marketing consultant I usually charge $500 per hour to develop USPs for website owners, businesses, service professionals, products and services, but my time is limited. Now you can get all my inside information, all my strategies and all my experience at a fraction of the cost .

"I got my payback immediately, and who knows what the final multiple will be."

"Not only did I find 2-3 ways to sharpen my USP from your manual, but I found some copywriting tricks that I immediately applied to my website to increase sales. You were not kidding when you said this would help any business and that it was worth potentially dozens of times more than the asking price. I got my payback immediately, and who knows what the final multiple will be. You have to be an idiot not to benefit from this material. There aren't just ten ways to write a USP (I liked the middle ones best) inside because you gave me a marketing goldmine of other materials as well. I'm ecstatic with what I'm going to be able to do with this stuff!"

Plato Rosinke
New York

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"This is a key resource I keep handy in my office"

“How To Write a Million Dollar USP is a great resource for professional marketing people, salespeople, entrepreneurs and business owners. In today’s competitive marketplace you’ve gotta have differentiation that builds value in the minds and hearts of your prospects – Bodri shows you how to position yourself, your message and your company for maximum value with a powerful USP. This is a key resource that I keep handy in my office and would recommend it to anyone who wants to know the ‘why to’ and the ‘how to’ about USPs.”

Ryan Pitz
Sales Trainer
The Brooks Group

Click Here to Get Your Own Unique Selling Proposition Manual!

"I have ... been applying the principle of offering unique service to my clients since reading the manual and if the unprecedented amount of work I have now is any indication (at a time when the building and landscaping industries are generally said to be slowing down in Australia) then the principle is certainly working."

"I am sending you this flyer, which I recently designed after reading your USP Manual. I have tried to apply the principles of a unique selling proposition as I understood you to have explained them. I may have failed in the area of simplicity. ( I am sending it not to ask for a critique as I know you are busy but simply to demonstrate that I have tried to put into practice what you have taught. If you wish to comment of course it would be welcome). I haven't, however, been able to gauge the success of the flyers yet as I simply haven't had time to organize delivery of them because of being so exceptionally busy. I think the ideas set out in the USP manual have great potential for my business, and they seem very logical and pragmatic, and I am looking forward to putting them to the test of further practice. I have also been applying the principle of offering unique service to my clients since reading the manual and if the unprecedented amount of work I have now is any indication ( at a time when the building and landscaping industries are generally said to be slowing down in Australia) then the principle is certainly working."

John Story
Timeless Landscapes, Australia

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“No-Kidding and No Tricks: This 'Million Dollar USP Maker Manual' Comes With A Call-Them-Like-You-See-Them 100% Satisfaction Guarantee”

Your success in using these powerful Unique Selling Proposition secrets is unconditionally guaranteed. Here’s my 100% iron-clad, bulletproof, no quibbles, no hassles, no problems, money-back guarantee offer:

“Read My Simple 100% No Excuses Money Back Guarantee”

How sure am I that my USP manual will work for you ? Simply fill out the form below and grab your own copy right now. Skip all the reading and just dive on in to exercises 3, 4 and 5 to get a quick grasp of your best possible USP in minutes, and you'll instantly see if it’s the miracle we say it is.

I personally guarantee that if you order this easy-to-use USP creation manual, and go through the exercises, you can’t help but have a USP in a little over one hours time, and will definitely profit by it.

If you are not 110% absolutely thrilled with your purchase, then I will refund your entire purchase price for a full two months, no questions asked, no hassles, no gimmicks, no stalling, no excuses.

That's how sure I am this will help you!

With the promise of a full refund if you’re unsatisfied, you have nothing to lose by trying the USP manual. Go ahead – grab your copy and create your USP today. 

Click Here to Get Your Own Unique Selling Proposition Manual!
Now, is that a great deal for the very one thing that can turn around your business and take sales to a whole new level, or what?

     That’s how confident I am that you will find not 5 or 10 or 15 useful pieces of information but dozens and dozens and dozens of nuggets of incredibly useful strategies, tips and pointers within this book for how to set you on the course that will make you a marketing tiger while your competitors remain mice. Just the 224 marketing weapons, 6 ways to charge premium prices, 14 believable reasons you are holding a sale, and 32 credibility factors you can advertise are alone worth ten times the investment in this manual!

     What am I saying?

     They're worth at least 100 times the price of the manual, MINIMUM, because they will bring in more sales IMMEDIATELY. Plus, you'll not only learn how to create a USP for a product, service or your business from this manual, but how to create one for yourself so that you can fashion a personal brand image.

     So, what have you got to lose? You can now try out the "How to Write a Million Dollar USP" manual yourself RISK FREE and see if it works for you. I'm so confident that this information will totally transform your business into a more profitable, more successful, more fist-over-fist cash-in-hand moneymaking machine, which is why I'm offering such a generous guarantee.

     There is no risk on your part at all. The risk is entirely mine.

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John Newtson
Washington, D.C. 

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