
Healing Meditation - Self Healing Meditation Techniques

Healing Meditation - Self Healing Meditation Techniques

After Thousand of Years kept as Secret . . . here's the greatest breakthrough in Energy Healing and Self Healing Meditation Techniques …

“Give Me 10 minutes a Day, I will Show You A New Instant Way To Heal Yourself and Completely Transform Your Life With Healing Meditation "

". . . And If You Don’t See A Dramatic Improvement On Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Life, You DON'T Pay A Cent”

From : Alex Lee
Date : Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Friend,

If you want to be able to meditate instantly with ease and heal yourself, then this is the most important website you'll ever read.

Here's Why.

alex lee photoMy name is Alex Lee, and let me tell you first, I once took aspirin at least three times a week. This was during my "good time" in my life as a Chief Financial Officer in a Multimedia Group Company.

It was the toughest time of my life, I was destroying my health, my career and my family. I was in a constant state of stress.

But these times also lead me to the discovery of an amazing Self Healing Meditation Technique and to the position where I am today - a Master Teacher, someone who knows how to help people enter the deepest states of meditation anywhere, anytime, as simple as you can snap your fingers.

It took me a few years and thousand of dollars to find a method that I can really use until I finally found this amazing, efective and unbelieably easy Self Healing Meditation technique .

Everything was supposed to be perfect, a good paying job, a great family, but something was definitely wrong. I was just restless, I could not sleep, I ate all the time, my mind was always working filling my head with negative thoughts that kept me from getting the relaxation I so desperately needed.

My health was deteriorating rapidly... I got headache almost every day. The worst part was that I was not only hurting myself, I was also hurting the people I cared about the most.

The horrifying thing is that - this is happening to more and more people everyday. Most people in my situation will go to a shrink and soon find themselves on psychiatric medications.

But I know there had to be better way...

This is when I decided to look for a spiritual path and learn Meditation...


For 3 Years I Tried so hard and Failed

I've read New Age, Meditation, Channelling, Psychic books-- you name it!

I've taken Classes and self-help workshops that cost me Thousands of dollars, constantly trying to find THE SECRET SOLUTION to successful meditation.

But none of the "best selling" methods helped... I needed something more powerful. If this sounds familiar to you, don't worry. You are not alone !

The fact is, if you have not enjoy the amazing benefits of meditation yet.

Don't Blame Yourself !

The problem is that 99% of the meditation methods available simply DO NOT FIT ordinary people like You and me.

Amazing Facts About Meditation, Relaxation and Self Healing...And why you shouldn't even think about trying to meditate until you read every single word below !


Most Meditation Techniques take long Months or even Years of training to learn and to successfully master. Most people usually give up and do not meditate at all even after spending hundreds of dollars and week or even months of "training". It's just simply to difficult to meditate


People who want to reduce stress, and heal themselves find it impossible to "clear" their heads from any negative thought and most of the time fail to enjoy the great benefits of meditation.


NOW there is a New Meditation Technique enables anybody to meditate like a Zen Master, without the years of training. This technique automatically makes your mind to relax and enter the deepest states of meditation instantly.

My team and I have helped over a thousand of people since 2001 with this Self Healing
Meditation Technique
(yes this Technique is easy and universal in their effectiveness).


Because It Realy, Really Works for Everybody...

It doesn't take weeks of boring impossible meditation sessions. And you don't have to pay someone to sit and guide you.

All You have to do is just sit down, relax and meditate as you wish and you're there ...you will be in a deepest state of meditation.

Using the once kept secret technique that has been practiced a few thousand years ago, the Divine Energy actually brings your mind into the deepest state of meditation you desire.

You won't need to concentrate, or chant, you won't need to imagine certain visualization, or sit on the floor in uncomfortable positions, this technique with its Divine Energy just do the work for you!

In fact, if you can spare 10 minutes, YES, 10 minutes of your time, I'll prove to you how well this works.

Because that is exactly the time you need every day to "heal" yourself. And when you do it, you'll be BLOWN AWAY with how easy it is to relax and meditate like a Zen Master.

Here's just some of what you can expect....

self healing meditation technique ebook cover

check Find yourself Calm, Relaxed, and Happy at all times

check Ability to go into deepest state of meditation - instantly !
check Clear you mind from negative thoughts

check Ability to heal Yourself and help heal others

check Simpler but more effective than Reiki
check Get rid of insomnia, stress and depression
check Create emotional stability, stop suffering from mood       swings.

This breakthrough Meditation Technique is guaranteed to eliminate the time it takes for you to enjoy the many benefits of meditation....as soon as you start meditate 10 minutes a day, you will achieve good health physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

I know that's a bold promise, and it might sound a little to good to be true.....but its true, and I can back up my every word.

Recent Studies Show Significant Benefits of Meditation

Here's PROOF That This Works!

I continually receive success stories from people like you who started using My Meditation Technique, and now are able to meditate like pros.

Here are a few of them:

Dear Alex, 

Right after receiving the attunement, I start seeing results that I never thought possible for me.
I can actually feel the energy moving around inside me. I started seeing auras a lot easier/clearer now.
This technique improves my Psychic abilities, which is something I've been trying to do for ages. Thank you very much Alex!

Sam Heath, United Kingdom

It's a great Meditation Technique and it really helps me to be more relax. I feel and look healthier, I am totally a new person now just by doing a 10 minutes a day routine. Amazing!

Diana Mills , USA

Alex, I doubted your meditation technique the first time I tried it, because it's just too simple. After I got the distant initiation from you personally and tried it, it really blew my mind. It really works! I got to the deepest meditation state in just a matter of seconds. I've never felt this good in my meditation before.

I got rid of my heartburn and digestion problem once and for all. Many thanks for this meditation technique.

Debby, USA

Meditation I used to know only calms me down, but your Divine Love & LightsTtechnique is really amazing.
Now, I could feel the energy flows out of my hand with warm tingling sensation and it goes through to all over my body when I'm doing 10 minutes Self Healing.
This is something that I've never felt before, even after Reiki attunements. Thanks

Tina Sie, Taiwan

If It Works For These People, It Will Definitely Work For You

The bottom line is this: My meditation technique is 100% guaranteed to work for you....just like it's worked for the other people who have successfully used these Meditation Technique before you.

And every day, more people just like you are giving it a try.....

check If you have read meditation books and had no result, this will definitely work for you.

If you've paid for different Meditation workshops before in the past and still have not got the results you wanted, then this is for you.
If you're just thinking about going into meditation and just want to make sure you start out on the right track, this is for you.

It does not matter how skillful you are in the art of meditation, it does not matter if you're looking to for a spiritual journey or just an easy way to relax, reduce stress and restructure your mind to higher levels of functioning, this stuff works for everybody.

You Get Results Fast, And You Enjoy the Process as well

Here's just a taste of the benefits you can gain by practicing techniques revealed in             Secret Of Meditation:

check Instantly Relax and Meditate anywhere, anytime you wish. There is no ritual or certain rules you have to follow .

Improve your health dramatically - physically, emotionally, and mentally.

check Empower yourself for Greater Success, Better Health, Relationship and Financially.
check Get rid of limiting belief, never let fear control your life
check Ability to Heal Yourself and become a facilitator to heal others instantly
check Increase vitality and feelings of rejuvenation, face your life with positive attitude.
check Decrease symptoms of Panic and Anxiety , start and end your day with Pure Unconditional Love
check Create emotional stability, stop suffering from mood swings.
check Increase your intuitions and boost your sixth sense
check Activate 7 major Chakras and preparing youself for KUNDALINI Awakening
check Naturally Cure Insomnia, Stress and Depression

And that's not nearly all.

You'll experience much more with this "once kept secret"
and instant Self Healing Meditation Technique.

Now the Secret is revealed ,
the decision to empower yourself is entirely up to you. . .

And what's really great is that

You can order the Secret Of Meditation Ebook right now and actually start using them right away....yes, that is right..within the same day you can instantly take you to your first meditation session successfully.

That's because this meditation technique is in your system, you could use it anytime, anywhere when you feel like it. All you need is sit down, relax and only take 10 minutes of your time - or more if you wish.

You don't have to wait for any package to arrive. You can start using the Techniques revealed in Secret Of Meditation and read the Ebook right away!

The fact that you will become a Meditation Master in the same day. It's like being re-born as totally a new better person.

You will be empowered with Divine Energy instantly, and your life will never be the same again. You are getting the secret key to healthier and happier life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

But wait... There's more...


In addition to being able to master Meditation instantly,

I want you to understand "the Creation Process" and what is called "Thought Forms "
to manifest you own future :

You'll Get These Two Limited Bonuses for FREE

FREE Bonus #1 : The Book of Lights - Dr.Michael Sharp

self healing bookThe Book of Light will help you to have better understanding about the Nature of God, Creation, Structure of Consciousness and the Universe within You. By understanding Who You are will show you how to take Meditation and Self Healing to the next level. Containing 81 pages divided to 4 parts which will help you to understand how Creation works which will uncover the secrets behind creating the life that you've dreamed about:


check How to have better understanding of the nature of Consciousness and Creation.
check How to access your full power you need to see everything from the proper perspective and start manifesting real magic in your Life
check How to Free yourself from any limiting beliefs.

With the Help of the Book of Light understanding the Creation Process and
using that to manifest real magic in your life is easier than ever!

FREE Bonus #2: THOUGHT FORMS by: Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater

meditation technique book82 pages classic work of the 2 Masters will show you:

check How your Thoughts have certain vibration which you could purposedly use to achieve ANYTHING in your life
check Learn the hidden energy and message of the master pieces classical music arrangements from the greatest composers like Mendelssohn and Wagner
check How to live intelligently by studying a vast field open before us. Let's not waste time in ignorance, but come forth boldly into the glorious sunshine of that divine wisdom.

This book read by over 1 million people worldwide, because it does not only teach you how your Thoughts have certain forms, ... It also shows you how to "utilize" your thoughts to manifest what you've dreamed about!

So - how much is it worth to you to be able and
turn your dreams into reality ?

It's impossible to put a price on the information these two books contain ...but they are yours FREE when you place your order before its not available.

>> Click here to place your secure order and get instant access! <<

Like I said earlier, you can place your order right now and start practicing the techniques in Secret Of Meditation right away .

The way it works is simple and fast. Just click one of the blue links (like this one: order now and you'll be taken to my 100% secure order page.

As soon as your order is processed (takes about less than a minute) you'll be taken to the "Download Page" where you can instantly download the amazing Secret Of Meditation Ebook and read the bonus "Book of Lights" and "Thought Forms " Ebooks.

>> Click here to order right away and start healing yourself NOW <<

You'll be thrilled with how fast and easy this Technique is to use. This offer normally sell for $97 in their offline "physical" format.

But when you get instant access over the Internet, I'm able to offer it to you for only $67 . That's a savings of $30.00!

The reason I can offer it at this super low price is because the course is delivered to you over your computer and I don't have to incur any accomodation, shipping, or manufacturing costs. So I pass the savings on to you.

But even at a higher price, it'd be a bargain because this system works like crazy! I know from first hand, personal experience that it does, and I'm so confident you'll love it that I'm offering the following guarantee:

You Will Be Mesmerized By This Powerful Meditation Technique or

I'll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back And Still Let You Keep The Entire System For FREE!

You heard me correctly. These amazing Healing Meditation Technique really works. And I stand behind it 100%.

Even though you'll experience the results on your very first day, I'd like to let you "test drive" the system for a full 60 days.

If you aren't' absolutely thrilled with it for any reason (or for no reason at all) just let me know and I'll give you a full refund with no questions asked.

But the entire system is still yours to keep forever, for FREE.

Quickly get your Secret Of Meditation Ebook so you can meditate like a Master and start creating the life of your dreams. You have absolutely no risk...and everything to gain!

You'll be thrilled with "Secret Of Meditation Ebook" and you'll be overjoyed by how quickly you see the results you want when you follow the contents of this program.

Yes Alex, I want to Empower Myself and Transform my life completely Now !

Self Healing Meditation Technique  cover

>>Click here to get instant access now <<

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To Your Health and Success,

signature alex

P.S. You now hold the secret to Self Empowerment and overwhelming success. By simply doing a 10 minutes meditation a day, you can see dramatic changes in your life and the lives of those your love. Changes you never thought possible.

That's how efective and easy to do this material is.

You will be creating effortless change within 10 MINUTES of doing this Meditation and reading these books. That's right, effortless change. Don't wait, this is a real life-changing opportunity! 

P.P.S. The Internet Introductory low price of only $67 is a part of a market test I'm conducting. These offer sell offline for nearly $100. Once I've completed my market test, I know I'll be doubling the price. So if you're at all interested, you should buy right now.
Click here to save $30.00 now!

P.P.P.S. Don't forget the astonishing guarantee. You have 60 days to get a FULL refund, and I will even let you keep the E-book free. There is absolutely no reason to pass this up.



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