
Crush Anxiety | Relieve Stress | Cure Financial Stress | Overcoming Hardship | Build Self Confidence

Crush Anxiety | Relieve Stress | Cure Financial Stress | Overcoming Hardship | Build Self Confidence

Fill In The Form Below To Get FREE Instant Access To These Awesome Audios and a Free Ticket to my next Teleseminar Series...

"Here's How YOU Can Get 'FREE' Instant Access To 14 of The World's Greatest Coaches, Teachers, and Mentors... To Finally Stop Stressing, End Anxiety, And Live The Life You Really Want!

"Internet Innovator Mark Joyner - Along With 13 Other Anxiety and Stress Professionals - Are Going To Give You What You Need To Eliminate Stress, Reduce Anxiety And Live the "Fantasy Life" You Always Dream About...

- David McDonough 

Just enter your first name and primary email address and then click the "Free Instant Access" button and you will be given instant access to these incredible downloads! 

Dear Friend,
I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder in 2007. After spending the last 2 years dealing with the drugs I needed to get through my day and a nasty addiction to prescription drugs, I decided it was time to take my life back into my own hands.

What I learned when I ventured out to cure myself was that through a combination of Hypnosis, NLP, and self improvement programs, that I am back in control and living the life that I absolutely love.

I want to help you to overcome all of the problems and issues that are keeping you awake at night and preventing you from living your dream life. This is the reason why I put together a list of the top Coaches, Authors, Motivational Speakers and Alternative Medicine experts.

Here is a sample of what you will learn in this 15+ hour MP3 audio series:  

Mark Joyner
Keynote Speaker - "Simpleology"
($97 Value)

The Keynote speaker, Mark Joyner is the creator of the world renown Simpleology program. Simpleology 101 taught people how to take back control of their time. Simpleology 102 taught people how to multiply their money. Simpleology 103 taught people how to radically boost their energy. Simpleology 201 is all about leveraging the time, money, and energy of other people.

In this interview you will learn...

  • How proper diet can improve the way you feel and give you unlimited energy
  • One simple thing you can do every day to help you get more done
  • About a FREE program to keep you on target to reach your goals
  • How 15 minutes a day can bring Sanity to your life
  • and much, much more...   

Dr. Joe Rubino
"Self-Esteem Interview"
($97 Value)

Dr. Joe Rubino, creator of The Self-Esteem System, is an internationally acclaimed expert on elevating self-esteem, a life-changing personal development and success coach on how to restore self-esteem, achieve business success, maximize joy and fulfillment in life and dramatically increase productivity. He is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning.

In this interview you will learn Self-Esteem secrets like...

  • What a Leading Cause of "Fear Based Thoughts" Is and How To Overcome It
  • Learn how to Stop Buying into Anyone's Low, Negative Opinion of You
  • Uncovering how to Identify and Correct the Errors in your Thinking that have been keeping you from achieving your ultimate Dream Life!
  • The Importance of Physical Well Being to The Development of Self-Confidence.
  • and much, much more...  

Janet Bray Attwood
"The Passion Test"
($97 Value)

Janet is the co-author of the New York Times Bestseller, “The Passion Test- The Effortless Path To Discovering Your Destiny”, and co-author of “From Sad to Glad: 7 Steps to Facing Change with Love and Power”.

In this interview about finding your Passion, you will learn...

  • 7 Key Principles for Living a Passionate, Fulfilled Life
  • How to know when you are really living your passions
  • What life is like when you're living your passions fully
  • How to overcome the blocks that are keeping you from your Passion
  • and much, much more...  

Velma Gallant
"The Queen of JOY!"
($97 Value)

Velma is an author, speaker, teacher, and healer. As the host of “Welcome Changes Radio, she has interviewed over 100 personal growth and development experts. Between growing up, raising a family, and building her business, she’s come to the conclusion that life is a continuous series of events and transitions. There were times when she felt lost, broken, and confused, until she realized she wasn’t defined by these events and transitions. Velma has stopped defining herself by what she does and the events of her life, and invites you to do the same!

In this interview you will learn...

  • JOY comes from within, and has been there all along, waiting to be rediscovered
  • What is the most important 5 minutes of your day
  • What you must do during those 5 minutes to positively impact your life
  • How 5 minutes a day will magnetize you for more money, success and joy
  • and much, much more...  

"Hi Dave Just been listening to the call. All day worrying about my joint pain and general lack lustre health.Thanks for the heads up on the Paleo diet just browsing the website. Looks like exactly what I need to follow.I'm doing the 101 although I've lapsed a few days.Really reenergised. Mark is such a great speaker,very calming to listen to and a real inspiration. Thank you so much for theses teleseminars I've really learnt so much. Janice (London England)"

"A very imaginative interview which walks the talk - having fun, playing games- to make the Law of Attraction work!!!"

"I really love Jeanna and Eva, the way they are always so positive and so much fun to listen to - and they give you easy-to-follow advice which can sound deceptively simply but definitely works! Thank you so much Jeanna and Eva for sharing so generously, and thank you Dave for bringing this for us! Airi"

"It was really really good! I really like this speaker. I want to order his stuff. Thanks"

"This interview was absolutely mind blowing... I had a true (as Oprah would say) "ah ha" moment when he talked about the necessary balance between good and bad that is needed to really create the life you want. I have been such a Positive-only focused person since The Secret but I can honestly see now why I have been feeling stuck in a rut so to speak. I believe that this was just the information that I needed to finally move forward. Thank you so much Chaney!"

"Outstanding! I wanted more.This really hit home with me. Thanks. Debbie"


Chaney Weiner
"Wealth Mastery Success"
($97 Value)

Chaney has been a frequent guest on numerous radio shows around the country. He has been interviewed on Hay House Radio and by Bob Doyle, who appeared in the movie The Secret”, on the topic of how to transition from your current situation to what you would love to do most and attract wealth, have more time, and eliminate fear in all areas of life.

In this interview you will learn...

  • Easy to understand explanations for how the law of attraction works that even the most skeptical mind won't be able to refute.
  • The little known factors that determine how long it takes to manifest something and how you can use them in your favor to attract the things you love in minimum time.
  • The overlooked point that will allow you to continually improve the speed at which you attract things into your life.
  • Five key factors that influence your success using the law of attraction and the speed you attract things at.
  • and much, much more...  

Dr. Todd Snyder
"Social Anxiety Secrets"
($97 Value)

Dr. Snyder has filtered through the scientific research articles tucked away in obscure locations of university libraries, where psychiatrists and psychologists have published their efforts to identify the key factors involved in the creation and maintenance of Social Anxiety Disorder. Dr. Snyder has carefully tested what he discovered. He also has synthesized data to uncover patterns and methods that go beyond the basic generalities that plague the scientific research process.

In this exclusive interview you will learn...

  • How to change the course of your battle with social anxiety and shyness!
  • About neuroplasticity and how it allows social anxiety sufferers to literally build new neural circuitry (pathways of thought and automatic brain reactions) in response to feared situations.
  • How to retrain your brain so that you react to anxiety-producing situations with powerful confidence.
  • A method that undermines the powerful forces that maintain social anxiety symptoms.
  • and much, much more...  

Tom Murasso
"Born To Manifest"
($97 Value)

Tom Murasso is self-empowerment author and Universal Principles trainer/speaker. He started his journey of self-discovery over 40 years ago as he searched for the answers to the questions: who we are and why we're here. His path led to the study of metaphysics, the esoteric arts, and the coveted secrets of the ancient mystery schools.

The author of several books on the Art of Conscious Creation, most notably, "Born to Manifest: Law of Attraction Tools and Techniques" and "The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness." Tom feels there is an accelerated energy engulfing the planet and seeks to help people raise their conscious awareness and live the lives of their dreams.

In this interview you will learn answers to these questions...

  • What is the Law of Attraction?
  • How can someone attract things such as money?
  • If the Law of Attraction is working all the time, how can someone tap into this law more deliberately?
  • How can someone learn to become more patient when they have bills staring them in the face on a daily basis; or working a job they don’t like; or are in a relationship that they are not happy with, etc?
  • How can someone who is applying the Conscious Creation in their life learn how to deal with the negativity all around them?
  • and much, much more...  


Stop suffering with the side effects of addictive medications
Enjoy greater self confidence
Regain your Passion for life
Being able to Enjoy your Family, your Friends and your Work
Be bursting with Energy
Be able to Sleep like a Baby again
Find your Inner Strength that Fear Stole from you.
Experience Inner Peace

Kevin Levine
"Ask Mr. Self Help"
($97 Value)

Having to this point spent the past 18 years studying self help and associated topics, it’s become apparent that what the world needs most is to come together as one and work to help each other. When we are in harmony with the universe, we can make a path for ourselves that is full of joy and happiness...

In this interview you will learn...

  • How To Create Happiness And Wealth
  • How You Can Efficiently Reach Your Goals And Dreams
  • Why the power of belief can work for or against you in reaching your goals and dreams.
  • and much, much more...  

Dr. Alex Loyd
"The Healing Codes"
($97 Value)

Dr. Alexander Loyd is the founder of The Healing Codes, a company dedicated to natural healing around the world. In the spring of 2001, Dr. Loyd discovered a simple, physical mechanism that eliminates stress in the body. For the next year Dr. Loyd validated this mechanism through Heart Rate Variability tests: the state-of-the-art mainstream medical diagnostic test for measuring stress in the autonomic nervous system. In 86% of cases, stress was virtually eliminated from the body within 20 minutes.

In this interview you will learn...

  • What exactly are The Healing Codes?
  • Some real life examples of how The Healing Codes have helped people
  • How To Defeat Stress and Restore The Greatest Healing System in the World...
  • To Eliminate ALL your pain, stress, fear, depression and disease.
  • How The Healing Codes has worked for pets, children, friends, and families.
  • and much, much more...  


Paul Radkowski
"Life Recovery Program"
($97 Value)

Paul Radkowski is an internationally awarded, master's level clinician-psychotherapist who has specialized in the area of wellness, health and recovery over the last ten years. In addition to his extensive work in Addiction, he has consulted with numerous agencies, hospitals and treatment settings working with groups, families and individuals as a Family and Marriage Therapist, Crisis Counselor and Trauma Specialist.

In this interview you will learn...

  • Anger & Anger Management: Where is my Power? Healthy vs. Unhealthy Expressions of Anger.
  • Choice & Control: What's in my Highest Interest? Using Laws of Attraction & the Power of Affirmation, Changing your Thought Stream.
  • Power of Words and Self-Talk, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Stress & Distress: How you can create a better, calmer reality for yourself.
  • Learned Helplessness/Hopelessness: How is this keeping you stuck? The Power of Faith & Hope, Boundaries and Healthy Relationships.
  • and much, much more...  

Mark Ivar Myhre
"The Emotional Healing Wizard"
($97 Value)

Mark The Emotional Healing Wizard, provides cutting-edge information and techniques on all aspects of emotional healing. If you're experiencing any type of emotional pain, the first thing to understand is emotions don't cause pain. The pain comes from an improper relationship with your emotions and not the emotions themselves. Emotions never cause pain. So-called emotional pain comes from an unnatural relationship with emotions. Basically, the pain comes from trying to somehow push them away from you and to not feel them.

In this interview you will learn...

  • What Is Creative Visualization?
  • How to take conscious control of something you're already doing all day long.
  • How to engage your subconscious mind to start making it an ally - like it's supposed to be. Rather than a source of constant frustration.
  • Why you can't spend ten or twenty minutes visualizing what you want, and then the rest of the day going back to 'automatic pilot' and visualizing what you don't want.
  • and much, much more...  

"I loved this interview, however, it was so much more than just an interview it was an enlightening lecture packed full of information and education. My favorite was Heather's explanation of how what we literally look at, and focus on becomes 'magnified' and more of it comes into our lives. I was encouraged to know that even if we have negative thoughts, as all humans do, if we spend more of our time on thoughts that are focusing on positive emotion, that will come about instead. This interview reinforced me and my committment to succeed. Thanks so much Heather! Vada, California"

"Hi, Dave- I thoroughly enjoyed the call with Dr. Snyder. I know first-hand how almost crippling an anxiety attack can be, and how much they have affected my life in the past. Thanks to both you and Dr. Snyder for presenting this call, Ray"

"You can tell you are living your passion, it's obvious. The interview with Janet was awesome, very informative, touching and encouraging. Thank you for what you are doing, making the world a better place by brining hope, love and compassion to others."

"This is the first talk I've heard on this topic and it really got me thinking of so many possibilities I'd never thought of before. Thanks so much."

"Hi! I came on the call late, but was able to ask my question and looking forward to hearing the entire call about shifting. Thank you so much Dave for these calls... keep them coming! Great work. Anne"

"I like your interviews, there is so much information that I have to listen to them several times. Thank you! You ask good questions and sound very relaxed. Good luck and please continue!"

"Thank you very much for making this interview available online afterwards. I live in the UK and am 8 hours ahead of Pacific time. This means that I can only listen to Tele-classes online. I found the one with Jim to be really helpful as I have had hypnosis before but never had it explained to me.


Heather Picken
"The Spirit Trainer"
($97 Value)

Heather Picken is "The Spirit Trainer" who helps spiritually minded entrepreneurs energetically align themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Her unique blend of inner and outer principles in her Quantum Entrepreneur program helps entrepreneurs magnetize money and clients easily and effortlessly. She is also an inspirational speaker, Certified Holistic Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Coach and Founder of the Virtual Prosperity Network For Women, She has over 13 years in integrating mind-body connection, Law of Attraction, intuition, and spiritual principles.

In this interview with Heather Picken you will learn...

  • 9 secrets to releasing worry, doubt, and stress while magnetizing more money, clients, and sales for your business
  • The secrets to release stress and magnetize more clients and sales…
  • The Laws of Money and Magnetizing
  • How to shift the negative beliefs that are keeping you stuck
  • and much, much more...  

Jeanna Gabellini and Eva Gregory
"Abundance Abounds"
($97 Value)

Jeanna Gabellini and Eva Gregory are experts in all things Law of Attraction. They founded their business, Abundance Abounds, ten years ago to provide programs and products that teach people to prosper by mixing up a big dose of strategy, attraction principles, fun and a ton of energy. They are known for helping people blow the lid off what is possible for them and abundance!

In this interview with Jeanna and Eva you will learn how to...

  • Get a handle on where you currently are with your finances
  • Release all your experiences of lack and scarcity
  • Drastically change your financial picture for the better in just 16 weeks
  • Honor your values, live your passion, increase your asset column, and generate a net profit that is always more than enough

Get Ready To Change Your Attitude Towards Money!  

Jim Katsoulis
"Dream Setting"
($97 Value)

Jim has been certified as a Master Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest organization of its kind. He received his Master NLP Practitioner Certification from Bennett/Stellar University, and his Yoga Instructor certification from Sivananda ashram in Val Morin, Canada, and is a practicing Level II Reiki practitioner.

In this interview you will learn...

  • The fundamentals and basics of the dream setting philosophy broken down in clear, simple terms
  • The crucial difference between conscious and subconscious mind... and what this means for you and your dreams.
  • Exactly how the unconscious mind operates ... AND the secret reason why it's difficult to shed unwanted habits, even when logic tells you to immediately get rid of it.
  • How to program yourself to consistently move in the direction of your goals and dreams naturally and automatically.
  • and much, much more...  

"Now that you can see the VALUE of this awesome audio series, lets break it down for you..."

You get over 15 hours of audios in MP3 format that you can download Instantly and play on any MP3 player!

The value on these audios alone is over $1,167.00

Because the speakers for my next teleseminar series want you to live a stress and anxiety free life while increasing your low self-esteem, I am going to give you an AWESOME deal!

Because We want to help you change your life forever, I am going to GIVE you this Audio series absolutely FREE!

Just enter your first name and primary email address and then click the "Free Instant Access" button and you will be given instant access to these incredible downloads as well as teleseminar updates!

**We will NOT rent, trade, or release your name to any third party for any reason - ever.
We respect YOUR email privacy and hate spam with a passion.**

Keep Moving Forward!

-David McDonough

P.S. You will want to Enter your first name, primary email address and click that "Free Instant Access" button quickly as I have another teleseminar beginning soon and I don't want you to miss a single call!



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