
Weight Loss Course

Weight Loss Course


Dear Weight Loss Seeker,

Lose weight the smart way, not the hard way. Yes, it is possible to lose weight without any diets or exercise.

Here's What I have:

A complete weight loss course “Thin Me ID” including weekly email coaching to guide you step-by-step to your perfect figure, detailed ebooks on how to get in harmony with 11 laws of the universe, extensive email support and exclusive bonus material.

Click here to read what this course will do for you

Click here to see what others have to say about this course

Click here to order this course

So here's what the Thin Me ID course contains:

Nine Weekly Emails Guiding You

Step-By-Step To Your Ideal Figure

  • Almost every email contains powerful little-known techniques that will quickly transform your thinking causing quick and permanent weight loss.
  • The simple step-by-step email guidance will make your weight loss journey smooth and easy
  • At every stage of your weight loss you will be told exactly what next step to take, so that you would lose weight consistently.
  • Every week a different aspect of yourself will be discussed and changed so that at the end of nine weeks you will have a new understanding about weight loss, causing you to lose all your excess weight.
  • You will understand what caused your weight gain and this will allow you to never again gain any excess weight.
  • The email sequence makes it even simpler to follow the weight loss process and therefore your progress will be quick and confident until you achieve your ideal figure.
  • And much more.

    The 11 Universal Laws Blueprint + Digital CD

    This is the first time that the universal laws have been exclusively explained to tranform your body. Read these ebooks first because they will get you into the mindset of a thin person.

  • Want to start losing weight immediately? This easy to understand introduction to the most powerful laws of the universe will get you going!
  • Find exact information about how to effortlessly apply these life-changing laws to shed all those pounds.
  • Wondering how long it will take to get thin? Get access to little-known techniques to speed up your weight loss and start losing weight in days!
  • PLUS: techniques that will transform not only your body, but any other area of your life that you are struggling with.
  • And much more.
  • "The Law of Attraction" EBook + Digital CD

  • The most in-depth information about weight loss with the law of attraction you will ever find. Don't ever again be having only half the truth.
  • The quickest, easiest way to lose weight. A simple exercise to rewire your brain and tune your desire to lose weight into the right frequency.
  • Apply this extraordinary principle to effortlessly break through your self-confidence issues and speed up your weight loss. There is no easier way to instantly become self-confident and quickly lose weight at the same time.
  • By far the most overlooked influence that keeps you overweight and how to easily eliminate it once and for all.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Compensation" EBook + Digital CD

  • How to use this wonderful law to PROPEL yourself out of the place where you are, to the place where you truly belong.
  • How to build a precise perfect-figure attracting image. Tips, tricks, and techniques to quickly attract your desired weight.
  • Picture This: If you could choose any figure you would like to have, how would you look? This simple exercise will accelerate the reality of your dreams.
  • A single most harmful weight loss action people take almost every day - and how to avoid it.
  • Learn the exact ways of how to get your perfect weight - fast.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Increase" EBook + Digital CD

  • How to make sure that you are increasing your health and well-being - and not your weight. Find out the precise reasons why some get increasingly overweight whilst others enjoy perfect figures.
  • How to properly use affirmations to reprogram your mind to become thin.There are many 'teachers' out there explaining the process of how affirmations work. But most of them are lacking the complete set of steps to take for affirmations to produce rapid results. Find out the whole method to make affirmations a powerful force to bring you perfect weight.
  • How to gain tremendous confidence and eliminate factors that keep you overweight. Let me show you how to become a person that others look up to and to steadily lose weight at the same time.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Forgiveness" EBook + Digital CD

  • Find out how others are unconsciously preventing you from having your ideal figure. You may not even realise that some of the people in your life are the exact cause of your obesity. Find out how to remove this dangerous influence.
  • How to eliminate the major cause of obesity - once and for all. A little-known force that keeps you overweight - let me show you how to completely remove it from you life.
  • Learn real forgiveness to open the gates of perfect health and success. Use this powerful step to let go of all the influences that negatively impact your weight.
  • Uncover the deepest reasons why you are overweight and eliminate them from you life - once and for all.
  • How to prevent circumstances from influencing your weight. Find out how to effortlessly identify negative influences and become immune to their impact.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Non-resistance" EBook + Digital CD

  • Beware of this common burnout-causing mistake. What you must do to eliminate stress and make weight loss an easy and predictable outcome of your everyday actions.
  • Why a tiny stream is the starting point to rivers of abundance. How you can learn from nature's life system to experience natural weight loss.
  • Emotional freedom and effortless weight loss - by loving the people who hurt you the most? Find out the reason why...
  • Be in total control of your surroundings. How to use even the most unkind circumstances to quickly achieve your weight loss goal.
  • Start losing weight without any struggle - following this smart technique.
  • Lose weight by understanding what your body needs. Find out how to tell the real needs of your body from the ones that keep you overweight.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Obedience" EBook + Digital CD

  • The surprising root of all kinds of weight loss problems - and how to effectively eliminate it from your life.
  • A simple technique to enjoy an ever flowing happiness and perfect health. It IS possible to achieve your perfect weight without any effort.
  • Why violating this concept is the real cause of not having the weight of your dreams.
  • Your problems are getting larger and larger. Should you start panicking? NO! The shocking reason why this may be good for you.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Receiving" EBook + Digital CD

  • Givers Gain. The more you give, the more you get. A simple system of systematic giving that unleashes returns that are forever flowing.
  • You may feel that your prayers are falling on deaf ears. But did you know they could be answered already? Here's why.
  • Your back's to the wall, all your weight loss attempts seem to produce zero results. Time to give up? Absolutely not. Here's a powerful technique that will give you the key to transform your body and be more confident than before!
  • If you lose weight in erratic spurts, this is the primary reason why.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Sacrifice" EBook + Digital CD

  • The inch of discomfort that leads to a mile of bliss. How you can take action that will guarantee ever-flowing benefits.
  • The ultimate way to take control of your thinking and transform the way you look as a result. Never again will you avoid looking at the mirror.
  • How to rootlessly change old negative habits that keep you overweight into positive habits that make you thin.This easy shift will guarantee a quick transition to your desired weight.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Success" EBook + Digital CD

  • The biggest secret that will disrupt negative thought, boost your tenacity and inspire you to totally OWN life. After this secret you will never again submit to failure.
  • The little-known definition of success you need to hear. This alone can change your entire life.
  • How to put universal laws into proper use to get the figure that you could only dream of.
  • PLUS: The proven technique to keep your eyes on your perfect weight despite your past mistakes.
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Supply" EBook + Digital CD

  • The age old advice you only think you understand. Ignore the real lesson, and it will forever hold you back.
  • How to unblock the supply of wellness in your life so that you would quickly and permanently lose weight. Something is blocking you from getting thin. Let me show you how to easily uncover this annoying block.
  • Now you are in a mode of attracting extra weight and repelling your ideal weight. Use this technique to attract your ideal weight and repel the extra weight!
  • How to eat everything you like without gaining weight. Yes, it is possible! Here's how...
  • And much more.

    "The Law of Thinking" EBook + Digital CD

  • How to effortlessly recondition your mind with one simple technique. You will never think the same way about your weight again!
  • The surprisingly simple nature-inspired activity to quickly develop organized, disciplined thought. Master this and manifest your perfect weight with lightning speed.
  • Did you know that 98% of your negative thinking is rooted in a mistimed word from our parents? Add this secret ingredient to your thought patterns and be finally set free to lose the weight effortlessly.
  • Scientists have proven that your thoughts travel 930,000 times faster than the speed of your voice. The implications? No other force or power in the Universe yet known is as great or quick. Here's how to properly harness the full potential and make it bring you your desired weight.
  • PLUS: Why a deserving ethical person like you can be overweight. The single most crucial action to break those soul-crushing dead end patterns.
  • And much more.

    Extra Tips And The Summary of

    The Most Important Advice

    + Digital CD

  • The summary of the most important weight loss advice.
  • Effective additional tips to quicken your weight loss. These simple yet powerful tips will significantly speed up the realisation of your perfect weight!
  • Factors to be aware of once you start losing weight. Once you know them, nothing will stop you from achieving your perfect figure!
  • And much more.

    But Wait... There's More!

    Because I believe that the Thin Me ID course will tremendously benefit you, I decided to throw in some FREE bonuses to sweeten the pot for you.

    Bonus #1

    A Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To

    Get Your Perfect Figure By Visualisation ($65.21 Value)

  • A little-known technique to make your mind do all the work for you - without almost any effort on your part!
  • You will be revealed not only how to get thin fast, but how to get into the exact shape that you desire!
  • Relax and enjoy this easy method of becoming increasingly thinner - by slightly tweaking your mind.
  • And much more.

    Bonus #2

  • A Failure-Proof Goal Setting System For

    Permanent Weight Loss ($53.65 Value)

    • A never-failing method to set and achieve even the most outrageous goals!
    • The reason why so many people remain overweight and the solution that will guarantee your permanent weight loss.
    • A complete-step-by-step guide with the exact actions to take to quickly shed all those pounds.
    • And much more.

      Bonus #3

      How To Stay 100% Committed

      To Your Goal Ebook ($99.00 Value)

    • Lesson 1: How to Develop a Necessary but Widely Overlooked Goal Achievement Habit
    • Lesson 2: How to Properly Define the Goal for its Easier Achievement
    • Lesson 3: How To Stick To Your Goal
    • Lesson 4: Understand How Goals Are Achieved
    • Lesson 5: The Action Part
    • Lesson 6: When Channels Start Opening
    • Lesson 7: Goal Achievement Tools
    • Lesson 8: Essential Advice
    • Lesson 9: Final Assessment
    • And much more.

    A Comprehensive "Thin Me ID" Course

    for Instant Access & Download

    (+Bonus EBooks)

  • This is the first time I am making this course available online. I used to personally coach people (who paid up to $3000 for the information) using this method for a long time, and it instantly became hugely popular. I got hundreds of new clients only by word of mouth and that showed that this course WORKS.

    Because of many requests for a more affordable coaching alternative I put the coaching information into an online course. I made it completely digital, meaning that nothing is shipped to the physical address - all the information is accessible online. This enabled me to considerably reduce the price of it and therefore this course is affordable to everyone.

    Here's What This Course will Do For You:

    In this course you will find:

    1. How to develop habits that will permanently keep you thin

    2. How to lose weight whilst eating the food that you enjoy

    3. How to get rid of the core cause that keeps you overweight

    4. How to tell between real and emotional hunger

    5. How to eliminate food addictions

    6. How to eliminate harmful food habits

    7. How to recondition your mind so that you would never overeat again

    8. How your childhood affected your today's weight and how to eliminate this and similar influences

    9. How to eat only when you are genuinely hungry and to stop as soon as you feel full

    10. How to introduce a picture of your ideal weight in your mind and get thinner according to that picture

    11. How to get in harmony with the most important laws of the universe

    12. How to understand and eliminate the harmful impact of the outside circumstances

    13. How to gain non-shakeable self confidence

    14. How to lose weight without any diets or exercise

    15. How to eat any food you like and still lose weight.

    16. And many more life-changing advice that will help you permanently get rid of all your excess weight

    17. And many more life-changing advice that will help you permanently get rid of all your excess weight

    This course...

    • DOES NOT use any kind of artificial products
    • DOES NOT involve any exercise whatsoever
    • DOES NOT require to count calories
    • DOES NOT include any diet regimes
    • DOES NOT require any particular eating times
    • DOES NOT need any hard work

    Here's what other people have to say about this course:

    "This course was the wisest investment I've ever made. I tried countless of weight loss products and programs but none of them brought permanent results. When I was about to give up my battle with fat, my son told me that his workmate lost all his weight with this course. I thought I would give it a try and I am so glad I did! I finally got rid of all my extra pounds and can confidently face the world!" Louise Rogers,

    FL, USA


    "Finally, an intelligent and honest approach to long-term weight loss that works! No special foods, diets or other nonsense… just a program that helped me really understand what was getting in my way, helping figure out what I want and showing me how to get it. No weighing, no counting calories, no feeling bad about myself. Been to other weight loss programs again and again…this time it was different. Finally, living my life free of dieting and preoccupation with weight and food. Yes, it works." Thank you, Melissa Brown,

    Manchester, United Kingdom

    "I was sceptical at first, but when I started using this course I rapidly started losing my weight. I am slim for the first time in my life, and it has been two years since the program. This course was the best decision I have ever made." Sarah Titley, PhD

    London, United Kingdom

    "This weight loss method changed my life! I kept losing and gaining the same 50 pounds until I decided to try this method. It taught me a new way to think about weight loss and myself. I would recommend this method to any person looking to get control over their eating, any person looking to lose weight and keep it off PERMANENTLY, or to any person who wants to feel better about himself/herself and their body!" David Jenkins,

    London, United Kingdom

    "The results are in! It's been about 3 months since I used this weight loss method and I couldn't be happier with my progress. I feel completely in control of my eating habits, I am able to turn down food when offered and have become the person I always wanted to be. I would like to say a huge thank you for all your help, I can't express how much this has changed my life." Nathalie Sweeney,

    London, United Kingdom (Clapham area)

    "Things are going great for me! I can't believe my whole new attitude towards food. It's there if I want it and I usually don't. I even have chocolate, muffins and my favorite cookies in my cupboard and I'm not going crazy. Mindfully having one piece but only when I really want it. This method is so effective, I really can't believe it. I can count the numbers of days on one hand when I haven't felt energized. It used to be that I rarely had one energy-filled day. Thank you so much for all your help!" Diana Hamling,

    CA, USA

    "I started using this course in a completely hopeless condition. I was dangerously overweight and within 4 months I achieved the weight I always wanted to have. Now I am thin and extremely happy. My life has never been better all thanks to this powerful course." Darren Nichols,

    MA, USA

    "I have been using this method for two weeks and already I can see the difference. My eating habits have changed and I am losing weight. I feel in control for the first time." Thanks Kate Morrison,

    MI, USA

    "Frankly I thought it was a wishful thinking, but I still decided to give it a shot. After only two weeks I lost a significant amount of weight and it kept dropping week by week until my body looked perfect. I thought I was in a hopeless situation with my weight, but I am so blessed to have found this amazing course." Susan Adams, Visual Arts teacher,

    Edmonton, Canada

    "I would like to report that I am having great success, I have been using the method for a week, have had no cravings I don't feel hungry and have lost three kilos. I have a packet of chips in the cupboard I'm convinced I won't be eating. - Once again, many thanks."

    Steven Zeinger, Office Manager,


    "I have recently met Simona in person. Before that I was only listening to her recordings and studied the material in the Thin Me ID course. Simona changed my life completely, I went from a hopeless single dad to a self-confident and happy person. I am dating a woman of my dreams I've never even thought could be attracted to me. I feel like my life is just starting!"

    Richard Hardcastle, Head Gardener,

    Leeds, United Kingdom

    "I want to thank you for a wonderful, life changing experience that I've gone through. I have truly changed my way of living life and am a happier, healthier person. I feel great in my skin, and although it's not about the scale, I have lost 25 pounds and am very proud of myself. My shoes are looser, my rings are falling off, my clothes are loose and I get compliments everyday about how good I look.

    Thanks for helping me to face my 30's a lot healthier."

    Emily Mills, Beauty Salon Assistant,

    Linconln, United Kingdom

    "By applying a couple of the strategies from Simona Rich's course materials, my size dropped from 18 to 10. I expect to remain thin for the rest my life because it has been three years since taking the course and I'm still enjoying amazing figure."

    Catherine Proctor, Mother of two,

    London, United Kingdom

    "I was overweight since childhood and I didn't believe that I would ever be able to look at myself in the mirror without it ruining my entire day. I still cannot believe that since taking this course I've lost 69 lbs. Some mornings I wake up and think that it was just a dream."

    Alina Petrovska, Entrepreneur,

    St. Albans, United Kingdom

    "I was worried about my daughter and was searching for information on how to get her interested in losing weight.

    I found this weight loss method and convinced my daughter to try it out. It changed our whole family and I lost all the extra pounds myself. Gabriel feels alot better about herself and she lost all her excess weight too. This weight loss course is so simple and I never would have thought that such simple steps would make such a big impact on or lives.

    Thank you for all of this."


    Becky and Gabriel,

    Brighton, United Kingdom

    "Reached my goal in 2 months. The method is easy, effective, and can be applied to sort out other areas of life as well." Thank you!

    Jerry Swintiz, Sales Assistant,

    Ontario, Canada

    "In a 4-month period I was able to lose 33 lbs. It made me feel great and gave me more energy. It made me realize that anyone, with their mind set on doing something, can accomplish any realistic goal. Most important of all - it was a big morale booster for me."

    Lorrie Schwartz, Accountant,

    Leipzig, Germany

    "I wouldn't have tried this course if not for 60 days money back guarantee. This guarantee at least assured me that if this course doesn't work, I can always get my money back. I am so happy I decided to try it, it literally changed my life.

    I am finally thin and now I can confidently wear the clothes that show my true personality. Even after all this time, am still surprised when guys try to chat me up."

    Suzanne Atkinson, Attorney,

    New Jersey, United States

    "One year ago I was a very quiet self-conscious person. I was so ashamed of my body I couldn't wear any proper summer clothes. I used to only wear long-sleeved tops and dark jeans.

    After this course I've completely changed. I'm fully enjoying my life, I've become a great tennis player and finally I'm dating someone who truly appreciates me for who I am. I don't feel ashamed of my body any more and my confidence shines through! Thank you very much for this great course."

    Sonia Goulcik, Student

    London, United Kingdom

    I am 100% confident that this ENTIRE package for only $99 is everything you need to quickly and permanently lose all your excess weight!


    If you're still deciding that the Thin Me ID Course is right for you, let me remove all risk from your decision with a two-part guarantee:

    No-Risk Guarantee #1: If at any time during the first 60 Days, The Thin Me ID Course hasn't clearly made a difference in your life, or for any other reason at all,I guarantee a full and prompt refund for every cent you paid.

    No-Risk Guarantee #2: If you decide to cancel at any time before the first 60 days, even if it is on the 59th day, not only will you get all your money back, but I'm going to let you keep ALL the free gifts just as a thank you for giving me a fair try.


    Here's What You Should Do Next:

    Course Price: $99.

    Offer limited to first 200 people.

    Order NOW:

    When you purchase, you'll get instant access (so no time wasted in waiting for shipping). Get NOW the Entire course PLUS the bonuses downloaded onto your computer. 

    All the best in your journey to perfect weight,

    Simona Rich

    P.S. This is the ONLY way to PERMANENTLY lose weight. This course is guaranteed to change your life. Don't waste any more of your precious time being overweight! This course will absolutely change your life.

    P.P.S.Your decision to buy or not to buy will not affect my life. But it can (and will) significantly improve yours. You don't have to be overweight. These issues can be so easily eliminated with this course.



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