
How to Start a Daycare - Secrets to Starting a Child Daycare From Home

How to Start a Daycare - Secrets to Starting a Child Daycare From Home

“Discover the Quick and Easy Steps of Starting a Daycare Service From Home”

Whether you want to spend more time with your children, or make more money from home, these techniques will show you how to start a daycare without making costly mistakes.

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If you have ever dreamed of making really great money as a daycare provider you will be exited to know that it can be easy, and inexpensive to get started right now...

Do You Want…

  • To be able to make up to $47,232.00 a year from home?
  • To have more time to spend with your kids?
  • To avoid the costly, painful mistakes people make when starting a daycare?
  • To get back to feeling like you are in control of your life?
  • To stop stressing about money and do something about it?
  • To understand exactly how to change your current situation using easy to follow steps?

Whether you're just starting out, an experienced child care professional, or want the best source of information on operating your own daycare business, you've found the right place.

Hi, my name is Rachel Thomas, and just a short time ago I was trapped in a financial nightmare that I just couldn't escape from. My bills were pilling up, and with each passing week I fell further into debt.

My Story of Starting a Home Daycare...
child daycare

It all started when I stopped working to give birth to our first baby. Due to the loss of my income my husband began working more and more hours, and there still wasn't enough money left over.

On top of that, I had a brand new baby to take care of and couldn't be away from the house, or find a new job...

What should have been one of the happiest times of my life, was quickly becoming my worst nightmare.

There was no way I could go back to work, yet I desperately needed more money for all of my expenses. I was desperate for relief and needed help fast...

One evening while shopping at the nearby Costco I encountered an old friend from high school. I told her all about the new baby and how hard things have gotten...When I asked her how things were going for her, she said...

"Things couldn't be better! I've been running my own daycare from home for the past year and it's doing amazing!"

I was shocked, I thought, could this be the answer I've been searching for?

She went on to explain that she had also became pregnant, left her job and struggled to make ends meet. That is, until she had the idea to start a daycare business of her own.

After listening intently to her story she must have saw the look of admiration on my face, because she then asked the question that changed my life forever...

"Why Don't You Start a Daycare Business of Your Own? It Would be Perfect for You!"

I immediately told her, it sounded like a great idea, but...

Wouldn't I just be making more competition for you, I asked?

She replied, that's the great thing about having your own daycare business, child care is in such demand, there's virtually unlimited opportunities!

She said, you wouldn't be in competition with me because I'm already at full capacity, in fact we are looking at leasing our first daycare facility next month so we can provide services for even more children. She went on to tell me all about the ways this new opportunity has changed her life for the better.

From that moment on...

I Was Hooked and Knew I had to Try It!

That night my old friend graciously invited me over to her house to explain how to get started. We discussed how to start my new daycare business the right way, in the quickest time possible. Due to my friends huge success at operating a daycare, I knew that mine was guaranteed to be a hit!

With the help of my friends advice and coaching I quickly discovered what was essential to starting a successful day care. Within a very short time I too had my own profitable daycare service, all from the comfort of my own home.

This afforded me the time to be at home with my new born baby, generate much need income, create financial freedom and spend more time with my husband! I was thrilled!

Now I'm going to be sharing the exact same profitable techniques to starting a successful daycare business with you. You'll be able to look over my shoulder as I show you everything you need to know to get started today.

“You Put a Big Smile On My Face”

Rachel - I gotta hand it to you, I love the package you put together. After reading a lot of different materials about how to start a home daycare business online, I was stressed out. You don't even know how many hours I wasted searching for quality information that I could use.

It would have taken me months to find all the stuff you shared in your program. Your easy to follow instructions and advice will be invaluable to me as I grow my home daycare.

Thanks for the bonus material too, it was an extra surprise that put a big smile on my face. I'm so glad I found your daycare program and recommed it to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed about starting a daycare business.

Thank you!

Beth Hampton
Sacramento, CA

This is The Right Choice for Starting Out!

You're making the right decision... Take a look below, to see inside the, "Start Your Own Daycare Package," to see exactly what you'll be getting.
child day care

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Start Your Own Daycare - Table Of Contents

blue check Chapter 1: How to Open a Day care

blue star Introduction
blue star Daycare Regulations and Guidelines
blue star Sample Daycare Business Plan
blue star Costs of Starting
blue star Qualify for Free Government Grants
blue star Starting a Home Based Biz Vs. a Facility

blue check Chapter 2: Getting Prepared

blue star Finding a Name For a Daycare
blue star Daycare Name Ideas
blue star Setting Up & Organizing Your Home
blue star Necessary Equipment
blue star Daycare Menus
blue star Setting Your Hours of Operation
blue star How Much to Charge

blue check Chapter 3: Your Policy & Procedures

blue star Handling Enrollment Fees
blue star Dealing With Child Drop-offs and Pick-ups
blue star Your Customer Contract
blue star Printable Sample Daycare Forms
blue star Child Waiver Forms
blue star Emergency Precautions
blue star Discipline Policy
blue star Holiday and vacation scheduling

blue check Chapter 4: Managing Your Day Care

blue star The Different Types of Child Care
blue star Daily Schedules
blue star Handling Cash Flow
blue star How to Stay Organized
blue star Insurance Info
blue star Avoiding Daycare Complaints
blue star Record Keeping

blue check Chapter 5: Enrolling New Children

blue star How to attract Customers
blue star Free Marketing Methods
blue star Creating a Daycare Newsletter
blue star How to get referrals
blue star Interviewing Prospective Clients

blue check Chapter 6: Daily Curriculum

blue star Fun Children's Activities
blue star Free Entertainment
blue star Mealtime considerations
blue star Establishing a Routine
blue star Sample Child Care Routines

blue checkChapter 7: Maximize Your Day care Success!

blue star Expanding Your Business
blue star Hiring Assistants
blue star Getting Certifications
blue star Grant Money & Special Financing
blue star Business Franchises
blue star Growing Your Daycare Business

In addition to everything you see above you'll receive all of the necessary forms you need to open your own day care business.

blue checkPlus you get the following bonuses products to ensure your success:

blue star Free Daycare Record Forms
blue star Customer Policy
blue star Printable Child Supplemental Form
blue star Printable Infant Supplemetal Form
blue star Daycare Business Plan


orange star Sample Daycare Menu
orange star Emergency Contact Form
orange star Discipline Policy
orange star Plus, with your order today you receive even more ready to use child care forms and business letters.

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Find the Answers to Your Biggest Questions Inside
this Comprehensive Child Daycare System:

blue star How to start your daycare business

blue star Your Income potential

blue star What to charge

blue star Setting policies and procedures

blue star Operating a daycare center practices

blue star Attracting new clients

blue star Marketing your business

blue star Caring for children

blue star Activities for children

blue star Daily scheduling samples

blue star Accounting practices

blue star Keeping records

blue star Managing your cash flow

blue star Daycare forms and waivers

blue star Proper record keeping

blue star Maintaining happy customers

blue star Expanding your daycare

blue star Plus, tons more!

Ready to take the next step? Here's what you should do next.

Click the link below and fill out the order form. Upon payment you'll instantly receive the download page for the complete, "Start Your Own Daycare System,"

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You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose!

You'll about to receive everything you need to know about the daycare business instantly to your computer. You'll be able to immediately access all of the valuable life-changing information!

To Give You Every Reason to Order Right Now,
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I'm so confident that you'll absolutely love the Start Your Daycare Program that I'm taking out all of the risk.

Try this program out for a full eight weeks. Take your time to see how powerful this program really is.

If this information is not everything I've said it is, you will get a full 100% no-hassles refund.

You'll be happy to discover how to start a daycare of your own that is both extremely rewarding and gives you the financial freedom you've been seeking.

We offer a complete daycare system to help you quickly and easily start your own money making home-based daycare company.

The Start Your Own Daycare System is a step-by-step guide for launching your own daycare business.

You're about to get the exact-same, powerful methods many of the most successful child day care businesses use.

You'll get tried and tested professional techniques that have been proven to work, solid practical advice to show you the way, and effective system for starting your own successful child care business.

In addition to all of the above, with your order you receive valuable daycare forms, enrollment letters, and a complete business plan. You'll get everthing you need to start a successful daycare from home.

With the Start Your Own Daycare Business Package you'll immediately get access to all of the valuable information instantly. Don't delay, take action right now and discover how you can have your own day care from home!

Yes Rachel, I'm Ready To Get My Hands On All The Best Selling Daycare Information, Without Wasting Another Minute and Before You Come to Your Senses and Raise the Price.

Please Include the Time Sensitive Daycare Bonusesdaycare business guide With My Order!

If You Can't Wait to Make REAL Money With Your Own Daycare, then Click the Link Below!

The product is available as an instant download to your computer.

You Will Immediately Receive All Of the Information I'm Using to Make a Great Living as a Child Care Professional!


Retail Price- $97 On SALE Right Now

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P.S - I'm so excited you've decided to pursue your own home Daycare. You are about to begin a life changing process that will transform your life into the one you've been dreaming about. Child care is one of the most rewarding opportunities imaginable. Congratulations on taking the first step to achieving your dreams with this life changing opportunity!

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