
Products | Experience Shiva

Products | Experience Shiva

Read this letter to understand how you can change the Blue Print of Your Life to be characterized by Freedom, Fulfillment, Love and Success.

Tuesday Morning, 10:17 AM

Dear Friend,

  • Do You Feel like you are Just Not Good Enough?
  • Are your Relationships Meaningful and Blissful or Painful?
  • Is Your Past/ Childhood Pain Holding You Back?
  • Have you been able to Find Your Purpose for this life?

Am I Close?

It’s Ok, Its not your fault, there have been Several Days in my life, when I thought I would never get this far, but then by some strange calling when I began to learn about this MAGNIFICENT Indian Deity, who is the origin of several world renowned life transformation techniques like Yoga, my life has continued to become more and more fabulous.

In my first few chances to learn about him, I understood what massively successful, passionate and multifaceted human beings do, that ensure that they have brilliant lives, and that most others don’t.

In fact much to my surprise it wasn’t one big secret, or some divine blessing for the chosen ones. It was actually a bunch of little secrets, 8 to be exact, some of them so easily practicable that you might not have paid attention to them individually, but when used together can absolutely Transform your Life.

The Best Part is, I wasn’t even the first or one of the few people to know these teachings. For centuries, dating as far back as the Indus Valley Civilization in 2750 B.C. Millions and Millions of People around the world have had there life transformed my following his teachings.

Over A Million People a Month are Searching for the Truth about Shiva….

Did You Know…

According to Google’s Statistics over 550,000 People Every Month Only in the US are Google Searching for Shiva Why? Is the immediate question I asked myself?

And if that wasn’t enough 1.2 Million people every month around the world are trying to access Shiva’s learning’s online.

Here is why People Are Actually So Fascinated with Shiva…

Having studied Shiva and All of Hindu Mythology Academically for over 30 years, I know how many forces have been there over the centuries, which could have removed Shiva and his learning’s. So many gods have come and gone like Indra, Vayu, Varuna, and the several other gods from the Ancient Indian or Vedic Era. But Only the Fittest of Teachings have managed to survive.

Hinduism has Millions of Gods, and Millions of Books, then why has Shiva remained the Supreme Deity for so long, even though he was one of the Very FIRST Gods to be discovered, since centuries.

I feel this is because Shiva’s teachings have been adapted for centuries, and still have managed to meet the psychological needs of several generations.

And hence having lived a life blessed by Shiva’s teaching I thought of it as my duty to share with you Shiva’s Teachings and Secrets, which have brought such tremendous success and joy to my life and hence created the Experience Shiva Program.

How Can the Experience Shiva Program Transform your Life?

Experience Shiva is my attempt to bring Shiva’s teachings to the world in a simplified and concise manner through a 6 hour Video Course, so YOU can have a PHENOMENAL LIFE including the following:

  • More Profound, Emotionally Comforting, and Soundly Balanced Relationships
  • Have the Mind Control to be able to Focus and Achieve all your desired objectives
  • Is your Past Holding You Back? Are those chains of child hood memories, so strong that you Never Seem to Move Ahead? Then Shiva’s guidance will help you liberate yourself, to enjoy the Beauty and Brilliance of a new life.
  • Defeating your EGO, and Dissolving your Anger, – the Lord of Destructions Ever Green Teachings will guide you to such intense Personal transformation.
  • Begin to Discover who you are. The Importance of knowing your own nature or SVAIBHAVA and how you can get to know your true nature.
  • Have you been waking up with the same thought for years? Are You Still Figuring Out your purpose. Then let Shiva’s Teachings Guide you.
  • Learn How to Access the Primordial Consciousness Prevalent in you since the beginning of your existence.

What is Unique about The Experience Shiva Program?

One of my biggest Learning’s from Shiva – Is Living a life where I am Always Aiming to Add Value, and the following is how I think Experience Shiva will add value to your life.

  • Its Encapsulates in a simplified manner How Teachings from Ancient Scriptures can Transform our Modern Day Lives
  • Thousands of Books have been written on Shiva’s Teachings over the Centuries, but this is the First of its Kind Video Course Encapsulating The Learning’s of Hinduism’s Most Powerful God.
  • I have summarised my 30 years of Research on this Subject into Just Six Hours, because I understand how busy your lives are.
  • That’s it, Only 6 Hours and a couple of clicks, you will be able to access these invaluable, centuries old, life transformation techniques, which you can implement immediately in your life.
  • There are 8 different videos, So You could even do the course over a period of time, as and when Convenient for you.

So Who Am I, and Why Am I Professing Shiva so Strongly to You?

I am Nilima, and though I have Dr. as a Pre Fix to my name, have been a Professor on this subject for over 20 years, and five published books to my credit, Life didn’t always seem it was going to be this way, Until I Discovered SHIVA. Today I shall share with you a lot of my story, which though is uncomfortable for me to reveal, I think is essential for you to know.

I spent the first Nine Years of My life in the US. As any another child, my formative years have had a deep impact on my life. Unfortunately a lot of those years where particularly challenging for me as my parents had considerable Marital Problems, I was unfortunately subject to physical abuse and when I was 9 my parents split and I returned with my mother to India.

I was a pretty average Student, and a troubled Childhood has taken its toll on me, the combination of the two didn’t make it seem very likely that I was going to get very far in Life.

Till Shiva’s Teachings Came into my life and transformed it to give me everything I ever wanted, and achieve my definition of success, and for the first time in 30 Years I have decided to share how Shiva’s Teachings can Transform your life in such a concise and practical manner. You could say at my age, it’s my way of wanting to give back.


India Today Magazine's recent article highlighting my life time of work on Shiva and Hindu Mythology

What sparked of my Relationship with Shiva…

In my own search for a wholesome life, I pondered upon the theories and teachings of Shiva. While doing my Post Graduate Study in History I had a whole paper on religion, and in this course I first discovered the joy of living a life studying and being associated with Shiva, and since the very day I came in touch with his teachings, my life has transformed immensely, and hence I decided to do a PHD on Shaivism.

Achieving My Definition of Success!

And Its Never Stopped Ever Since. I have written Five Books, which have sold Thousands of copies and can be bought at Amazon, or other online retailer. I have Lectured Around the US, Europe and India.

I married a wonderful man, and brought up a phenomenal child. While I spent some time establishing my credits, it would take a lot more to establish there’s so I will let that be for a bit. But briefly Deepak (my Husband) play’s a leading role in building India’s Largest Metro Rail Services, and Dhruv (my son) is a Partner in India’s leading Sports and Celebrity Management Business called Kwan.in.

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My Inspiration for Creating the Experience Shiva Program…

When My First Book Appeared in Early 1999, I was on a lecture tour in America, and Every University I gave a talk in which included Western Michigan University at Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo College, Kean University (New Jersey) and Boston College (Mass), many a time I would exceed the time limit and be in a state of complete absorption and to my amazement the crowd would be as well, the stories seemed to be so compelling.

I had a similar experience while I was a Visiting Scholar at the Renowned Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, in the United Kingdom. And all of this even though I was surprised at the number of scholars who new Sanskrit, and where American, British and French Scholars on Hinduism. So they weren’t even new to these concepts, but they where still intrigued by the lectures. And since then I have visited Oxford Several Times and even delivered the famous WAHLSTROM LECTURE in 2005.

In 2004 when Emory University– Ranked as One of the US’s Top 20 Colleges- brought an entire delegation of their Distinguished Fellows Program to India, in between meeting India’s Top Politician’s and CEO’s, they requested for me to give a lecture on Shiva, and once again people were inspired about how much they could use in their daily lives.

And since these concepts resounded so strongly with International Audiences as well as Non Resident Indians, and ever since I have got requests for me to come back, as well as messages of gratitude from those who attended my lectures, I realized what could be a better way than to add value to a larger number of people, by creating a Video Course, which could help transform more lives through Shiva’s Teachings.

Time is Short, You are Busy, and I want to make Sure you Experience Shiva

My 5 books have been widely acclaimed, and two of them even Made Compulsory Reading in Delhi University (which means over 4,000 students read them every year), and I have absolutely loved writing every one of them as have several people loved reading them.

However I realize in ways, that unless you are entrenched in mythology, it might be tough for some people to directly be able to convert ancient learning’s and teachings into daily practice.

And hence I thought I must add further value and do this in a video format, to be able to give you a transformed experience, and in a fashion you can access more easily in your daily lives.

Experience Shiva – Your Solution to a life of perfect Balance and Happiness…

Why Experience Shiva?

Shiva teachings have truly resonated with millions, and will make you believe that a peaceful life, with the fundamentals of spirituality is possible while having balanced relationships, financial stability or opulence and still be loved and respected by everyone around you.

Why Experience Shiva?

Because since the day you follow Shiva’s Teachings you will enjoy a life full of abundance. You will be focused to the core and achieve all you want.

Why Experience Shiva?

So you can have emotionally fulfilling yet balanced relationships, regain the passion and playfulness, which brings people alive, and enjoy an intense peace in your life.

Still, Why Experience Shiva?

So you will learn how to be in involved in worldly matters, yet create your own space for self-growth and harmony.

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Letters of Appreciation from Emory University, the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and the British Council for my several engagements with these organisations and their students.

Excerpts from Reviews of My Books

Shiva for all


SHIVA is one deity who straddles in a mythico-embodied form, many of the key signifiers of Indian culture-dance, music, phallicism, yoga, asceticism, Vedanta and the rich tradition of heterodoxy and acculturation,” writes Nilima Chitgopekar, in her well-researched attempt to decode the god-concept Shiva.

As published in the Tribune

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Encountering Sivaism: The Deity, the Milieu, the Entourage’


The author has made a commendable attempt at analyzing scriptural antiquities for traces of socio religious changes…

The work is well produced. Four meticulously tables showing deity-wise and district wise distribution of antiquities bear testimony to painstaking research. Inclusion of 30 well-chosen illustrations of sculptures enhances the value of the work, which is a welcome addition to region – specific studies of a cultural tradition..

Excerpts from review published by The Hindu, Sept 6, 1998

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Encountering Sivaism is Well Worth It!


Shiva is unique in many ways. He is ascetic and erotic, creator and skull-bearer, vagabond and all-powerful—probably the only deity so elastic in his qualities.

Altogether, Encountering Sivaism is well worth reading.

Excerpt from review published by Shobhana Bhattacharji in Outlook Magazine by SHOBHANA BHATTACHARJI
Published on Sep 21, 1998

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So Now, Discover the Program that is About to Change Your Life!

The Experience Shiva Program


  • All 6 Videos of the Digital Experience Shiva Program (worth $167)
  • 45 Minutes of Shiva’s Advanced Teachings on Relationships Program (worth $65)
  • 45 Minutes of Advanced Teachings of Shiva’s Destruction of the Negatives of the Universe (worth $65)
  • Instant Access To Online Video Library (Flash Payer Format)

Get All of the Above, For an Unbelievable,  All Inclusive Price of $97 Only!

Introduction to Experience Shiva


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  • Including the Origin of Shiva tracing probably back to 2750 BC
  • The 3 signs that verify that Shiva was probably the earliest god known to mankind.
  • Explanation on How the quality of Shivas relationships, ensured his empowerment.

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Relationships, Re Programming Life Patterns,
Refueling and Effectively Utilizing Your Energy module2smallPicture 3
  • Tips on How to Conduct Self Examination and achieve Self -Realization
  • How to get people to Change there Attitude Towards You
  • Refueling the Mind
  • Accepting the Past and Positively influencing the future
  • Achieving Personal Autonomy through the Power of the Mind
  • Discovering the infinite Reality Existing within you
  • Empowering stories from Dr. Chitgopekar’s life.
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Accessing the Power and Abilities of the Mindmodule3small Picture 3
  • Why attain higher degrees of Focus and the wonders it can achieve for you
  • Achieving your life’s desires and resisting negative influence
  • Studying one’s own mind, and revising lifestyle habits Creating a disciplined mind.

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  • Detaching from the Chains of Child Hood Pain
  • Shiva Teachings on Detachment and renouncing extremities.
  • Detaching from Negative thoughts, emotions and relationships
  • Defeating the ego, and dissolving your anger.
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How to Become a Wholesome, Happy and Successful Person


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  • Making Wise investments in Relationships.
  • Enhancing Communication: The Key to Successful Relationships
  • Balancing Control and Freedom for Your Children.
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The Path to Fulfillment and Empowerment
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  • Defining Fulfillment Doing what you Love
  • Finding a niche
  • The Secret to Empowerment
  • Attaining Life’s Perfect Balance – Sayyam.

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To Add to YOUR Learning

Bonus #1 45 Minutes of Shiva’s Advanced Teachings on Relationships Program (worth $65)
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  • Learning’s from Shiva’s Passionate Relationships
  • Ensuring Harmony and Understanding in a relationship
  • The Beauty and intricacy of father son relationships.
  • Enchanting Tales of Shivas Relationships with his Wives.

…And there is More

Bonus #2 45 Minutes of Advanced Teachings of Shiva’s Destruction of the Negatives of the Universe (worth $65)
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  • Advanced Learning’s of Shiva’s role in Destruction of the Negative
  • Destroying Ego, Anger and other restrictive life forces.
The Experience Shiva Program Will Answer Your Most Pressing Questions–We Guarantee It
We’re Giving You 60 Risk-Free Days To Discover Yourself

Dear Friend,

I’m not a fan of hype, and I would never settle for mediocre results. I wouldn’t want it for myself, and I most definitely don’t want it for you.

What I’m going to give you is nothing short of a breakthrough. A life-changing experience that’ll change the way you live your life for the better.

The key to this breakthrough life is within you – and after 30 years of research and achieving all that I personally ever wanted in life, I am confident I can guide you to achieve it too.

How confident am I that Experience Shiva will do all that I’ve promised? I’ll put everything on the line:

If the Experience Shiva doesn’t give you the most profound mental breakthrough in your life, just return it to me within 60 days and I’ll return every cent of your money.

No questions asked, no hidden caveats, and absolutely no risk on your part. Just one promise that I stand by with every inch of my credibility and reputation that I have built over a lifetime.

But let me make it even more comfortable for you – even if you return the Experience Shiva to us, we shall still ensure you have access to all the bonuses, just as a thank you for trying us out.

So I hope you’re ready for a breakthrough life. Because it’s ready for you.

Warm Regards


nilam sign


Why am I Giving Experience Shiva with Bonuses worth more than the price of the product?

Since this Program has just launched, I would love for you to try it and give me your feedback, so I can continue to work on it and add more value as we go along, and hence only for the first months to begin with we are launching out at $97 only, including these two fabulous bonuses, which include some of the best pieces of my lifetime’s work.

After the first month in order to meet the Economics of running this project and continue to add more value, I am likely to be forced to increase the price. But since I value, your feedback tremendously at the moment, and want to see how Experience Shiva transforms your life, we are giving it out at $97.

Considering the time spent we have spent on developing them and the knowledge we have in this field, the current bonuses seem good enough to be a product in themselves, but for this month only we would still like more feedback, and hence they shall continue to be bonuses.

Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this

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Order Today and Get


  • All 6 Videos of the Digital Experience Shiva Program (worth $167)
  • 45 Minutes of Shiva’s Advanced Teachings on Relationships Program (worth $65)
  • 45 Minutes of Advanced Teachings of Shiva’s Destruction of the Negatives of the Universe (worth $65)
  • Instant Access To Online Video Library (Flash Payer Format)

All Inclusive for a One time Introductory Price Offer of $97 Only for Products worth $297.

PS: Remember, This is my effort to make you have amazing relationships, complete mind control, and a successful and purposeful life in just 6 hours of Video Training.

P.P.S: Remember, for this MONTH ONLY you receive $ 297 worth of materials for a MERE $97. If you’re not 100% impressed by the results, just return it within 60 Days and we’ll refund your money – No Questions Asked. Plus, you can keep all the free bonuses as a gift.



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