
eBook Publishing - Write eBook - Best Selling

eBook Publishing - Write eBook - Best Selling

“How You Can Create a Best-selling eBook in the Next 21 Days Without Writing. . . Guaranteed!”

If you want to set yourself up financially for the rest of your life by publishing your own best-selling eBook, read this article immediately. . .

Proof #1 - $2,263.38 in 7 Days!

Proof #2 - $1,680.88 in 11 Days!

By Dan Lok, The Worlds #1 Website Conversion Expert™

Dear Friend,

If you’ve ever thought about writing your own eBook, or wondered what it would be like to make $1000, $10,000, even $100,000! a month, completely on auto-pilot… then this might be the most important letter you’ve ever read!

In the paragraphs below I am going to do something that nobody has ever done… I’m going to show you a revolutionary system for writing best-selling eBooks, and I’m going to prove that it works!

This has never been done before!

Discover how a first time eBook author followed our system and made over $1,000.00 on his first day!

But first let me show you why so many people are becoming ridiculously rich with eBooks…

It’s true!

There really are people becoming millionaires everyday from writing eBooks…

Check out these success stories of people from all types of backgrounds…

eBook Success Story #1:

"Bert Ingley makes $360,000.00 per year selling his eBooks -- about video games!"

Not too long ago, Bert Ingley was going nowhere fast.

He was a struggling freelance web designer who spent all his free time playing video games and watching football on TV.

One night, after his web design business had gone "belly up," Bert decided to try something new...

"I was so tired of having an income that was based on how many work hours I could fit into a day!"

Bert combined his love of sports and video games and started selling an eBook on how to win at popular sporting video games, like video football, video basketball, etc.

And Bert's gamble has paid off -- big time! He's on track to earn over $360,000.00 this year -- almost doubling the $187,000.00 he made last year!


eBook Success Story #2:

"Kelly Johns makes $1.2 MILLION per year -- thanks to his little $47 eBook!"*

Kelly Johns has built a $1.2 MILLION per year Internet empire -- using a very simple little $47 eBook, called "The Sports Formula."

See, Kelly uses his $47 eBook as a "lead generation" tool.

He gets customers "in the door" with a relatively low-priced item... and "upsells" them to a more comprehensive $997.00 package.

Says Kelly...

"The customers who buy my eBook also purchase $1,000's in other merchandise from us every year!"

Kelly uses his $47 eBook to attract buyers... build a relationship with them... and then upsell them to his more expensive products!!


eBook Success Story #3:

"This grandma will make $151,00.00 this year -- with her decorating eBooks...

...working less than 5 hours per week!"*

Barbara Jennings is a self-described "one-grandma operation," and that's just the way she likes it!

With her 60th birthday fast approaching, Barbara was fed up leaving the house every day to make money.

She knew she couldn't keep it up forever, so she decided to do something about it!

Working from her dining room table, Barbara has created a series of eBooks on home decorating and interior design...

And the most amazing part… She works less than 5 hours a week!

Says Barbara...

"Right now, I make a very comfortable six-figure income, and I only 'work' 30 to 60 minutes a day!"

So what does Barbara do with all her spare time?

You guessed it! She writes more eBooks, which is why she has been able to at least double her income every single year... since 2002!


eBook Success Story #4:

"This couple, with no internet experience, made over $250,000.00 in their first 12 months selling eBooks!”

Andrew and Daryl Grant ran a consulting business for 15 years. Although it was successful, they worked 7 days a week and their finances were at the complete mercy of their customers.

In 2004, with no internet experience, they wrote their first eBook. In 2005, they have officially retired. They made over $250,000.00 in their first 12 months, and are on pace to double that this year!

The best part about their success is that they make money whether or not they work. Totally different from the consulting business they struggled with for so many years.

And how much do they work?

Less than an hour a day!


eBook Success Story #5:

"This M.I.T. graduate decided to start selling eBooks and made $61,662.00 in the first 32 days!"

Stuart Lichtman has directed or run 100 companies and trained more than 50,000 people around the world. His formal education includes undergraduate and graduate work at MIT in engineering, psychology, and artificial intelligence, masters work in applied psychology, and doctoral work in organization development and cross cultural business.

So why did he decide to use his valuable time selling an eBook?

Because he knew an eBook would be the best way to share his knowledge with the world. And $61,662.00 in 32 days shows that he was right!


eBook Success Story #6:

"Michael Webb makes tens of thousands of dollars with his hardcover best-seller… selling eBooks is making him millions!”

Michael Webb has a #1 best-selling book published by one of the world's top publishing houses. The book (The RoMANtic's Guide) has been mentioned in hundreds of newspapers and magazines and he has done over 500 radio and television interviews promoting it.

On the other hand, he has written 7 other books that aren't in bookstores and that have never been mentioned in any newspapers or magazines that I know about, yet he makes 10 times more money on those books per month, than he does with The RoMANtic's Guide.

Why is that?

The 7 other books are eBooks.

Michael says…

“With ebooks, I net close to 100% of the sales price as there is practically no cost or overhead to selling them.”


The reason you can make money faster and easier selling eBooks than any other way is because…

- eBooks have the highest profit margins possible!

- There are “Zero” production and delivery costs!

- You can make money while you sleep on autopilot!

- There’s little or no risk! You don’t have to buy a garage full of products to get started.

- You can create lifetime customers with the right eBook!

Imagine. . .

If you create a simple eBook and only sell 2 copies a day for $30.00 each, that would give you $1,800.00 a month extra income! And this money will come in whether you’re at the beach, on a golf course, or in a coma for that matter.

Now imagine. . .

If you create 5 or 6 eBooks in the next couple of months you could be making over $100,000.00 in your first year! You can see how you can become obscenely wealthy with very little time or effort!

But here’s the catch: anyone can make serious money with eBooks. . .

. . .but only if you can

1. Create a good eBook;

Now there are hundreds of people offering to teach you how to write your own eBook. But what if you aren’t a good writer? Or you don’t have time to write? Or what if you just don’t like to write?

-In just a moment I’m going to show you the most amazing system ever invented for creating a best-selling eBook without writing! Trust me, nobody has ever told you how to do this the way I’m about to.

2. Find a market for it;

Maybe you are one of the rare people that have the time and ability to write your own eBook. . . The problem is you could spend months or even years working on your book only to find out that nobody wants it.

-My cant-miss system will give you access to unlimited markets of eager customers that have been tried and tested. There’s no guesswork!

3. Convince people to buy it from you.

The #1 obstacle for first-time eBook authors is that nobody knows who they are, so nobody wants to buy from them. Think about it, who do you buy from when you want information? Not Joe Schmo from down the street, you buy from the experts.

-The difference with this system is that you will have instant “expert” status. You won’t have to spend years building a loyal client base. Other best-selling authors will do the job for you!

So Is There Really a Way to Create a Best-Selling eBook Without Wasting Your Time Struggling to Write and Sell it Yourself???


“How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling
eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing!”

I have uncovered and exposed a step-by-step system for creating massively successful eBooks with little or no effort. The same system that the top internet marketers have been using for years! Once you read this book, you will join this elite group of millionaire authors that have figured it out!

This is the most surefire system for creating an outrageously successful eBook that I have ever seen in my 9 years of selling information products online.

Here Are Just a Few of the Secret Techniques You Will Learn With This System and Nowhere Else:

  • A step-by-step blueprint for creating massively successful eBooks on 100% auto-pilot, over and over and over.

  • Why you don’t need to spend years becoming an “expert” to make expert money with eBooks.

  • The 1 never revealed technique for having the highest selling authors in any topic area begging to write for you.

  • How to create a win/win proposal that nobody will turn down!

  • The *guaranteed* method for picking topics that sell instantly!

  • The easiest way to make big money with eBooks, and exactly how to do it.

  • How to not waste months of your limited time writing an eBook that doesn’t sell.

  • The #1 type of eBook to write and sell…Immediately!

  • Simple but never-fail ways for getting other people to advertise and sell the book for you, without spending anything!

  • 1 simple question to ask yourself, which will tell you in a second if you’re eBook will be a best-seller.

  • How to set up your website for free and spend ZERO on marketing!

  • How to publish a bestselling eBook every month and get paid for the rest of your life!

  • The 1 word to include in your eBook that will make you an extra $1000.00 a month…at least!

  • The 1 Simple Technique that the experts have been keeping from you, while they sell you products using this EXACT technique!

  • How the right eBook can earn you as much as $10,000.00 in the first week and set you up for the rest of your life!

  • How to create best-selling eBooks about subjects that you’ve never even heard of!

  • Why there is an unlimited amount of money that can be made with this system.

  • How to set up an auto-pilot system to deliver your eBook, take payments, and handle customer service, while you set back and collect the checks.

  • The single step that virtually guarantees success in writing and selling your eBook…even if you only have 5 minutes a day.

  • The absolute fastest way to turn out a profitable eBook, Guaranteed!

  • 2 magic keys that make your ebook sales page irrisestable , these techniques are priceless with any business.

  • The real nasty truth about how people become rich selling eBooks.

  • How to overcome the 3 biggest obstacles stopping average people from creating best-selling eBooks.

  • How to create an eBook empire and quit your job within the first 12 months.

  • A start to finish checklist for publishing best-selling eBooks that an 8 year old kid could follow.

  • Real examples and solutions for every potential problem you might encounter in creating your eBook business.

  • How you can publish a best-selling eBook without doing any selling!

  • The sneaky way to get someone to set up your eBook website without paying them!

  • The one surfire way to guarantee that your eBook will sell , if you use this technique your success is guaranteed.

  • The correct process for publishing a best-seller, if you mess up the order it will cost you big time!

  • What you must do before you start any online project, if you have been successful online then you know this.

  • Step-by-step instructions for coming up with a profitable topic in 60 seconds or less!

  • The little known secret for selling eBooks to big groups. If you learn this, you'll never have to worry about finding niches again!

  • How to earn a full time salary selling your eBooks by only working a few minutes a day!

  • How to personally offer your eBook to thousands of hungry customers in one day without lifting a finger!

Sound Too Good to be True?

If you said “yes.” Then I understand. There are dozens of people selling products that claim to teach you how to get rich selling eBooks. And they all sound too good to be true.

That’s why I decided to do something that none of those other people have done. I decided to prove that it works!

For the first time in history, I am going to take you step by step through this system and actually publish a best-seller. But to make it even more convincing, I’m not going to do it… My co-author is going to do it.

Although Todd is very knowledgeable in marketing, he had never written an eBook before I issued him my challenge.

My Mind Blowing Challenge…

I challenged him to use the system that we created and publish a best-seller just like any average Joe would.

So did it work? The results will blow your mind!

What happened was so amazing we decided to dedicate part of this system to documenting the challenge. You will get a step by step accounting from start to finish.

Not only is what happened truly amazing…. It is a actual step by step blueprint of this system in action!

Nobody has ever proven that their system worked. And I doubt anybody will in the future. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.

This Never Revealed System Destroys The 3 MOST Common Myths About Creating a Highly Profitable eBook

Myth #1: The only way to make money with eBooks is by writing them yourself.

It’s easy to see why people would believe this. After all, 99.9% of the “how to” books out there teach you how to write your own eBook.

Reality: It’s not only possible to make a fortune without writing; it’s much easier than writing the books yourself. That’s why the top marketing gurus do this all the time.

Myth #2: You have to be an “expert” to sell eBooks

This is partly true. You will never sell as many eBooks as the “experts” in your field. But what if you don’t want to be an expert? Or you don’t have time to become an expert? Or even still, what if you aren’t able to become an expert?

Reality: The truth is you don’t have to be an expert to sell eBooks…. If the experts will sell them for you! And this system gives you a guaranteed and tested way to do just that!

Myth #3: You have to know how to market and sell your eBook in order to make money

Reality: Once again, these skills are indispensable for selling eBooks, but you aren’t going to be selling them. You don’t need to know anything about selling online to become a best-selling author. The experts have spent years learning how to do this, so why not let them do it for you?

Sound too easy? I agree, its way too easy!

Why Do You Think the Top Internet-Marketers Use This Secret System All the Time?

#1. It’s Easy! They can write a bestselling eBook with little or no effort. These guys didn’t make millions by doing everything the hard way and you wont either.

#2. It’s Fast! They can produce a bestselling eBook with little or no time. When a best-selling author wants to publish an eBook in 7 days, this is how they do it.

#3. There’s No Risk! If you don’t put any money in… you can’t lose any. The reason why the most successful authors use this system is that even if it fails, you lose a couple hours of time and ZERO money! You’d be crazy not to try a system like that!

#4. It Works! Some of the top selling eBooks today were written using this secret technique. Even if your idea stinks, you cannot fail. You will make money, Guaranteed!

How Many Times Have You Purchased a Product That Promised To Make You Rich, and Even Though It Was Entertaining and Had Great Ideas, You Were Left Asking… What Now?

You won’t ask that question after learning this system. In fact you will be starting in just minutes after receiving it!

If you want big picture ideas and catch phrases, then buy a different book. We are only giving you specific instructions for creating a best-selling eBook.

This is a step-by-step system for people who are ready to start TODAY! If you want to write an eBook in your spare time for fun, then by all means do that. But this book isn’t for you... It’s for people who want to start making money immediately!

This Information is PRICELESS!

I’ve built a multi-million-dollar business by authoring over 20 books, audio programs and various information products. I’ve sold more than $25.7 million dollars of products and services over the internet in less than 9 years...

Never before have I revealed a system for making this much money, with so little effort!

It would cost you at least $10,000.00 to have me come teach you this amazing system for just 1 day…. But even then, you wouldn’t get the benefit of being able to review the information later.

I could easily sell this system for $200-$300 dollars and you would make triple that on the first day your eBook is released!

This might be the only “sure thing” I’ve ever seen!

In fact, if you want to make an arrangement for a percentage of your future profits using this system, I will just give it to you! Believe me, I would make a lot more money that way.

But if you’re like me and enjoy keeping all of your profits, I am going to offer it to you for one time only at $49.95.

My Greedy Limited Time Offer

Because this system is completely different than anything I’ve ever offered, and demand has been so overwhelming. I have decided to limit the number of people who have access to it. Call me greedy if you want, but I know this system works and I don’t want everyone and their cats doing exactly what I’m doing.

I’m going to limit customers by increasing the price every week, based on the number of sales.

So I can only guarantee that the price will be $49.95 for the first 50 people who purchase it. Order now!!! I promise, it will never be cheaper than today.

Because this system is so revolutionary, whoever starts today will have a leg up on everyone that comes afterwards. That’s just the nature of any successful business… The only difference with this system is that you have a chance to be first!

Act Immediately and Receive the Following Bonuses:

In order to encourage you to be first, I’m also offering the first 50 customers these bonuses worth $120.00!

BONUS #1: Instant Pitch Letters: A collection of real letters and emails that were used by people using this system to convince best-selling authors to write an eBook for them ($39.99 Value)

As soon as you receive this system, you will want to start creating you’re own highly profitable eBook.

Trust me, it’s so simple you can get started within the first minute you receive it!

Magic Letters, is a collection of previously used cant-miss proposal letters that you can just fill in the blanks and send to whoever you want to write for you!

Now you won’t have to write a single sentence!

BONUS #2: The Essential Clickbank Guide: Everything YOU need to know about an unbelievable tool that will set your sales and profits soaring! ($39.99 Value)

Once you have your eBook written, you need to know the quickest and cheapest way to get your eBook ready to sell.

An amazing tool that YOU can use to boost your sales and profits, with almost no effort!

There’s no worse feeling than having a guaranteed best-seller saved on your computer but not knowing how to actually make it into an eBook. Follow these simple instructions and you will have it ready to sell in minutes!

BONUS #3: 7 Steps to Automatic eBook Sales: How to set up your eBook sales where all you have to do is cash the checks ($39.99 Value)

Let’s face it, the reason you are selling an eBook is to make money the easy way…

This report will show you how you can make more money with your eBook by setting up an automated sales machine that handles everything for you.

From start to finish how to set up your website, Paypal, Clickbank, and auto-responder accounts. Plus the secret to hiring thousands of affiliates to sell your book for you!

BONUS#4: Special Report: Ebook Marketing 101—How to get amazing results from basic strategies ($39.99 Value)

So you've got your first eBook, and you want to push your sales as far as they can go … You need to learn the basic strategies for eBook marketing.

This report will show you how to make huge amounts of cash by using just a few basic strategies. And the great news is, these are the same strategies that the best-selling eBook authors use!

The reason best-selling authors use these basic strategies is that they're fast, cheap and effective. Once you start utilizing these powerful strategies, your sales will skyrocket!

Your No Questions Asked, 100% Money-Back
90 Day Guarantee

I insist that you order this book entirely at my risk. That’s why it comes with a No Questions Asked, 100% Money- Back--90 Day Guarantee.

If you're not 100% convinced that How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing will put tons of cold, hard cash in your pocket, then simply tell us, and you'll be issued a prompt and courteous refund.

Don’t wait! Order your copy of How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing! so you can be on your way to joining the elite group of millionaire eBook authors using this system today!

To Your Incredible Success,

Dan Lok
World's #1 Website Conversion Expert™

P.S. Don’t delay! Remember, I am only guaranteeing this low price and the $120.00 of bonuses to the first 50 customers!

P.P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to apply all of these techniques. Your FREE bonuses, will allow you to begin immediately! Start the clock! 21 days!

P.P.P.S. Because I’m so confident this system will work for you, If you order within the next 10 minutes, you can keep all of the Bonuses, even if you decide to return the system for a 100% refund!


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