
How To Get Rid Of A Toothache Naturally In Less Than 12 Hours

How To Get Rid Of A Toothache Naturally In Less Than 12 Hours

WARNING! Don't Even Think About Buying Another Toothache Product Or Going To The Dentist Until You Read This...

"Chronic Toothache Sufferer Finds A Natural, Scientifically Proven Way To Get Rid Of A Toothache In Less Than 12 Hours, And Finally Reveals The Incredibly Easy Steps You Could Already Be Taking To Relieve Your Toothache Pain and Keep It From Ever Coming Back"

"Finally, you can discover the ancient Polynesian secret to relieve your toothache pain. Don’t even think about going to the dentist for surgery or wasting your money on numbing gels that just don't work. This step-by-step program will show you exactly how to get rid of your toothache naturally and ensure it never comes back!"

From the Desk of Diane Puttman
Creator of 12HourToothacheCure.com

Dear Friend,

I know exactly what brought you here today. The pain you're feeling right now can turn an otherwise regular day completely upside down and bring a grown man to his knees. I understand that next to child birth and passing a kidney stone, a toothache is the most unbearable pain a person can suffer. I remember the electric jolts of pain to my teeth and the neverending throbbing that wouldn't go away. You're not alone. I have been through the exact same tormenting pain that you are going through right now.

What if I told you there was a simple, easy and cheap way to naturally eliminate your toothache pain in less than 12 hours and keep it from ever coming back?


Dear Diane,

I have been searching for a natural cure like this for as long as I can remember. I'm so glad I happened upon your website. In the past I had resorted to over-the-counter numbing gels to help curb my toothache pain but they never worked as well as I'd hoped. I also didn't want to be taking prescription pills. I've heard so many horror stories about those.

Anyway, I'm excited to report that your program completely cured my toothache pain the very first day and it hasn't been back since. Thank you so much for helping me out.

Best Regards,

Jenna Dyer
Los Altos, CA


"Completely Cured My
Toothache Pain"


Finally, something that really works! I cannot thank you enough for sharing this priceless information. You know how it is when you’ve coped with tooth pain and sensitivity for so long. I have to retrain myself to chew on the right side of my mouth again, because I have been compensating for so long by avoiding contact with anything as way of avoiding the pain. You’re a lifesaver!

Bend, OR


"You're A Lifesaver"


Ms. Puttman,

I have not been to the dentist in over two years! Not because I don’t need to go. But, they have ripped me off more times than I can count. I actually had to make payments because the work they did was so much more expensive than my insurance coverage. I felt taken advantage of and still had a toothache.

So, I tried your book thinking that at least I could get my money back if it didn’t work. Now I think I will promote your site to all my friends and put that overpriced dentist out of business!

Thanks again,

Randall Pink
Denver, CO


"I Will Promote Your Site To All My Friends"

My Personal Battle With Severe Toothache Pain

Although it was nearly 5 years ago, I can still remember the pain like it was yesterday. It was an upper right tooth, I knew that for sure, but I could never tell exactly which one because the pain was so bad.

At its least, it was just a small surge of pain. But, when it really hit me, it felt like something was attacking every nerve in my head with a jackhammer.

Even worse than the pain itself was the fact that I had to give up so many of my favorite foods. No sugar or sweets for me. I was pretty much forced to eat soup, or at best, a little pasta.

I finally visited my dentist after suffering with the pain on my own for about a year and a half.

After looking me over, he suggested it was my premolar and told me I needed a root canal and a crown put on immediately to get rid of the pain. Yep...MAJOR SURGERY!

It seemed to work...until about a month later. I started having pain from the same area, except this time it was even worse. The pain was also above my tooth and my entire face would throb.

My next step was visiting an Endodontist. He checked out the premolar, as well as the teeth in the front and back, and decided it was definitely the tooth that had had the root canal that was causing so much pain. At this time, he referred me to an Oral Surgeon.

The Oral Surgeon decided that I needed an apicoectomy which I scheduled for the following week.

Well, after the surgery, the Oral Surgeon told me it went perfectly. He had to scrape my sinus a bit from the infection, but that I was going to be fine.

It wasn't more than a week or so after the surgery that I was in massive pain...but oddly enough, it felt like the "tooth" itself hurt, even though there should have been no feeling. Plus, I started to have a lot of facial pains in my sinus, as well as severe headaches.

So, I went back in and had an MRI done. He told me there was no sinus damage, but the tooth kept bothering me.

Finally, I went back to the Oral Surgeon and had the tooth extracted. Unfortunately, the pain didn't go away. It felt like the same pain as before, coming from the area where there was no longer a tooth.

I was desperate for a solution (and the doctors and dentists couldn't help), so I did what any normal person does – I "googled" it on the Internet.

I did some research and found out that I was not alone. Countless others suffered from mild to severe toothaches, but no one had found a cure that worked. Most would just medicate with prescription painkillers such as Codeine, Hydrocodone, Vicodin, and Percocet. I did not want to get addicted to drugs.

After feeling emotions of fear and frustration for about a week, I decided there was no way I was going to let this chronic toothache take control of my life any longer. Surely there must be a way to get rid of it without drugs. I decided to go on a mission and find out the truth for myself.

I committed myself to learning anything and everything about chronic tooth pain and how to get rid of it without the use of drugs.

I went on a mission to discover why so many people suffered from debilitating toothaches. I went to natural therapists, homeopathic doctors, and even a Chinese herbalist but they couldn’t help me. I took a slew of herbal medicines but nothing worked. My toothache was still there.

After months of searching, I finally found the solution while researching out the Polynesian tribes who enjoy excellent tooth health without the dental technology we in developed countries have. There are remote tribes across the globe that defy the odds and still have their teeth well into their 70's and beyond. It was quite simple, really, and not only attacked the toothache pain, but addressed the overall health of my teeth.

I had been on quite the journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was skeptical at first when I tried it. But the evidence was right there in front of my eyes. I decided that I might as well try it and see what happened. I had nothing to lose anyway so why not?

I truly didn’t think I would EVER get rid of this chronic pain that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better and I wanted this pain GONE FOR GOOD, so I decided to give it my best try.



Almost immediately, I began to notice the pain subside. The extreme pain I had suffered with for so long started to go away. Within 12 hours my toothache was completely gone.

I couldn’t believe it. I bit down, soft at first, expecting a jolt of pain to send me to my knees. No pain. I then bit down as hard as I could. NOTHING. I couldn't believe it. My toothache was completely gone, forever! I finally felt free again!


Hi Diane,

I just wanted to thank you for your natural remedies book. Until now I had spent a lot of money on numbing gels and a lot of work avoiding all of my favorite foods (chocolate, coffee, ice cream…)! Your book gave me the answers and relief I have been searching for. Now, I don’t have any tooth pain and I am making up for lost time with all the foods I have been missing out on.


Rose McCallen
Rapid City, SD


"Relief I've Been Searching For"


Where did you get this information? It is invaluable! I have to say that the price I paid for your book pales in comparison to the amount of money I have spent on the dentist. You would think a doctor would be able to take care of my toothache pain, especially considering the number of surgeries I have undergone trying to get relief. But, for some reason the result was always the same. I would feel better for about a week after any dental work and then the symptoms of sensitivity and acute pain would return. I think that my dentist thinks it’s all in my head! Anyway, your natural remedies worked. I just canceled my upcoming dentist appointment.

Thanks Sooooo Much

Penny Woodruff
Long Island, NY


"Your Natural Remedies Worked!"


Dear Diane,

I think this book should be required reading for all dental school students! Your natural remedies are quick and painless. But most importantly, they work. Thanks for providing me with what no one else could, relief and a pain free coffee break.


Jim Fuller
Atlanta, GA


"Quick And Painless"
So, may I ask you, what have you done in an attempt to ease your toothache pain? No doubt you’ve tried most of the same things I did. You may even be considering addictive painkillers to numb your toothache pain. Have you given up on trying to find a cure for your toothache and "settled" for coping with the pain the best you can?

Let me tell you right now, it doesn’t have to be this way! You do NOT have to live with the pain any longer.

Several years have passed since my amazing discovery. I can honestly and confidently tell you, MY TOOTHACHE PAIN HAS NEVER RETURNED!

I created this simple, yet detailed guide for curing your toothache naturally to spread the word to the countless other people out there who are going through the same pain and agony as I did, desperately looking for a relief but unable to find it. And, to help those people who have given up and decided to "cope" with the pain of a toothache.

I wrote my story and am sharing the exact program I followed to cure my toothache in 12 hours and keep it from ever coming back because you need to know that there is something you can do. You don’t need to suffer with this debilitating pain any longer. This is an easy and inexpensive solution to a problem that won’t go away on its own.

You can get rid of your toothache without drugs or painful surgeries. You can stop living in utter torment. You can start changing your life today.

I want to help you because I do not want you to continue going through what I went through on a daily basis for so long. I know what it is like to deal with this pain and have it disrupt your life on so many levels.

I know the burden and strangle hold this is having on your life! I care about you and I am 100% confident that with my help you can permanently get rid of your toothache pain just as I did!


Banish Tonsil Stones

My Step-By-Step guide will take you by the hand and show you the exact steps you need to completely cure your toothache IN LESS THAN 12 HOURS.

Imagine being able to go through the day without anymore pain and suffering!

I will show you the exact steps I followed to easily and naturally end my toothache pain for good.


Here Is Just A Sample Of The Things You Will Learn In My Guide


20 of the best, most effective, proven natural toothache remedies known to give fast acting pain relief within minutes.
The ingredients you can put together yourself quickly and easily from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to try to drive in your pained state to grab an over the counter medicine that will have side effects.
Discover what to plug an open cavity of a missing filling with to give instant relief within minutes of its application, hint you probably add this to your cooking without realizing its natural healing properties.
What the different types of toothache pain reveal and how your teeth could be warning you of something more serious.
Which acuppressure point releases a quick flood of natural "feel good" painkilling endorphins to the site of pain for quick relief.
How you can actually reverse the effects of decay and tooth erosion and learn how you can grow back precious tooth enamel – yes that’s right!, teeth are meant to repair and rebuild themselves, this is something the dentists never tell you.
Discover how the type of toothbrush you use could be accelerating gum loss and aggravating your toothache pain.
Learn which ingredients contain natural antibacterial and anesthetic properties to give you fast relief, you already use most of these on a daily basis.
Find out which vitamins are essential for strengthening and remineralizing teeth, how just simple changes to your diet can see your teeth grow more of their own enamel, and why your current diet and lifestyle prevent this process from happening effectively.
What causes toothache pain in the first place and what to do to never have another toothache again.
Pain relief within the next 10 to 20 minutes from now.
And much, much more...


Dear Diane,

I am sure you get a ton of emails about your book. But, I had to write and tell you how grateful I am that I stumbled upon this information. Believe me when I say that I have tried everything to get rid of my toothache. The worst was the toothache gum. Not only did it taste terrible, but it dissolved in my mouth and smelled bad too! Can you believe that, a gum that gives you bad breath.

Your book is the only relief I have found. I read things I had no idea about, like the fact that my toothache was an indicator of other health problems. Thanks again for providing access to this info.

Gus Evans
Baton Rouge, LA


"The Only Relief I Have Found"



Just wanted to drop a quick line and say thanks. Your book really made getting rid of my toothache quick and simple. Of course, I will have to see the dentist to get my filling that fell out replaced. But, when it happened on a Friday night, I thought I was going to suffer all weekend until I read your book. Thanks again for the simple cure!

Valerie Bates
Flagstaff, AZ


"Thanks For The Simple Cure!"

Are You Ready To Get Rid Of Your Toothache Once And For All?


This solution will work...when you work with it. I can give you directions and show you the way - but only YOU can make it work for yourself.

Take the steps so many other skeptical toothache sufferers have taken. Download the 12 Hour Toothache Cure™ ebook today.

It Can Help You!

It Will Help You!


My 12 Hour Toothache Cure™ guide is currently on sale for $97 $47 $29.99

This price is just a fraction of what you are spending on dentist visits and medicine. Not to mention the throbbing pain you are feeling right now.

I am not sure how long I will leave the price at $29.99 but it will return to $97 at some point.

Because my guide is downloadable and can be viewed on any computer, you can start to use this system today. You don't have to wait for shipping - you're literally just a couple of clicks away from getting instant access to the 12 Hour Toothache Cure™ guide and once-and-for-all ending the pain that has held you back.



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If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you're not completely satisfied with everything found in your 12 Hour Toothache Cure™ guide, or for any other reason at all...

Simply let me know and I'll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.

You have absolutely nothing to lose (except for the pain)!

Remember: this guarantee means that if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with the 12 Hour Toothache Cure, you will get a prompt, 100%, no questions asked refund. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose!


Click Here To Order The 12 Hour Toothache Cure


If you've come this far already, looking for a cure and learning how to "cope" with your toothache pain, and you've experienced all the emotional ups and downs that have gone with it but yet you still have that agonizing tooth pain, then don't you think you really owe it to yourself to at least try the 12 Hour Toothache Cure?

Heck, you deserve an end to your pain - you deserve to find out how simple and easy it can be to naturally get rid of your toothache for good without the burden of a huge hole in your wallet from trying a ton of useless alternative therapies.

You have simple choice to make right now - this could be a major turning point in your life. Are you going to say "no thanks" to this opportunity, live with the pain and accept it as "just a part of life?"

OR are you going to take control of your life, be a master of your own destiny, stop living with the pain and break out of your own version of solitary confinement and return to a life of freedom and vitality again? The choice is yours.

Get Instant Access To The 12 Hour Toothache Cure Today!

Yes! Please give me instant access to the 12 Hour Toothache Cure so that I can begin my pain free journey to freedom immediately!

Yes! I understand that my purchase is backed by a 60 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee. I am ready to order now!

Here's to your future free from the pain that has been holding you back!

Best Regards,

Diane Puttman

P.S. If you are suffering from toothache pain, you need this guide. Even if your toothache hasn't become severe, it won't go away on its own. It will just continue to get worse. You owe it to yourself to eliminate the pain once and for all.

P.P.S. The current price is just $29.99. Please order your copy immediately as I cannot guarantee this price will not increase in the future. So grab your copy now while it's still at this low price.

Don't you owe it to yourself to try "the proven" way to eliminate toothache pain?

Click Here To Claim Your Copy Now





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