
Seduction Info - Love Systems - Sinn's Lay Report Book

Seduction Info - Love Systems - Sinn's Lay Report Book

"The first time I saw Sinn in action my jaw dropped to the floor, and stayed there all night. Most instructors get "good enough" at one facet of the Game to impress AFCs... and you'd be hard pressed to find an Instructor who had achieved Mastery at even one facet of Game, yet Sinn seems to have achieved it in all of them. From Day Game to Strippers to Same Night Lays I can't find a weakness in his Game anywhere."

Captain Jack

Sinn has been one of the biggest influences on my game.  Not only is the guy brilliant with amazing insights into female psychology and women in general, but he’s one of the few guys in the community that I actually admire.

Love Systems 

Announcing:  The most information-packed and useful book on attracting and seducing beautiful women ever created…

"I’m Going To Show You Step-by-Step, Word-for-Word, How The Greatest Pick-Up Artists And Dating Experts In The World Attract And Seduce Beautiful Women in ALL Types Of Environments – And How YOU Can Do The Same!"

The Amazing Secrets of The World’s 2nd Greatest Pick-Up Artist™ And His Team of World Class Experts

From: Sinn

Hey guys,

If you would like a COMPLETE roadmap for how to consistently attract and seduce beautiful women, day after day, night after night, then you came to the right place.  Here’s why…

I’ve just completed the best tool on the planet for improving your success with women – bar none!  It’s my new book titled “The Lay Reports Book.” 

If you want to get really good, really fast then lay reports are by far the most important thing you should be studying. Why you ask?

Lay reports cannot be matched when it comes to learning how to get good with women.  With lay reports you get to see the actual dialogue and the actual context of how the guy got the girl.  These are things you cannot learn from reading another 200 pages of pick-up theory.  That’s for sure. 

I’ll talk more about this in a bit, but for now let me tell you who I am and why you should be listening very carefully to what I have to say.

Who In The Heck is Sinn?

For those of you  who don’t know me, I’m Sinn, the World’s 2nd Greatest PUA™.  For the past five years, I’ve been a full-time pick-up instructor and dating coach.  Anyone who knows me knows that I put more time and effort into “game” than is probably healthy.

When I’m not teaching live bootcamps (I’ve done 156 and counting in the past five years), I’m most likely spending time with beautiful women or going out to recruit new ones. 

If I happen to be at home, there’s a good chance I’m on the phone with or hanging out with other World-Class PUAs discussing all the cutting-edge stuff that no one posts about… or, reading up on something that will help improve my game or improve the games of my students.

Not only am I considered one of the best “Pick-up Artists” in the world based on my ability to attract and seduce some of the most beautiful women you can possibly imagine,  I’ve also personally taught many guys who are now world class pick-up artists and instructors in their own right.  Guys from such notable companies as:

  • The Mystery Method
  • Venusian Arts
  • Love Systems
  • Charisma Arts
  • Real Social Dynamics 
  • Vin Dicarlo, Inc.

In addition, I’ve worked with hundreds of guys just like you who went from having (below) average love lives to having more success with women than they previously thought possible.

I’ve also worked hard to come up with new innovations in this field.  Here are few things I’ve accomplished in the past few years as a teacher and innovator of dating science:

  • Taught 156 live programs
  • Taught the first-ever seminar exclusively on Day Game
  • Taught the first-ever Same Night Lays seminar
  • Taught specialty programs on gaming Strippers and Hired Guns
  • Created Breakthrough Comfort (a step-by-step method that ***actually*** gets women to fall in love with you)
  • Taught over 20 live programs personally with  Mystery from VH1’s “The Pick-up Artist”
  • Also taught live programs alongside notable names such as Neil Strauss (A.K.A. “Style”, author of the “The Game”), Lance Mason (founder of Pick-up 101) and Tyler Durden (founder of Real Social Dynamics)
  • Authored over a thousand articles on dating science (including groundbreaking articles on Compliance, Qualification, and Micro-calibration, concepts which are now considered standard rhetoric in the community)  
  • Contributed to Magic Bullets, another revolutionary Dating Science book (still considered by most to be the best book on Dating Science ever written)  
  • Contributed to the Venusian Arts Handbook 
I’m telling you these things not to brag, but to let you know that if you are looking for the BEST information that will explode your game quickly, you came to the right place.

"…The most knowledgeable person in the community”

"Let me
just say that Sinn has got to be the most knowledgeable person in the community. I would have listened to him for another 4 hours. The guy is fucking ridiculous. He was so insightful when people asked questions; he knew exactly what the issues were and how to fix them, even with super limited information. Someone asked a question about gaming at the airport and he actually had a whole system for it. I bet he could get laid at an abortion clinic.

Xander (from a review posted on the Attraction Forums)
Los Angeles, CA

"… On a completely different level than any other trainer I’ve seen"

“Sinn has had a huge impact on me.
The best way to put it is that he just exudes game. It isn’t really fair to say that he was the best trainer, because he is just on a completely different level from any other trainer that I’ve ever seen. What’s even more remarkable is that even at that high of a level he just continues to relentlessly progress his skills and knowledge. Each time that I’ve trained with him over the past 12 months or so he seems to have a completely new set of insights.

Cleanface (from a review posted on the Attraction Forums)

"An encyclopedia of pick-up knowledge”

"Sinn is an encyclopedia of pick-up knowledge.  Ask him anything.  You can even ask him about my material.  He knows it inside and out.”

Brad P
Brad P Presents

Warning:  This Is NOT Just Another “Pick-Up Ebook”

As you may know, I’ve recently starting doing my own thing after working as the top instructor for two of the biggest pick-up training companies in the world (The Mystery Method and later, Love Systems) for a few years.

When I first branched out on my own, I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do for my first product. 

I actually started writing an ebook over a year ago.  I started writing it, and it was filled with many of my latest concepts and theories, but then it dawned on me that the LAST thing the world needs in “another” ebook on picking up girls.

The chances are very high that if you’re reading this, you have thousands and thousands of pages of ebooks filled with PUA theories sitting on your hard drive right now.  The chances are also pretty high that you haven’t put much of these theories into action.

How many times have you read something in an ebook and thought to yourself, “that sounds good, I’ll try that out” only to find that when you’re actually out in the field, you draw a blank?

Or even worse, many guys read pages of pages of books on dating and attracting women but never take that crucial step of actually getting out of their house and talking to a real live woman.

If either of these are you, then I’ve got some VERY good news for you…

It’s Not Your Fault!

You see, the thing is anytime you read a book filled with all sorts of theories and concepts, these concepts will not do you any good unless you can apply these concepts in the REAL WORLD. 

And the best way to do this is to look at examples of how other people have used these concepts successfully.

Lots of books with give you lots of theoretical examples of successful pick-ups and lines, but as you know, theoretical examples, are just that, theory. 

In order for you to discover what really works in the real world so you can explode your game to the next level, you need REAL WORLD examples of successful pick-ups.

Not only that, you need to learn the proper mindsets being these pick-ups so you can learn how and WHY they were successful.  If you can do this, your game is GUARANTEED to explode.

So instead of writing yet another ebook, what I decided to do was take the best, more informative lay reports from the past five years that I’ve been into the community and package them together in one place.

Each lay report contains my commentary so you can see for yourself exactly how and why they worked (when you’re reading lay reports on your own, there are most likely some critical things that you’re missing, trust me on that).

"It’s like getting hockey lessons from Wayne Gretzky"

“Can’t say enough Sinn.  You are learning from one of the best PUA's on the planet. You just can't get that in other areas of your life. I'll never get hockey lessons from Wayne Gretzky or guitar lessons from Eric Clapton...but that's what learning from Sinn was like.”

Pryde (posted on the Attraction Forums)

You DON’T Have To Re-Invent The Wheel!  These Guys Know Exactly How To Seduce Women In Clubs, in The Daytime, And Get Same Night Lays And Threesomes – Now ALL Their Secrets Can Be Yours!

Lay Reports give you a glimpse into the minds of the best guys at this stuff. I wanted to show you that, so I went out and GOT THE BEST.

As you know, I’ve been around the community longer than is probably healthy. From sleeping on the floor at Project Hollywood to being executive coach at The Mystery Method, I’ve met or worked with anybody who is anybody in this community.

So in compiling this book, I got in touch with all of my old friends and asked them to send me their BEST lay reports.  All in all, I was sent hundreds of lay reports.  It took me nearly sixth months to trudge through  all of them and boil each one down to the few core critical things you need to focus on to get results like they do…

The Greatest Collection of Field-tested and ACTIONABLE content on picking up girls ever written!

So who made the final cut?

In addition to myself you’re learn from:

  • J-Dog (From VH1’s “The Pick-Up Artist”)
  • Mehow (Creator of “Group Attraction” and “Infield Insider”)
  • Savoy (Founder of Love Systems and author of “Magic Bullets”)
  • Brad P (Founder of Brad P Presents and one of the BEST guys I’ve ever seen in field)
  • AFC Adam Lyons (Recently ranked the third greatest pick up artist in the entire world!)
  • IN10SE (“Twotimer” from “The Game” and creator of the October Man Sequence)
  • Sean Messenger (Former lead Instructor for Pick-Up 101)
  • Speer (Former lead instructor for Venusian Arts)
  • Doc Holliday (Practical Pick-Up)
  • Entropy (Practical Pick-Up)
  • Captain Jack (my personal wing and the World’s undisputed MASTER of Same Night Lays)
  • The Don (Lead Instructor for Love Systems)

This comprehensive new resource is packed with PROVEN strategies from this world class group of guys.  Everyone one of these guys lays out the complete, juicy details of some of their most successful sarges.

If that’s not enough, you also get my insights as I break down each interaction block-by-block and show you what they were thinking, the strategies they used and every last detail of how the guy got the girl!

This is what The Lay Reports Book gives you:  access to the actual inside strategies and secrets from the world’s top pick-up artists.  These are the strategies that WORK in the real world time and time again. 

You get to the see the context and the reactions from the women involved.  Reading a good lay report can make you FEEL like you’re there, picking up the girl, taking her home, and having crazy sex with her.

After reading these lay reports, you’re going to inspired and motivated to get out of your house and try out these strategies for yourself.  Soon, you’ll be getting the same results as my team of top experts.

Are You Tired of Not Having The Success With Women That You Want and Deserve?

If you’re not yet getting the results you want and deserve, then this is what you NEED.  You need to read about the situations that you will soon find yourself in.  You need to read about how to overcome ALL the challenges that the real world throws at you.

The Lay Reports Book will give you glimpse into the minds of the best guys at this stuff.  Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find in this powerful resource

Section 1:  Dates

The first section of the book is all about how to get laid on a second (or third or fourth) meeting with a woman.  Here’s some of what you’ll find in this section:
  • The MOST overlooked part of pick-up and how to master it! (if you’re getting numbers but not getting laid, this is the reason why)
  • The three magical questions you must ask that will practically GUARANTEE you get the girl back to your apartment!  
  • The RIGHT WAY to delivery opinion openers demonstrated by Savoy!
  • A Word-for-Word transcription of Savoy’s cold reads that are so powerful and develop such a strong connection that they have been known to make girls cry!
  • The “False Takeaway” technique that gets girls to BEG you to take their number! (seriously)
  • Mehow demonstrates how to create incredible attraction and combine it with deep rapport to get the girl every time!
  • Brad P’s revolutionary method for ensuring that all your interactions turn sexual quickly when you want them to!
  • A word for word transcript of Brad P’s infamous Shocker opener (This may be the best opener I’ve ever seen) 
  • Brad P’s solution for making sure you’ll never worry about getting “blown out” ever again!    
  • Detailed examples of how to get girls back to your place so sex “just happens”
  • A key insight that makes girls MUCH less likely to flake AND makes them comfortable enough to have sex with you in a short time!
  • How The Don (a normal guy, definitely not a “badass” or a “rock star) seduced two women within twelve house, including a stunning stripper!
  • How IN10SE created a sexual self-image in a 22-year old sorority president so powerful that she practically seduced HIM!
  • The RIGHT way to deliver a situational opener demonstrated by J-Dog (from VH1’s The Pick-Up Artist)
  • The REAL reason why girls don’t call back and how to make sure it doesn’t happen to you!
  • Sean Messenger’s critical mindset that will actually make you happy next time you hear a girl say “I have  boyfriend  “
  • How to turn your male “competition” into allies that will actually assist you in getting the girl!
  • Captain Jack’s trademarked method of how to created MASSIVE attraction the next time a girls asks you the dreaded question “Can you take a picture of me and my friends?”
  •  How to MASTER every aspect of the art of texting (including building value through text, qualification through text, controlling frames with text, and MUCH MORE).  With DETAILED examples!
  • The 7 things every date needs that guarantee it ends up at your place.  In your bed, with her naked under the covers to be exact!
  • And MUCH more!

Section 2:  Same Night Lays

The next section of the book is all about how to get Same Night Lays.  A Same Night Lay occurs when you meet a girl for the first time, sleep with her that night, and the relationship continues (if you want it to).


A Same Night Lay is the opposite of a one night stand, where you never see the girl again.  In the past couple years, me and the masters you’ll learn from have MASTERED the art of getting Same Night Lays on a consistent basis.


In this section of the book you’ll discover everything YOU need to know to get them on a consistent basis yourself.  Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn in this section: 

  • The complete, step-by-step Captain Jack Method for getting same night lays revealed for the first time!  This is the exact same method that I’ve used to lay as many as 14 girls in ONE MONTH (that’s not a typo either).
  • An insider’s breakdown of how AFC Adam effortlessly get Same Night Lays on practically a nightly basis!
  • The BEST opener for mixed sets that consistently leads to Same Night Lays!
  • How to create “sexual frames” that destroy any resistance that girls have to getting sexual quickly!
  • Five simple words to say that create massive attraction AND make you look like the coolest, most in demand guy in the venue!
  • Captain Jack’s simple method for getting girls out of the venue and back to his apartment!  A lot of guys mess up here.  Not anymore.
  • The ONE thing you must avoid at ALL costs when trying to pull!
  • The three most common obstacles you’ll run into when trying to pull and how to avoid them!
  • The word-for-word transcript of the infamous routine that Captain Jack and myself use to get the girl to open up sexually within five minutes of meeting her!
  • Brad P’s formula for getting Same Night Lays with super-hot ADD club girls!
  • How to develop the one key quality that separates the guy who takes home the girl from the guy with goes home alone!
  • How easily escalate physically with a girl.  The EXACT scripts are ALL here!  Never fear “making a move” ever again!
  • How to use “pacing” to overcome any objection that “this is happening too fast.”
  • How to turn seemingly “lost” opportunities at the beginning of the night, into big time sexual escapades at the end of the night!
  • The three things you MUST communicate in every interaction if you want to get a Same Night Lay and Captain Jack’s MONEY routine for communicating all three!
  • And MUCH More!

Section 3:  Threesomes and In Venue Lays

Would you like to have a threesome this weekend?  If the thought of having a threesome gets you excited then I have a real treat for you.  Within the last couple of years the threesome code has been CRACKED within the seduction community.

Not only that, we’ve also cracked the code of how to quickly escalate with a girl inside the venue (or in cars, parking lots and other non-bedroom places)

This section should have a “Warning:  Explicit Content” sticker taped all over it.  Inside it, you’ll learn all the glorious details you need to know to turn your fantasies into reality.  You’ll learn:

  • The key mindset you MUST have in order to make a threesome happen!
  • How to kill your “inner chump” that is preventing you from making threesomes happen!
  • The four step method for creating an INSTANT threesome!
  • Brad P’s method for getting two girls to make out with each other AND you in MINUTES!
  • The three different circumstances where threesomes can happen and how to master all of them!
  •  A simple way to get girls to comply with your threesome requests practically every time!
  • One “threesome killer” that girls often say and how to avoid it!
  • How to use threesomes to improve your sexual prowess!
  • How to use “sexual stereotyping” to know which girls a receptive to having sex quickly with you and which ones aren’t!
  • A simple line that you can use to get sexual with women in the bathroom within minutes – that requires practically NO effort on your part!
  • Two proven strategies for getting girls into the bathroom for quick escalation with minimal resistance!
  • The MOST important quality you need in order to get In Venue Lays!
  • And MUCH more!

Section 4:  Day Game and the Internet

Day game and the Internet are great places to meet women.  The truth is, you’ll probably meet a lot more quality women during the daytime than you will hanging out at bars and clubs until two in the morning.

When I first started out, I did day game exclusively (I wasn’t 21 yet), during that time and the years that followed, I truly mastered day game.  Later on, I revealed my up-until-that-point top secret day game strategies in my ground breaking $995.00 per head Day Game Seminar.

In this section of the book, you get ALL of my prized day game secrets that others paid close to $1000 dollars for.  Not only that, you also get equally groundbreaking strategies from myself and others about how to get girls you meet from the Internet.

In this section of the book, you’ll discover:

  • The MAJOR differences between day game and night game (they’re not what you think)
  • One of my all time favorite Lay Reports:  IN10SE’s “Top Secret” parking lot sarge revealed first the first time ever!  This classic sarge has previously only been shared with a very elite group of pick up artists.  Now, ALL the juicy details are yours!
  • How to use “cold reads” to install sexual frames that lead to sex quickly!
  • How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to further your sarge without coming across as “weird” or “creepy”
  • How to develop a powerful vocal delivery that works PERFECTLY in the day time!
  • How to make sure you’re NEVER trapped in a boring conversation when sarging during the day time!
  • How to integrate meeting women into your everyday life so you’re not wasting time “going sarging”!
  • Three field tested methods for getting moving sets to stop in their tracks EVERYTIME!
  • How to meet and seduce women from MySpace.  Everything is here.  From first message to steamy sex!
  • Speer’s 7 Rules that practically guarantee you’ll get more girls from MySpace than you can possibly handle!
  • And MUCH more!

Click here to buy now!



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