
How to make money on Ebay with affiliate marketing

How to make money on Ebay with affiliate marketing

Finding it difficult to make money on Ebay? Then discover…

How An Internet Novice Stumbled
Upon Secret Ebay Methods That
Rake In Thousands In Profits Per Month – Without Selling A Single Thing…

If you’ve struggled to make money on Ebay and are ready to throw in the towel, don’t give up just yet… 

I’m going to reveal how YOU can make thousands on
auto-pilot working just 20 minutes per MONTH!!

From the desk of:  Dave Fransko
Date: Thursday, March 04, 2010

Dear Friend,

It all started about six months ago…

I received a late-night call from my friend Jay… and he didn’t sound good.

You see, Jay was on the verge of losing his job as a Director for the large hotel he worked for in our town.  He was becoming increasingly worried that he would end up in financial ruin.  And although he never really cared all that much for corporate life, it did pay the bills. 

With the economy worsening, Jay knew he had to do
something to generate additional income.

His real dream was to be an entrepreneur and own his own business.  But even though he tried, he struggled to make anything work.  He was frantic, but I told him to calm down and tell me exactly what he was doing to try to make extra money. 

That evening, he told me about all of his ideas.  Some were actually very good, but as he continued to speak, something became very apparent.  He suffered the same “affliction” that a lot of new entrepreneurs do…

Jay would try something that excited him for a while but only give it a half-hearted effort.  He never concentrated on one thing for more than a few days (maybe a week) at a time.  He had too many ideas and he never properly implemented any of them without going off on a tangent with another idea that excited him even more.

He did manage to put a few things in place and even made a little money here and there – but he could never quite build anything that lasted or that made a significant amount of money. 

Because he was somewhat of a computer novice, only one or two of his ideas involved making money on the internet.  I have always believed that the internet is the best way to make money, so I thought maybe we should explore it a bit more. 

As I have some experience with Ebay, I naturally started with that.

But just as I started talking, he cut me off…

“Dave, I know about Ebay.  I have a Sellers account and I’ve been making a little bit of money with it for a while, but it’s simply not enough if I were to lose my job.”

I responded, “Well, what are you selling on Ebay?”

His answer to this rather simple question changed how I thought about Ebay forever…

But we’ll get to that in a minute.  Let’s back up a bit… 

The Roadblocks

When most of us decide to start an Ebay business, we encounter many of the same roadblocks…

The number one roadblock happens to be finding something to sell:
We contact wholesalers and find out that we don’t have enough money to purchase in the quantities they require.

We contact dropshippers, but find that the prices these dropshippers charge us are higher than what those very same items sell for on Ebay.

We try liquidators but fear that we may get stuck with a pallet-full of outdated or worthless merchandise.

We even try garage sales - but quickly realize that a real business does not involve searching through our neighbors' cast-offs... 

Starting an Ebay business sounds easy enough… but in reality, it’s much more difficult than we anticipate.

And that leaves us with a question: 

How can you make money on Ebay if you don’t
have a product to sell?

And that brings me back to Jay…

Like I said, what he revealed to me that evening totally blew me away… 

He said “I don’t sell anything on Ebay.

Ummm…. Huh?

He repeated it.  “I don’t sell anything - at all!”

Me:  And you still make money?
Him:  Uh-huh.
Me:  On Ebay.
Him:  Right.
Me:  You’re kidding.
Him:  Nope.
Me:  ……. [me staring at him in silence]

Okay.  I was intrigued.  I had to know exactly what he was doing and exactly how he did it because if he wasn’t selling anything but was still making money – I needed to know how

After a bit of begging (and a few bogus threats), I got him to spill the beans…

What I learned from him that night was ground breaking.  It was beautiful.  It was simple.  And I kept coming back to what my father had always told me:  “It’s the simple ideas that always work best.”

My friend had just stumbled upon this amazing idea… but he didn’t have a clue as to how profitable this method could be.

Making money on Ebay without selling anything??!!! 
What??  How????

You see, I learned from my friend that Ebay has a “secret” that hardly anyone at all knows about.  This secret is used by a very small, but very smart, group of Ebayers. 

These are sellers that see Ebay for what it actually is and use this reality to push loads of cash into their bank accounts.  This group doesn’t waste time or money attempting to sell what everyone else does.  This group doesn’t believe in slaving away fulfilling fifty orders a day.  Yet this group makes profit margins unlike almost all other sellers!

Sounds crazy right?  Bear with me…

My friend Jay is not much different than other hopeful Ebayers.  Many would like to start a business, and many have tried.  Some have succeeded, but most have failed.

With so much competition these days, almost every new Ebay seller that attempts to make money usually follows the same path… and that path leads first to frustration, and finally to disappointment.

And because there are so many Ebayers that have followed this path, I realized that someone needed to show them a different way.  Someone needed to explain to them how to make money, step-by-step, in a way that leads to success. 

And that’s when I took Jay’s idea, perfected it to the point where I now make thousands per month, and then… wrote it all down.


Ebay Crusher is a super easy, set-it-and-forget-it, little work, low cost method that creates continuous streams of income from Ebay – all on auto-pilot and without the hassle of selling products!

Ebay Crusher reveals these secret methods and how it can make you a great deal of money with a miniscule amount of work.

I spent months and a small fortune testing these methods and then perfecting them.  I was amazed at the results and have been using it ever since. 

Since I perfected these methods, you only need to set it up once per month and then just watch the cash roll in!

I use this very system every day – and have been for months now.  Every single time I use this method, I at least double or triple my money.

Would you like to have an auto-pilot cash-generating account that looks like this?

All of the above income from a $251.80 investment – all on auto-pilot.  Sound interesting?

The best part?  This only represents 15 days of the month!  I still have half the month to go!

Or how about this?

I spend about 20 minutes per MONTH setting this system up on Ebay.  And then nothing more until the next month.  And everytime, I have at least doubled or tripled my money – but I usually make much much more.

Discover the secret methods that make a very, very small minority of Ebayers incredible profit margins…

A Sneak Peak Inside Ebay Crusher…

Never search for a wholesaler or a product to sell ever again

No wasting time with Dropshippers

No Liquidation merchandise to peddle

No searching for garage sale bargains

No technical knowledge necessary

Nothing to package

No trips to the post office

No postage costs

No risk to your Ebay Feedback Score


Completely compliant with Ebay’s Terms of Service

Low, low start-up costs - Start with as little as $10

Scalable business – start as small and manageable as you like, or make it as large as you like.  Grow at your own pace.

How this system can work for you if you already ARE an Ebay seller.

Drastically reduce or eliminate Paypal fees.

How to get your website, products, or ideas on the front page of Google – automatically!

How to get repeat business time and time again!


Like I said, I typically double, triple, quadruple my money or more every single month.  By any standard, that’s an incredible business model.

Compare those returns to a ‘run-of-the-mill’ Ebay business…

Most sellers on Ebay have a profit margin on their products of 20-60%.  And that’s not bad.

But it means that for every $100 they invest in their business, they get to put $120 - $160 back in their pockets.  It beats the interest rates paid by the bank, so not too shabby…

But it doesn’t even come close to Ebay Crusher where for every $100 you put in, you’re taking out $200, $300, $400, $500 or more!

And let’s not forget, with a regular Ebay business you have to actually pack up a product and ship it to the customer.

Not with Ebay Crusher!  You simply do your 20 minutes of work each month and then sit back and literally watch the cash roll in.

Still not convinced? 
Listen to what others are saying about Ebay Crusher…


"Ebay Crusher takes advanced Ebay money making methods and crushes them so they are easy to consume.  I learned a lot from the book.  It’s the best Ebay ebook I have ever read.  Everything is step by step, anyone can learn and implement the methods and see great results within hours."

Adam Potter


"Having been a powerseller on Ebay for well over 5 years and finding that it is becoming increasingly harder and time consuming to deliver my business goals I decided that I needed to diversify my Ebay interests to develop other streams of income.

Over the last few years I have read, and invested my hard earned money into, numourous e-books on how to develop your Ebay business furthur. To be honest I would have been better simply setting fire to the money as they simply throw the same old nonsense up that has been banded around the Internet for years.

Then I read, Ebay Crusher, and I simply couldn't believe that I had missed such a simple to implement process that could generate me an Ebay income in line with what I had spent years developing as a Powerseller of traditional products.

For those that are looking for a get rich quick scheme then this isn't for them, what this e-book delivers is a step by step guide on how to combine affilate marketing with the largest online auction marketplace and to quite simply make money with less hassle than a traditional auction product.

After reading the e-book I gave it a go, followed the simple instructions and set about aiming to make it work. My first attempt doubled my investment in 3 days (including e-book cost, ad cost etc) and it really wasn't the best attempt in the world. Since then I have fine tuned my approach (again outlined in the e-book) and my current adverts are returning me in excess of 2000% return per advert.

I really do wish that I had read this e-book earlier and started to reap the returns earlier, I simply cannot recommend it highly enough for those that are simply frustrated at not being able to compete with the might of the Ebay Powersellers in the traditional sense of Ebay.

This process takes your mindset "outside the box" of the traditional Ebay money model, David's method allows you to dictate what you can make and therefore realise the earning potential that you would want from Ebay. It really is a no brainer, just buy the e-book and join me making the money that I want to make with as little hassle as possible."

Mike  Ralph
Ebay Blogger & Powerseller


"Ebay Crusher is the easiest way to make your first profits online. You don't need to buy any items or ship anything out. It's a complete system for finding profitable products to sell and how to sell them without any headaches. I used this method myself last week to make an extra $200 with just 10 minutes of work."

Tyler Ellison


"When I first saw the report, I was rather skeptical.  But after trying my hand at it... man, Ebay Crusher is truly a system that levels the playing field. It does not matter if you are a newbie or an experienced marketer, you can seriously add multiple streams of income within days or even hours!"

Davion Wong


"After reading eBay Crusher, I slapped my forehead and said to myself, 'Why didn't I think of this before?' I've been marketing online for a long time, and I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't think to implement this strategy before. I expect to see a huge boost to my income from making some very small changes that I learned about in eBay Crusher. Thanks for opening up my eyes!"

Ryan Moran


"I have read over 50 e-books this past year and I can honestly say I have never seen this technique anywhere else.  I think I will use this clever little trick on my next affiliate promotion."

Craig Beckta


Major benefits of Ebay Crusher:

Quick implementation of the method.  Spend an hour reading the guide, 20 minutes implementing the method, and you’re in business!

Step-by-Step detailed instructions on setting it all up in 20 minutes.

No prior Ebay selling experience required.

How to set the method to earn repeat business month after month from the same customers.

Very low start-up costs – start your very own real business for under $10.

No technical skills needed – you don’t need to know how to design a website, program software, or even install software.

No hard work involved at all.  Ebay Crusher is a super easy method to implement.  Set-it and forget-it, and let the cash roll in.

For established Ebay sellers – this method can increase your business, get more visitors to your auctions or websites, and get your business on the front page of Google.

You’ve always been told that you can’t make money by following the herd… isn’t it time you did something differently?  Here’s your chance…


What’s The Catch?

Very simply, there isn’t one.  I have literally spent countless hours perfecting these methods - so you don’t have to.

Let me tell you a little of what Ebay Crusher is NOT:

It is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme.  This method does allow you to make quick and easy cash but it also allows you to build a real business at your own pace.

It does not involve face-to-face selling of any kind.

It does not involve surveys

It does not involve “Free Trail Offers”

It does not involve Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), Pyramid schemes or any such non-sense.

It will not get you into any trouble with Ebay.  The method is entirely compliant with Ebay’s Rules and Regulations.

No, Ebay Crusher is one of a kind…

Simply purchase the guide, read it, follow the step-by-step instructions, and start making money - today.  It’s that simple.

The best part is the price.  For a very limited time, the price of Ebay Crusher is only $77.

At $77, it is well within reach of almost everyone and you should easily be able to recoup this cost the very first time you implement the method.



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