
Get Glen Gallucci's Book - How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns

Get Glen Gallucci's Book - How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns

One of the Smartest Crisis Investing Strategies I have ever seen in my 30+ years allows you to see exactly...

"How to Become a Private Lender
Earning Huge Returns:
Quickly and Safely Earn up to a 74% Annual Return on Your Money!"

"The Credit, Banking and Real Estate Crises have
created an absolute Profit Bonanza - that could
make you an incredible amount of money"

"It's an incredible opportunity that even allows
you to use your self directed IRA and 401K
and Pension funds over and over again."

Wealth & Wisdom Interview
Part 1

Click here to view all 3 parts of the inteview.

Glen Gallucci,
Real Estate Guru and Author of
"How to Become a Private
Lender Earning Huge Returns"
Learn how to achieve awesome double digit returns using your investment funds or partnering with other people who have the funds but lack the knowledge of this exciting field of investing. Either way, you will profit and be in 100% control!

Dear Friend,

More than 3 million people here in the United States have either fallen behind on their home mortgages or are already in foreclosure. This number is estimated to jump dramatically in the next several months to as many as 7 million!

Banks from one end of our country to the other – and around the world for that matter – are collapsing one after another. Now, even some of the biggest investment banks and hedge funds are being forced to surrender themselves to takeovers for pennies on the dollar or close their doors.   

In a desperate attempt to contain the crisis, the Federal Reserve has already put two thirds of its liquid assets at risk to keep Wall Street afloat.

Bottom line: We're looking at the worst financial crisis since the great depression ignited in October of 1929.

This is exactly the kind of economic crisis that can make the little guy – small investors
like you and me – incredibly WEALTHY!

The fact is the financial meltdown on Wall Street and the credit crisis is going to mean that as many as 20 million houses, condos and town-houses – to say nothing about millions of commercial properties – are going to sell for 30, 20 even 10 cents on the dollar, and at discounts of as much as 75% of their actual current valuations by banks, financial institutions and investors that are being castrated by this nightmare.

My dad used to tell me the best time to really make Millions is when the feathers are flying and desperation sets in. It's been the secret to great wealth since the very beginning of man's creation of commerce.

With the world's financial system in chaos,
I can confidently say this may well be
the most important letter you'll read in the
next 10 even 20 years!

In this letter, I am going to reveal a proven, time-tested, yet little-known way that you can easily earn from 15% all the way up to 74% returns on your investment dollars - quickly and safely... perfectly tailored to cash in on this FINANCIAL CRISIS.

Even better, I'm also going to show you how you can make money hand over fist using this investment approach...

…even if you don't think you have any money to invest right now! It doesn’t matter! What matters is that you know exactly how this business works!

It's true. And I’m just the man to teach you!

While millions of people go bankrupt, I'm going to show you how to make a huge income - using other people's money!

Go Lock the Door, Take the Phone Off the Hook,
Turn the TV & Your Cell Phone Off, Get Comfortable
& Read the Rest of This Letter RIGHT NOW!

This letter is just that important; it can really change your life... even if you don't think you have any money to invest!

My name is Glen Gallucci, and over the past 25 years, I've become one of the true experts on quick-turn Real Estate deals in the United States.

I've been featured on the front page of the New York Times Real Estate Section (see photo at right) as well as interviewed and quoted as an expert by hundreds of newspapers, magazines and online media outlets worldwide. 

Now let me pause here to say that I'm not telling you all of this to brag.

I'm simply telling you about my accomplishments so you'll know that you're finally getting the inside scoop on how to really rack up tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars in this unfolding financial crisis from someone who really does know what he's talking about and who can...

Want to Invest? Join the Club

Glen Gallucci, above, shows a
"before" photo of one of his
investment properties in Jersey
City to members of the GSRE
Investors Association, which
was touring properties.

Take you by the hand and lead you to
the riches you've always dreamed of earning!

So let's get started...

It's Time You Discovered How to Use Your - or even
Someone Else's – Money to Amass Huge Returns...
Just Like the Bank!

So, how can you earn from 15% to 74% returns on your investment dollars at a time when most stock market investors are losing billions, while the wave of bank failures continues, and while money market and bank CDs are paying just 2% or 4%?

Well, the answer is actually pretty simple.

How do you earn huge returns on your money in today's economy?

Have no mercy, use your brains, and become
a ruthless, take no prisoners Private Lender!

What's a Private Lender?

A "Private Lender" is a person who loans money to another person for not only a high rate of interest, but also for a large slice of the profit – RISK FREE.

In this particular instance, we are talking about a person who loans money SHORT TERM on a 100% secured and safe basis to professional real estate investors for the purpose of buying, refinancing and/or repairing residential and commercial real estate.

The Credit, Banking, Wall Street and Real Estate Crises are creating the greatest asset give away in U.S. History. Smart private lenders are going to become very wealthy letting other people do the work – while they sit back and collect most of the profits generated on a 100% safe and secure basis.

  • You get incredible high return rates, in some cases 75% on your money a year by doing as few as 4 transactions. I'll even show you how to do as many as 25 transactions a year so you can pocket an income of $50,000, $100,000 even 200,000 a year using other people's money. It all depends on the level you wish to be involved.

  • You won't even have to chase down deals. I'll teach you how to set yourself up so that dozens of very savvy real estate experts, investors, agents and even large banks who are short on cash come to you with deals that give you most of the profits simply because you can offer speed, ease and flexibility because you either have the cash immediately on hand or have cash available through investors you lined up behind you.

  • Your MONEY, and any Money you use provided by investors for the quick turn-around deals is ALWAYS 100% secured by the real estate you're financing.

  • Besides being 100% secured, if an investor misses a single payment, a due date, you get the property and either grab a bigger share of the profit or even all the profit!

The truth is this financial crisis has created a situation where there has never been a better time to become a private lender because many quick-turn real estate investors who have been using banks and credit cards to make their money have been crushed by banks who have cut credit lines for no other reason than - the banks don't have the money!

In fact, returns today from these quick-turn real estate deals are running as much as 10% to 75% higher than returns for any other secured investment.

What does that mean for you?

It means becominga private lender is your chance to become the "bank" to the professional real estate investors who are so desperate they literally are giving away 50%, 60% even 70% of their profits to reliable lenders. Heck, they're even willing to protect your money 100%, no ifs, ands, buts or maybes. You get paid, no matter what, or take all the profit.

It means becoming a ruthless, take no prisoners money maker who gets rich while millions go bankrupt month in and month out!

Best of all: It's your chance to let others work around the clock to make you rich without hunting for properties, owning any properties, or doing any of the hard work!

Investors are in Desperate Need of Your Funds to Make Themselves HUGE Profits!

For the past 25-years, I've not only become one of the true experts in the field of quick-turn real estate investing, I've made huge profits myself actively buying, renovating, and selling distressed properties in addition to becoming a private lender to other real estate investors.

One of the things I've really come to love is teaching my strategies and techniques. The fact is even before the current credit, banking, and real estate crises, there were always plenty of properties in distress that teaching others how to make money this way never took a penny out of my pocket.

So, I've personally taught hundreds of investors how to literally make a fortune with quick-turn real estate investing. Along the way, I've become well known for my down-to-earth "tell it like it is" teaching style and a sought-after speaker around the country.

Now, I'm making the biggest push in my career to recruit people just like you to learn my strategies and techniques, because the current mess on Wall Street, in Washington and around the world has created the biggest opportunity to make money since the Great Depression.

Here's the bottom line: If you take just a few hours and let me share with you my years of "in the trenches" experience in commercial and residential real estate, you will learn how to use my quick-turn real estate investor strategies to become a private lender and start earning staggering profits in a very short matter of time.

I've spent the past several months writing a completely detailed, yet easy-to-read e-book on quick-turn real estate private lending. It explains every part of the process you need to go through in order to make huge returns on your investment.

Introducing my new e-book, "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!

At last, there is a comprehensive guide that spells out in easy-to-understand language everything you need to know to make enormous amounts of money investing in quick-turn real estate.

You'll learn:

How to make greater returns than you dreamed possible in today's investment marketplace – follow these tips and watch your earnings skyrocket!

How to protect your investment with simple documents – you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do!

How to get even more than a whopping 15% to 74% return on your investment with one little comment – you'll definitely be surprised when you read this!

How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Profits

Where and how to get the funds you need to invest – don't think you have any money to invest? I'll show you how to tap into hidden cash you haven't even thought about and send your investment earnings soaring in no time!

How to find the best private loan seeking investors – if you want to earn real cash, you MUST read this!

Why real estate investors want your money and don't want to use banks – armed with this information, you'll be able to ensure you're paid handsomely in every deal you invest in!

Exit strategies – use these to ensure you earn maximum profits and never leave a deal too early or stay too late!

2 ways to earn money as a private lender – plus, I'll reveal other benefits of being a private lender that you probably haven't even thought of!

What kind of returns to expect as a private lender – I'll also show you how to get the highest returns safely... other real estate investors are going to hate me for revealing this!

And much, much more, including:

  • 2 keys to choosing the right real estate investor

  • How to spot a profitable deal quickly and easily

  • How to find and invest in "worry-free" deals

  • What you need to know about real estate deal documentation

  • How to know if a real estate investor is paying the right price for a property you are lending money to buy

  • And a simple formula you can use to earn big profits from every real estate deal you invest in

Never Before Has It Been This Easy to Start Earning
Your Share of the Massive Passive Income That's
Being Generated By Both Savvy & Novice Investors
in the Quick-Turn Real Estate Market

The Financial Crisis Taking Place Has Only Served
to Make $50,000, $100,000, Even $200,000+ a Year

Private Lending in the quick-turn real estate market is an untapped, low publicized, highly lucrative investment vehicle being used by everyday people all across the country who understand the simple process of creating passive income using their money, or even by using other people's money.


Now your investment dollars can earn as much as 10 times or higher returns without being exposed to stock market fluctuations.

That's why thousands of informed people are choosing the lucrative field of private lending over other investments.

And best of all, with my e-book now available, you don't need to know anything about real estate or real estate investing to make money with this opportunity, because I am going to show you exactly what you need to do.

  • I will hold your hand and spoon-feed you the information step-by-step.

  • I will explain what I do and show you exactly what you must also do to make higher returns on your investment dollars than you probably thought possible in today's marketplace!

Here is more of what you will learn by reading my e-book:

How to evaluate any deal – with my 5-minute deal evaluator, it's so simple a fourth-grader could do it!

Exactly what the real estate investor knows that most private lenders don't – I reveal it all so you'll never be in the dark again!

How to know how much an investor should be paying for a property

How to determine how much repairs to a house should cost

How to determine how much the expenses will be on a property

How to know at the beginning of a deal exactly how much the property will sell for after completion

How to determine exactly how much profit your real estate investor stands to make

How to know quickly and easily exactly how much interest you can charge... 15%, 20% or more!

How to get a ‘super deal' and become an equity investor who earns up to a 40% return on his investment!

And much, much more!

In all, you'll get over 90 pages in which I reveal all the secrets you need to know to make money – lots and lots of money – as a private lender.

Plus, you'll also get the 7 vital documents you need to secure your investment!

That's right, you'll get the exact security documents you need, the right type of appraisal forms (this may surprise you), the right inspection reports and much, much more! I'm giving them all to you, just copy them and start using them yourself.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Get the Information & Tools You Need to
Explode Your Investment Earnings!

Order your copy of my e-book ,"How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns”.. up to a 74% Annual Return on Your Money! today!

Click Here To Order Now!

Don't believe it's possible to make big money as a private lender in the quick-turn real estate market?

Here are some recent real-life loans made to real estate investors to give you an idea of just how lucrative becoming a private lender can be when you know where to find the investors, how to easily evaluate their deal and how much you can charge them.

1. This investor needed $80,000 to purchase a great foreclosure deal. He was willing to pay $10,000 for the loan. He gave us as collateral, a first lien position on another one of his properties that was owned free and clear and was worth over $275,000. Now that's a safely collateralized loan!

Loan Amount:




60 Days


Do this 3 times in a year and your $80,000 would have earned you $30,000 in interest. That is a 37.5% return on your investment funds! 4 times per year equals a 50% return!

Why he came to us?

Even though he had the collateral, his credit was starting to get low with all the properties and loans he had outstanding with banks. It would take too much time for the bank to go through all his properties and give an answer. Even though he had a property that was owned outright with no mortgages, he needed the money quickly so as not to lose his next profitable deal.

2. Another investor was short of cash and needed $40,000 quickly to get into a large development deal with other investors. He needed the money for 3 to 6 months. But he said he would pay us $40,000 when he refinanced the larger deal. He collateralized the $40,000 loan with a first lien position on a condo worth over $125,000.

Loan Amount:




90 Days


Why he came to us?

Here again, he needed the money to get into a much larger deal that was going to make him close to $200,000 and he was willing to give up $40,000 to get into the deal. He, too, owned some properties and he didn't have a great credit rating. But looking at this deal closely, we didn't care what his credit was.

All we knew is that we had a first lien position of $80,000 ($40,000 loan + $40,000 profit) on a condo worth over $125,000. That's a 30% loan to value. A very safe loan. In fact, it is 3 times safer than bank loans! Oh, and that equals a 100% return... in 90 days!

3. This investor was buying a multi-family house that was a bank owned property. He needed $135,000 and he was going to fix the house up with his own $15,000. The house was going under contract for $340,000 when completed.

Loan Amount:




3 Months


Do this 3 times in a year and your $135,000 would have earned you $75,000 in interest. That is a 55 percent return on your investment funds! Do the same thing 4 times per year and you just made a whopping 74% return on your money!

4. Another loan to an investor of $175,000 to purchase a multi-family house that was a bank owned. The investor was able to use his funds to rehab the house which was about $25,000. This house was being sold for $365,000.

Loan Amount:




4 Months


Do this 3 times in a year and your $175,000 would have earned you $87,000 in interest. That is a 49 percent return on your investment funds! Do it 4 times per year: $116,000 in interest for another gigantic return of 66%.

Are You Beginning to See Just How Lucrative
Becoming a Private Lender for the
Quick-Turn Real Estate Market can be?

I certainly hope so. And remember, if you don't have any money, you don't have to worry!

You could have put a family member, friend, or associate into the same deals above and went into a partnership with them where you also collect a percentage of their profits for helping them.

In many cases individuals help their money partner. How much? On the above deals you could have collected anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. And even more depending on your investor. And if you are able to show your new found money partner more deals, you could be making that amount every time you find a deal for your partner and yourself! They will definitely be impressed with your knowledge!

So What ARE You Waiting For?

Order "How to Become a Private Lender
Earning Huge Returns”

Plus, Order Now & You Can Save Money By Taking Advantage of My Special Promotional Offer!

How much would you expect to pay for advice and information that quite literally could change your life by enabling you to earn all the money you need to pay off debts and begin living the wealthy lifestyle of your dreams?

Certainly, hundreds of dollars would not be unreasonable, as you are sure to make much more than that on your very first investment deal.

But relax, you won't have to pay near that much for "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns"

In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of my special promotional offer and receive the e-book, "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" for just $97that's a full $50 off the regular price of $147

Click Here To Order Now!

This low price is less than you would spend buying a tall mocha a day for one month at Starbucks. And this e-book is by far...

Your Best Chance to Learn the Secrets You
Need to Know to Make Money as a Private Lender
– Even If You Have No Prior Experience!

Get this e-book today and you'll learn:

What quick-turn real estate is all about

What a private lender really is – and why you should want to become one... fast!

Why real estate investors need private lenders

How to profit from popular real estate investment strategies, such as the Buy and Hold Strategy, the Fix and Sell Strategy, the Rehab and Sell Strategy, and many more 

How much profit a real estate investor can earn from a typical deal         

What makes real estate the best choice for your investment dollars and why more lenders are opting to invest in this market than ever before

Why private lending is the best and safest investment offering the highest returns 

The ABCs of investing in a real estate

What sort of goals you should have when you start investing in real estate

Who are a Private Lender's best prospects to lend money to – plus, the key qualities that you should look for in every borrower

Blunders which your real estate investor should not make – avoid him if he makes any of these

Where private lenders typically get their investment funds

What documents are needed to totally secure a lender's investment

A step-by-step guide to an ideal investment deal 

How to use your IRA for investing

13 potential problems all investors must know about – and how to avoid them

And much, much more

There's Simply No Other Investment Option That
Currently Compares to the Profits Available to
Private Lenders in the
Quick-Turn Real Estate Market

This market offers:

  • Returns that are extremely high (15-40%) and higher

  • Investments that are short to medium term for quick liquidity

  • Investments that are totally secured

  • And many more benefits, such as private lending is also a "hands off" investment with extremely low liability

  • Lend to the investor directly or use advanced savvy techniques such as "owning" the property in a Land Trust or LLC and optioning it back to the investor! – 100% protection that I use whenever possible!

Unfortunately, getting the information you need to properly profit from this investment opportunity has historically been difficult... until now that is.

You see, thanks to my e-book, "HOW TO BECOME A PRIVATE LENDER EARNING HUGE RETURNS” AND TAKE NO PRISONERS: How to rack up a fortune in quick-turn real estate investing!", you can now learn everything you need to know to make money as a private lender for the quick-turn real estate market.

You'll learn:

  • Exactly how to make big profits investing in the quick-turn real estate market!

  • How to leverage your capital in order to multiply your profits!

  • If you have good credit but no money, how to get investment dollars cheaply and lend it out for 2 to 3 times more!

  • If you have no money and bad credit, how to use other people's money and make a spread or fee for consulting with them

  • How to avoid common mistakes made by both beginning and experienced lenders

  • Why the quick-turn real estate market is the perfect investment market in today's economy

  • Strategies that will ensure your success

  • How to ensure any lending agreement is "iron-clad"

  • How to implement a proper exit strategy and protect your money

  • How to understand the particulars of any investment deal and know just what a real estate investor is going to do next

  • How to achieve the investment success you've always dreamed about... step by easy step

  • How to avoid the "herd mentality" and ensure you earn big profits

  • Plus, you'll also learn advanced techniques for lending and joint ventures that could net you 30-40% returns and more on your investment dollars

So is my e-book, "How to Become a Private Lender
Earning Huge Returns!" right for you?

If you have just a small amount of money to invest and have been looking high and far for a low risk, high yield opportunity...

If you desperately want to be among the thousands of private lenders who are making incredible profits as you read this...

If you want to join others who are now living their dream lives thanks to the profits they've earned by investing in the quick-turn real estate market...

If you are tired of earning little to no money on your ‘traditional' investments...

Then No, the "How to Become a Private Lender
Earning Huge Returns!" e-book isn't right for you...
It's PERFECT for You!

As someone who has been involved in real estate for over 25 years, I have unique insight into the challenges that private lenders face – and I've gone to great lengths to ensure that they are all addressed in this e-book.

Read "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!", and you will be able to become a private lender with the confidence that you have a solid foundation of skills used by all of the best lenders.

Follow my instructions and you will be able to immediately begin investing like a pro. And not only do I tell you exactly what to do, but I also give you the reasoning behind every step.

Building on the solid foundation that I provide, you will soon be able to maximize your investment profits.

"How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" gives you complete step-by-step instructions for succeeding beyond your wildest dreams as a private lender for the quick-turn real estate market. Nothing important is left out! Read this e-book and you will be able to complete your first deal with fun and ease – and you'll feel confident and relaxed as you wait for your profits to accumulate!

Order Now & Receive "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!"
for just $97

That's right, order "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" now and you will save $50 off the regular price of $147.

But don't delay!  I must warn you that I can't keep this e-book at this low price for long. It is far too valuable.

To take advantage of this tremendous offer while it lasts,

Click Here To Order Now!

Plus, If You Order Now You Will Also Receive the Following FREE Supplementary Materials:

#1 – My Proprietary Lender Agreement Between Borrower and Lender (a $750 value)!

This never before available document was written by attorneys exclusively for me. It includes:

  • How the loan is made
  • The term of the loan
  • How and when the interest is paid
  • How the loan is secured
  • Rolling over the loan
  • How the Withdrawals are made
  • How the Escrow account is set up
  • What documents must be completed

Simply copy it and start using it yourself to ensure your investment deals are "iron-clad"!

#2 - My Proprietary Joint Venture
Agreement (a $750 Value)!

This special sledgehammer agreement has never been available before either! You will learn:

  • How to do joint venture deals with real estate investors and contractors.
  • Plus, you'll have this proprietary agreement to ensure the deals.

No one should do a joint venture deal without an agreement like this. And it's loaded in favor of the private lender – yet all the investors sign it!

Included are:

  • Purpose of the agreement
  • How decisions are made and by whom
  • Responsibilities of both parties
  • Costs and projections for split profits
  • A split profit agreement for guaranteed profit
  • How the profit amount is arrived at... before the deal is done!

Order now and you'll also receive my Special Guaranteed Sliding Scale Profit Formula – this is another proprietary secret weapon which heavily favors the private lender.

#3 – The "50 Questions You Must Ask Any
Borrower" Special Report  (a $47 Value)
Actually I think it's priceless!

Don't do a deal with investors without getting the right answers to these questions!

This special report not only includes the 50 questions you should ask borrowers, but also includes MY ANSWER to each question so you can compare my answers to the borrower's answers and ensure he's knowledgeable and is being honest with you! PRICELESS!

Click Here To Order Now!

With My 60 Day Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee, You've Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!

I am so sure that you will love "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" and your free supplementary materials, that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, notify us within 60 days and your money will be refunded, in full, with absolutely no questions asked!

You've got absolutely nothing to lose – and access to a world of valuable private lending strategies and information to gain!

Plus, if you order the "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" e-book now, you can take advantage of my immediate download feature to begin reading and benefiting from the book's expert advice and comprehensive information in just minutes!

Click here to download your copy today!

What is an Instant Download?

Even if you have never downloaded something from the Internet before, it's incredibly easy to do. Just follow the simple instructions.

And by taking advantage of instant download, you will also enjoy these benefits:

  • No shipping costs.
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Here's the Bottom Line on This Incredible Resource...

"How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" offers a comprehensive, easy-to-follow road map to get started investing in the little-understood, but highly-profitable quick-turn real estate market.

Filled with in-depth lending insights and practical advice, "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" contains everything you need to succeed as a private lender.

By becoming more familiar with this dynamic market
and understanding the proven strategies I divulge
– you'll be more than prepared to earn profits
beyond your wildest dreams!

Order Now and Put Yourself on
the Fast Track to Success!

Remember, with the immediate download feature, you can be reading and benefiting from this e-book's expert advice in just minutes.

Click Here To Order Now!

Glen Sig
Glen Gallucci
Author of "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!"

P.S. This is your chance to discover the expert private lending techniques that will allow you to earn massive investment profits!

Click Here To Order Now!

P.P.S. Remember my special promotional offer won't last long. Receive "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" for just $97 before it is too late!

P.P.P.S Also remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this special price while you can! If "How to Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns!" isn't everything you were expecting, simply notify us within 60 days and your money will be refunded immediately.

P.P.P.PS Let me give you one more reason why you should buy this e-book today:

It gives you all the very best advice and information on private lending for the quick-turn real estate market in one easy-to-use resource. Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable when you can learn everything you need to know about earning big profits as a private lender – and I do mean everything – in one convenient, inexpensive e-book?

Click Here To Order Now!

Still questioning whether this e-book is right for you?
Email me at glen@privatelendingforhugeprofits.com to discuss
how this e-book can benefit you in particular.



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