
Cheater Checker - ultimate monitoring software - records, reports and controls user's activities

Cheater Checker - ultimate monitoring software - records, reports and controls user's activities

Use Cheater Checker To Find Out What Your Partner Is Hiding From You!

CheaterChecker.com does not endorse, approve of, or indemnify users against, breaking local or federal wiretapping or other statutes, and is able to offer no legal advice regarding the use of this product. These pages are for advertising and product explanation purposes only, and cannot be construed as legal advice or a solicitation to break any law. CheaterChecker.com strongly urges users to consult with their attorney regarding local laws prior to using this product.

More people than ever before are using the Internet to cheat on their partner. With online dating sites, social networks, chat forums, email and instant messengers, it is incredibly easy to meet people, have an affair, and get away with it, all in record time. Do you feel your partner may be having sex with somebody else, but you're not sure?

9 out of 10 women who feel their partner is cheating are correct
50% of men who feel their partner is cheating are correct


Most people who are cheating have used their computer to either start the affair, or are using the computer to keep in touch with that person. Many of the people who do this are covering their tracks by deleting browsing history so you never find out, or go one step further and use various programs and tools to cover up their tracks. They think that their wife, husband, or significant other will never find out.

Cheater Checker was developed with all of these "cheater helper" programs in mind. Cheater Checker is like your own private detective that will take snapshots and record everything that your spouse/significant other does on the PC, whether they try to cover up their tracks or not - it won't matter.

Thousands of new users like yourself are downloading and using Cheater Checker every single month. And there's a reason why. Cheater Checker is the most stable, feature rich, and user friendly monitoring software on the market. We're #1 for a reason. Cheater Checker has been featured on Talk shows, news shows, radio, newspapers... you name it. Find out why we're the best and try Cheater Checker yourself. Purchase right now or take Cheater Checker for a free spin. But don't wait - take action right now.


Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Cheater Checker Today!

Monitors And Records All Emails
Cheater Checker takes virtual snap shots of emails as they are written and received. It doesn't matter what email program or service your child uses. It doesn't matter if the emails are deleted right after they are read or sent.  
Monitors And Records All Instant Message/Chats
Cheater Checker takes snap shots of all chats that take place on the PC including all major instant messengers like Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, and more. Catch & stop any pedophiles from chatting with your children.  
Monitors And Records All Key Strokes
Cheater Checker captures every key typed on your PC. This is an incredible tool, because it captures all keys pressed including any text that is normally hidden, such as passwords. With this information, you can now gain access to ALL of your child's online email services like hotmail, yahoo and Gmail, and any accounts at MySpace or other social networks.  
Monitors And Records All Web Sites Visited
Cheater Checker will record every web site visited on your PC for easy access later. It takes snap shots of the pages being visited and allows you to play them back with VCR/DVD play-like functions. Is your child surfing porn? Are they playing online games when they're supposed to be doing something else? You'll now know! Surf through hours of your child's online browsing in just minutes.  
Do All Of This From Anywhere
Cheater Checker allows you to use the built in IRIS feature which emails you everything it is recording, at whatever interval you wish. Does your child get home from school several hours before you do, and you want to see what they are doing on the computer? Cheater Checker allows you to do this.  
Block Unwanted Sites
Cheater Checker gives you the ability to review all sites visited and then block any sites you don't want household members to access. You can even add customized text that your children will see when they try to access the site. Control what your household can and can't access online.  
Completely Hidden
Cheater Checker can run in the open if you so choose, to discourage children from going places they shouldn't be, or you can also set it to run in stealth mode where it is undetectable. Cheater Checker won't show up in the program files, running programs, task bar, registry or any other place. Completely hidden!  
Monitor And Capture Every Program Run On Your PC
Cheater Checker will log every application that is run on your PC. Is somebody launching your accounting software, instant messenger or trying to access your email application? Is your child running music downloading software or potentially putting you at risk by downloading and installing copyrighted applications? Not anymore, at least not without you knowing!  
Easy To Install & Use
In less than two minutes you can have Cheater Checker up and running on your PC. In addition, we provide complete documentation that will explain every feature fully.  
Security / Privacy When Ordering
You may not want anybody to know you purchased Cheater Checker, especially if you are planning to run it in Stealth mode. Your credit card will show a payment from Click Bank, a processor for thousands of online stores, so there is no way to link it back to any one particular product.  

For a limited time, we're going to offer a HUGE bonus for anybody who orders Cheater Checker today.


We created 2 videos that show you tips and tricks you can do with Cheater Checker to get the most out of it. We know that reading manuals isn't the most fun thing in the world, and people tend to learn better by watching somebody else do it first. You'll have instant access to these videos right after your purchase - no waiting for a DVD. You'll learn little tricks that most people miss. This is a $39 value and you get it for FREE when you order today. This is only available if you pay for and download Cheater Checker today, and not available through the demo download.




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