
Beekeeping For Beginners | Beekeeping For Dummies | Backyard Beekeeping

Beekeeping For Beginners | Beekeeping For Dummies | Backyard Beekeeping

"If You Ready To Successfully Start Beekeeping As A Hobby Or Business Today Then Keep On Reading" 

This Beekeeping for Beginners Guide Gives You Step-by-Step Instructions On How to Start Beekeeping and Produce Your Very Own Quality Honey Even If You're An Absolute Beginner!

Date: Mar 14 2010

From: Blessing Maseko

    Blessing Maseko

Dear Beekeeping Enthusiast,

The demand for honey and its by-products is constantly booming and all related costs of producing it are extremely minimal. 

Honey consumption of is over 300 million pounds per annum, just in the U.S alone. So you can imagine the consumption in the rest of the world for this extra special food.

Now, picture yourself and your family positioned to produce enough honey to meet the endless list of bee products. This is a worldwide market ready for you to satisfy. It takes much less effort on your part. All you need is to be equipped with quality beekeeping information and a results-driven mindset.  

Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby and at the same time you can turn it into a lucrative business, the choice is yours. It is a healthy way of making money while enjoying the honey with your family and friends. 

The Benefits of Beekeeping...

 Beekeeping is an activity that anyone can undertake as it requires minimal or no land. Men, women, elderly and youth can participate!

 It takes minimal time and effort in a season, therefore allowing for normal work-a-day activities to carry on. It has relatively low technology requirements!

 It is a low investment activity which requires only bee hives, bee suits and a few simple tools. Beekeeping basics are easy to master!

 Bees pollinate the indigenous flora, adding value to wild harvested fruits, nuts and economic trees and plants as well as 1/3rd to any food production through targeted pollination!

 Beekeeping projects can be linked with many other production projects to bolster participant numbers and income generation!

 Beekeeping provides employment and self-esteem, there is opportunity for quick return on investment, and minimal land requirements!

 Honey is a valuable non-wood forest product thus contributing to the preservation of forests around the world!

 Honey is a commodity that can be traded internationally as well as locally or regionally without special consideration as to storage or loss!

 Honey is a high value product with a stable and lucrative supply versus demand economy. Honey is very portable as well!

 Honey and its by-products have many healthy benefits for the consumer and are lucrative trade commodities in value addition form!

 Most honeybee products can be consumed as food, dietary supplements or used as medicine. And bee products have a long shelf life and are a valuable food source!

Weather you want to learn to be a beekeeper or just want to master the art of making honey, it is important to have the correct information needed to start your new hobby. Without information we would all be floundering in the dark. Knowing where and how to start will prevent you from making costly mistakes.

Now How Can You Get It All In One Place?

If you want simple, easy read information and all in one place, You need:

The Beekeeping For Beginners Ebook

The "Beekeeping for Beginners" Guide

With the Beginner's Beekeeping Guide you will learn to become a successful beekeeper. This ebook will teach you the things you need to know about beekeeping. What they eat? What makes them sting? Do they get sick? Why is the queen different?

You will get answers to these basic questions all the way to advanced strategies of beekeeping.

With this book you will learn how to turn you're hobby into a business. There are many products made using the honey and the wax that bees produce. This book covers those products and how you can produce them.

Bees need to be checked periodically and the amount of time you spend on the bees only depends on you and the needs of the bees at the time, sometimes more than others and you will learn when those times are.

Bees are fascinating creatures. They each have a job to do and they do it. To get all of this information you would have to look in several different places to find all the information found in this book. Think of the time involved, with the time searching for information, you can use it to grow your beekeeping business.

Easy to Understand Information

The information in this book is useful to anyone wanting to start beekeeping as a hobby or a business. It was also written for beginners in mind. Those who have never looked into beekeeping and who may not understand the meaning of the terminology used by people in this industry. We have tried to overcome the problem by giving explanations. We want you to be able to use this book as a guide to beekeeping.

Replaces Time Spent Researching

This book compiles a wide range of subjects with information needed by the beginner beekeeper. The information in this book ranges from how to get started to how to process honey.  The diseases and pests to protect them from. It also covers how to breed queen bees and get the best from them, as well as the way to present honey.  

Here is a breakdown on what you will learn inside this guide...

 How to get Started in Beekeeping - You Will Know All the Right Steps to Take

 The Right time of Year to Start Beekeeping

 How to Make Sure your Bees Don't Harm Your Neighbors or Passer Bys

 Raising Bees in Different Kinds of Areas

 What are the Challenges of Beekeeping

 What needs to be Considered when Picking the Location for Your Bees

 The Right Number of Hives to Start With

 Which Kind of Bees to Start With

 How to Acquire Your Bees

 Clothes and Equipment Needed

 Using Pollen Substitutes

 Using Nectar Substitutes

 The Required Flowers and Plants for Bees to Produce Quality Honey

 How to Easily Drive Away Ants and other Enemies from Your Hives

 Queen Bee Management

 Raising Queen Bees - You need to get this right

 How to Get Your Queen Bee to Live the Longest Lifespan Possible

 Choosing the Best Hive for Your Bees

 How to Make Sure that you are always Safe from Bee Stings

 How to Setup a Colony of Bees

 How to safely Handle Bees

 How to know for Certain when your Honey is Being Ripened

 The Right Way to Extract Honey from a Bee Hive

 A Major Tool you have to Own for Beekeeping

 The Easy Way to Calm Your Bees.

 The Right Conditions Needed for Storing your Harvested Honey

 Getting the Right see through "observation" hive for Maximum Honey Production

 Want to Start a Beekeeping Business? This Guide will give You Direction 

 You also get my List of Top Affordable Beekeeping Equipment Suppliers and Resources

And a lot more to list here!

Many People Don't Know Where To Start!

Don't be one of those people who spend a fortune in getting guidance. This book will not only save you time on doing the research needed, but also in your pocketbook.

This guide won't leave you hanging not knowing what to do next. Its a step by step beekeeping setup plan that spells out your next step in plain English, you won't need to look for other information or join any other expensive beekeeping course once you have this guide in your disposal.

"Look At What My Previous Customers Say About Investing In My Book!"

 My Customers Approve

"Easy To Understand Guide"

"Hi Blessing,

I ordered your Beekeeping for Beginners book a few months back and when you asked me if I'd be willing to make a testimony about your guide, it was my honour.

I ... have now ordered four bee packages and have ordered two nucs just today. I'm starting out as a hobby so I can get used to it, then after a few months will consider starting a honey production business.

Thanks to your step by step guide in successful beekeeping. You taught me all I need to know on beekeeping.

This is a great book, it really gave me a good start to an enjoyable hobby.


Kimberly P. Plano, TX

 "Its Just What I Needed"

"Hi Blessing,

I was searching around for information on how I can start beekeeping and I'm so glad I invested in your guide. You have explained all in detail in a way that I don't think I'll need any other guide.

I'm currently getting the required equipment needed to start on this hobby just like what you said in your guide. And everything will be available in spring.

Thanks again."


Sally J. Baltimore, MD

"Highly Recommended Manual"

All I can say to a person who is still thinking of getting this book that I highly recommend you do.

"The guidance offered in this guide is very well outlined that you feel as if you have a personal coach telling you what to do. They are pictures well as examples so you can clearly see what is being talked about".

Before I started beekeeping I had a lot of questions I needed answers to but this guide explained all that I needed to know. 

And not forgetting all the information I need to know on starting a successful beekeeping business which is what I've just started.

Thanks for your easy to understand guide!


John F. Ripon, CA

How Much Is That Worth To You?

If you can do a quick search around you can find that most of beekeepers got their training from joining training courses that cost them over $150, some to as high as $300. Now I'm sure you won't want to spend that kind of money because what you can get from those courses is available in this "Beekeeping for Beginners" guide at a far lesser price.

Beekeeping Guide

Beekeeping for beginners guide retails for $59.67. But for a limited time we are offering it to you for only $47.00.

This is a content-rich beekeeping information product that covers all you need from start to harvesting your honey.

And to find information on each of the subjects covered in this book would cost you a lot of time and money.

Imagine what your financial position will be a few months from now if you were to immediately seize this opportunity. Your financial breakthrough can be incredibly huge and endless. Starting right now YOU can join those of us who love the lifestyle of the magical world of beekeeping.

That's not all because when you order your "Beekeeping for Beginners" guide you will also receive.......

Free Bonus #1

Our Beekeeping Action Plan Guide

The Beekeeping "Action Plan"

While my "Beekeeping for Beginners" has all the information you need on beekeeping, I've included this action plan guide.

In this action plan I give you the simple plan to follow to successfully start beekeeping as soon as possible.

I tell you all the essential beekeeping tools you will need before you start plus the prices of those tools so you can prepare your budget.

I also give you guidelines on acquiring bees in fastest way possible and safely transferring your bees to their new hive.

That's not all, this beekeeping action plan also gives you guidelines on harvesting your honey, processing raw honey and the right way of packaging your honey.


Free Bonus #2

How to Make Your Own Honey Extractor Guide

How to Make Your Own Honey Extractor

To extract honey from the beehive one must have an extractor of honey.

Honey extractors are available in the market and cost around $300, which is the approximate price of getting a new bee hive.

Sometimes instead of investing so much money in a new honey extractor, several beekeepers that are located near each other collectively get a honey extractor and share it.

In case there are no beekeepers near your place, then the next best option is to make your own honey extractor.

My guide will show you how to make your very own honey extractor and save yourself hundreds of dollars from buying one.

Click Here To Get Your Copy


Just take a break and visualise what it will feel like to have a new rewarding hobby of beekeeping, being with nature at its very best, watching bees as they show off their scientific sweet world of honey. Once you master how to do this on your own, the feeling is priceless.

You've never seen such a good offer, right? But to make you even more comfortable about your investment, I'll offer you my....

My Personal 2 Month 100% Money - Back Guarantee

Beekeeping guarantee

60 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

If you're not totally thrilled with my “Beekeeping Guide” and your feel the information you found will not turn you into a successful beekeeper, I'll cheerfully refund 100% your money.


I want you to enjoy beekeeping right away but at the same time NOT BREAK the bank. $47.00 really is a drop in the bucket compared to the time and money you can save yourself by avoiding all the high costly books and tutorials out there. Why spend a fortune learning beekeeping, when you can do so for far as much better price?

Don't waste more of you're precious time and get started with successful beekeeping in the next few minutes!

"This Is A Complete Beekeeping Package"

"Hi Blessing,

Amazing eBook! I admit I was skeptical that it would be as good as it sounds, but it has exceeded my expectations!

I now have 4 hives going and should have another 6 by next year. It's amazing how much better the honey is compared to store bought.

The information in this eBook is truly second to none! It is a complete package to beekeeping. I knew next to nothing about beekeeping but I have to say this eBook answered every question I had.

It's totally a must for anyone who wants to take up beekeeping! The e-book made everything about starting a beekeeping business so easy to understand.

And I also used your bonus to build my own honey extractor which helped me save a lot a money from buying an extractor.


Thanks again!
--Susie G. Normand, OK

Can you blame me for believing so strongly in my "Beekeeping for Beginners" guide that I’ve put my entire reputation on the line to prove it!

Once you have this beekeeping guide, you'll never have to worry about keeping up with those costly beekeeping classes because you can go at any pace you'd like. You'll never have to spend lots of money for a class and sacrifice lots of you're time because you will have all the information you need to make sure all you setup is right and avoid costly mistakes.

All you have to do is invest a bit of money to get this guide, "Beekeeping for Beginners", that will show you exactly how to get started with beekeeping......


Yes, Blessing! I Want In,
I'm Ready To Take My First Step!

I too want to start beekeeping successfully and avoid costly mistakes by investing on the following beekeeping guides:  

 Beekeeping for Beginners - Which will answer every single question I have about beekeeping because I want to become a successful Beekeeper.

The Beekeeping "Action Plan" - Which will give me a step by step plan to starting beekeeping all the way to harvesting and packaging my honey.

Make Your Own Honey Extractor - Which will teach me how to make my own honey extractor so I can save myself $300 in buying one.

To join the thousands of successful beekeepers simply click below and make a one-time Investment.

You will then be redirected to the secure members area where you will get immediate access to download your "Beekeeping for Beginners" guide plus the two bonus guides!

This Discount Price Is Only For a Few Days, So Get Your Copy Today!

Instant Download For $47

Click Here To Get Your Copy


Secure Website



Blessing Maseko

Blessing Maseko

P.S. Remember, "Beekeeping For Beginners" is the ultimate guide that will get you producing quality honey even if you've never seen a honey bee before. You don't need any kind of skill, only put what you've read in the guide to use.

P.S.S Beekeepers need to get their training and expertise through science, so that they can give a good habitat for their bees, manage them effectively, and prevent pests from taking over hives. This beekeeping guide will also guide you through out the hole process.

P.S.S.S Did you know that beekeeping is an enormous growth industry? There is currently a domestic shortfall of honey production which means more beekeepers are needed. The demand for honey is sky-rocketing due to its nutritional properties versus the health risks associated with eating refined sugars. So Position yourself to profit from this ever-growing need for more honey!

"The Next Step Is Yours". Click the 'Add to Cart' button below to get your copy. Don't waste more of your precious time searching for incomplete information on beekeeping. By investing only $47.00 in this guide today you will get all the information you need to be successful beekeeper!

Click Below

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