
Coping With ADHD - Complete holistic Treatment progam

Coping With ADHD - Complete holistic Treatment progam

Calling all Parents of ADD/ADHD Kids:

"Now You Can Eliminate Hyperactivity, Increase Attention Span, Eradicate Defiant Behavior and  Finally End The ADD/ADHD Nightmare Forever...

With The Only Treatment That Combines Cutting Edge Audio Technology, Behavior Modification and Diet Into A Program Unlike Any Other"  

A Holistic, drug-free Program that's 100% safe, effective & can be used With Kids Of All Ages. 

Dear Parent

Would you like to be able to enjoy your child for once, & not be constantly frustrated and annoyed by his behavior?

  • Imagine having at your fingertips an arsenal of "secret weapons" that you can use to calm your child down anytime you want.
  • Imagine your child actually obeying you the very first time you ask, without having to resort to spanking, nagging and bribing.
  • What if your child's ADD/ADHD was a strength - the launchpad or starting point - of his current & future success, instead of the crippling failure it has become.
  • What if you could safely "re-program" your child's brain to become more focused, calmer and less fuzzy and distractible.
  • Imagine being able to calm your child down at the touch of a button?
If you read any of the claims above with some skepticism, I wouldn't blame you. You're probably asking yourself why you should listen to what I have to say.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sa'Diyya Patel and I am  the parent of a son  (AND A HUSBAND) with ADHD, and I have ADD myself. I also have a diploma in developmental psychology and I am a qualified Montessori  Teacher. In addition, I have also homeschooled my 4 kids for over 5 years. So you can see that I've dealt with ADD personally, professionally and in a family situation.

I personally know the pain and frustration that comes from dealing with ADD / ADHD. As a child I was labelled a spacehead, a dreamer who would amount to nothing. I was never able to focus on any project for very long. My mind would race off on another train of thought, and before long I had abandoned one project to begin another....then left that one half completed to start something else.....I would flit through the day leaving a string of half completed projects in my wake.

I was introduced to the idea of Attention Deficit Disorder when studying for my diploma in child psychology, and I dealt with kids with ADD & ADHD when I began teaching.

 Then I married a man who has ADHD, who literally cannot sit still for even a minute.

And a few years later, I had my son who, like his father, is a textbook case of ADHD. Relatives soon labeled him a terror, and me a poor parent who couldn't even control her child despite all her academic qualifications.

 As he grew older and went to school the problem worsened. He did poorly academically, and his self-esteem was in shreds. Many days he came home in tears, because the teacher had called him slow or stupid or the other kids had laughed at him. To try and protect him and rebuild his self-esteem I began homeschooling him. But being ADD myself it was a challenge. Through all of this I wasn't willing to put my son on Ritalin or any other mind-altering drug.

"Why does he do that?"
I asked myself that question at least a dozen times each day, and I'm sure you have too.  Why can't he behave? Why can't he try harder and concentrate on his school work?

Have you ever considered that perhaps your child doesn't sit still, concentrate and focus because he can't ...not because he won't.
Believe me when I tell you that your child's short attention span and need for constant motion is not something within his control.

Telling him to 'concentrate' and 'sit still'
  is worthless and punishing him for his inability to do so is counterproductive.

 Recent scientific research has uncovered that hyperactive, fidgety, unfocused children are that way because their brains operate differently from those of a more normal, calm and focused person.

Does this mean that there is something wrong with my child's brain?

Yes, and no. Your child's brain does operate a bit differently from the brain of a calmer and more rational counterpart - I'll explain how in a moment- but the situation can  be remedied.

How exactly is my child's brain different?

In order for you to fully understand why your child behaves the way he does, I first need to explain to you a bit about how the brain works. I'll keep the explanation short and to the point and do my best not to bore you. So just hang in there.

Your brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons which use electricity to communicate with each other.This electrical activity in the brain is what is referred to as brainwaves. There are different brainwave patterns depending on what the person is doing, thinking and/or feeling at that moment.

Without going into a lenghty explanation of the different brainwave patterns and their purposes, people with ADD/ADHD lack sufficient Beta Brainwave Activity. The right and left hemispheres also fail to work in synchrony and glucose isn't metabolized effectively.

Raising the level of Beta Brainwaves 
can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness, concentration and in some cases even increase your IQ.

  What Can Be Done About This?
Uptill now the solutions for Attention Deficit Disorder were very one-sided. It was either medication (which had many side effects), a strictly controlled diet (which often didn't make any significant difference), behaviour modification or supplements.

Because of my personal experiance with ADD I realized that this disorder affects a person's entire life and because of that the treatment ADD/ADHD also has to be approached from a holistic and multi-faceted perspective.

ADD/ADHD is also a very individual thing. What works for one patient won't work for another. That's why there's no one -size-fits-all treatment for ADD/ADHD.....at least none that work.

That's what prompted me to come up with the Calm Kids ADD/ADHD Program.
 I spent thousands of hours researching the latest treatments on the internet, read hundreds of books on the subject and spoke to dozens of experts. The solutions were many and varied. Some produced no change at all, others a slight improvement.

 I began to document what what worked, and tweaked it to make it better. And over time, both my son, my husband and I had improved remarkably.

 For over 7 years, I bought and read thousands of dollars worth of books and courses to help me cope with my ADD and the ADHD in my son, husband and a handful of the children ADD/ADHD children  in the preschool I was teaching.

What Is The Calm Kids Program?
The Calm Kids ADD / ADHD Program is made up of 4 Components:

The first component are the Calm Kids mp3's that are based on cutting edge technology.

 Audio technology that is safe, easy and effective ....has no side effects and the results begin to show from the very first session. 

The Calm Kids Program uses a special audio technology that plays sounds of a specific frequency that safely raises these brainwave activity levels and over time normalizes the brain.

Repeated listening also helps to synchronize both the right and left hemispheres to allow for more 'whole brain' thinking - the kind of thinking pattern used by Einstein and other geniuses.

And it stimulates the growth of more neural pathways in the brain. That means that your child will be able to think faster, retain information for longer and his overall academic performance will be greatly enhanced.

In one study, test scores were not only higher than normal, 
but were accomplished in less than half the time …while recall improved 26% overall.

"My Calm Kids mp3 helps me to be even smarter."
"When I listen to my Calm Kids mp3 I finish my homework quickly. I even used the mp3 when I studied for my spelling test this week, and I got everything right! My teacher says that I'm finally concentrating. And the work doesn't seem as hard as it used to.My brain doesn't seem fuzzy anymore. I love my Calm Kids mp3."
Jason Myers, Age 10- Texas, USA

And it couldn't be easier to use. All you have to do is let the child listen to the Calm Kids audio program. This could be in the morning before he is getting ready for school or in the evening as he is doing his homework.

There are 2 audio mp3's, each to be used at different times and for different purposes. The "Calm" audio soundtrack is specially designed to calm a hyperactive child down quickly and is set to a the soothing  sound of ocean waves.

The  "Focus' mp3  is  designed for times when you want your child to focus and concentrate on the task at hand and is perfect to use for study-sessions and homework. The "Focus" brainwave entrainment mp3 is set to soothing music.

Both brainwave entrainment soundtracks are pleasant to listen to and only 20 minutes long. But they are highly effective in re-wiring your child's brain and working to eliminate the root cause of ADD & ADHD.

The Second Component is the highly Informative e-Book:

Coping with ADHD 

Here's a fraction of what you will uncover in this e-book, which is a must read for all parent's and teachers.

  • Should You medicate your child or not - What are the pro's and con's, the different types of medication avaliable, guidelines for getting the best out of drug therapy - All dealt with in detail in the chapter "To Medicate Or Not"
  • The Secret to helping turn your ADD child from a problem into a protogè. 
  • The trick to getting your child to complete what he starts and to achieving the goals he's set.
The no 1. essential element for success at home and at school....revealed on pg 21.

"The Teacher called to ask me what medication I'd put him on after only 3 days on the Calm Kids Program."
Matthew's teacher was so impressed by the improvement in his behavior in class that she called to find out what medication I had put him on. She was blown away when I told her that all he had been listening to was a special soundtrack.
Matthew has stopped being so disruptive in class and has finally started paying attention in class. This morning he told me "Mommy, I like school. It's fun to learn" I could hardly believe my ears. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you. "
Dianne Winters, Sandringham, South Africa

  • One simple trick that takes only a few seconds can help you to pull the best out of your child......on pg 21-22.
  • What 'labeled praise' is, & why it's so vital to the development of your ADD child's self-esteem.
  • A secret 'weapon' that parents & teachers use that helps the ADD child to complete homework and behave out of school.......on page 22....and no it doesn't involve medication or bribery.
  • Discipline methods that actually work but keep your child's self-esteem intact...revealed on pg 25.

"It calms her down in minutes...and it's so easy to use, it's almost like magic"
Tyrah is only 3 but she is hard to keep up with.She acts first and thinks later....and many times it seems if  she doesn't think her actions through at all.
She's destructive and always on the go. It seems like I spend most of the day trying to stop her from killing herself! Yelling, spanking and time-outs only made things worse and I felt like a failure as a mother. The Calm Kids Program is a Godsend. As soon as I play the soundtrack she begins to calm down and become more co-operative.And I've learned some discipline techniques that have established a sense of order and peace in our home...at last. I don't feel like a bad mother anymore! Thank-you."
- Andrea Edwards, Bradenton, Florida, USA


  • Teach your child to be super organized and never to forget what he needs to remember or tasks that he needs to complete.....on page 25.
  • Page 27 tells you how to deal with the extra energy your child has.
  • Seemingly "innocent" things that you may may doing right now, that could be causing untold harm to your child.
  • When a child has ADD/ADHD, it's not only the child who is affected. Every member of the family is affected in some way. The Chapter "Familes &ADHD" deals with how to cope, dealing with 'sticky situations' such as family disagreements.
  • "Parenting the ADD/ADHD child" reveals some suprising factors that increase the likelihood of your child misbehaving.
  • Setting and enforcing rules with an ADD/ADHD child.
  • The self-esteem of children with ADD/ADHD often takes a beating. One entire chapter is dedicated to rebuilding your child's self-esteem.
  • The key's to dealing with angry, aggressive behaviour - so common amongst children with ADD/ADHD - is revealed on pg's 39-41.
  • If you have a teenager or a spouse with ADD/ADHDor you suffer from the disorder yourself, don't stress. I've thought of you, too. The telltale signs of Adult ADD/ADHD revealed in the chapter devoted to adult ADD, as well as some awesome coping strategies that can help you become more focused and effective at home and at work.
  • Are you the teacher of children with ADD/ADHD? Do you homeschool your ADD Child?  The challenges and pitfalls to teaching a child with ADD/HD and what you can do to make this daunting task a bit easier.....all revealed in a very comprehensive chapter on teaching the ADD/HD child.
  • Parenting the child with ADD/HD can be a daunting and sometimes thankless task. pg's 58-60 reveal some places that you can find the emotional support you need to weather this challenge....all for free.

The THIRD component of the program is ADHD Uncovered

ADHD uncovered


This is an exclusive audio interview done with a leading expert on ADHD with the transcripts that explains:

  • The Three Main Types of ADHD - the telltale symptoms and how best to treat each one.
  • The Best and most effective Parenting Methods for the ADHD child.

  • Other disorders that are commonly mistaken for ADD / ADHD.
  • Some startling effects that taking Ritalin (Or any other ADD medication) could have on your child's career.
  • The unique challenges that girls with Attention Deficit Disorder Face.
  • How to get your child the special accomodation that he needs in the classroom.
  • What you, as a parent, can do to better manage your child's ADD.
  •  Some excellent after-school activities that can help burn off some of that excess energy and also help to increase your child's focus and attention span.

The 4th component of the Calm Kids Program are  Info-packed Reports That deal with the most troubling aspects of ADD / ADHD & provide information that you can put to use right away.

Bonus Report # 1: The 2 Minute Calmer

2 minute technique that will calm and focus your child instantly.


Report #2 :Get Your ADD Child to bed without hassles, tantrums or tears.

Discover over  20 ways to calm, soothe and get your child ready for bed .

Report #3: Top 10 Discipline Mistakes Parents make with an ADD Child .


Discover the 10 things that parents do that makes their child's ADD worse....and what you should do instead. (This report alone is worth the entire price of the Calm Kids Program)

Click here to order now. 

And if you order now you'll get over $250 in Parenting Info Product Bonuses - free parenting videos, teleseminars, courses, e-books and more

Consider the cost of 1 month's supply of Ritalin  which is about $60-$75 each and every month.

  That's only taking into the account the monetary cost. What about the harmful physical, psychological and mental side effects that have the potential to do irreparable harm to your child's body and psyche.....harm that you are paying through the nose for.

As part of a re-launch  The Calm Kids Program is going for only $47....for a limited time only.

That's a savings of $30 off the regular price of $77

Isn't a measly $47 worth it if it has the potential to dramatically improve your child's chances of success?

Get Over $250 in Parenting Bonuses For Ordering Now!

As a special re-launch offer, I'm giving away over $250 worth of Parenting Info Products to the first 100 people to order.

Bonus 2: Child Anger Revealed e-book

DD/ADHD children are often angry and aggressive. Uncover the reasons behind the anger and discover what you can do to eliminate it.

Bonus 3: An 8 week Parenting Course written especially for Moms.

Parents of kids with ADD / ADHD need all the help and support that they can get. This 8 week Course will help you to be a better mom. Here's a snippet of what you'll learn:

  • Eliminate your mommy guilt.
  • Raise your children to be grateful rather than spoiled.
  • Get some much needed self-care.
  • Naturally motivate your children to listen to you more.
  • Gain respect from your family.
  • Inspire your kids to do their chores without nagging.
  • Establish easy and fun AM & PM routines.
  • Boost your self-esteem and your child's self-esteem 10 fold!
  • And more.....all free!!
Bonus 4 : The Bully e-book

Find out what you and you child can do to combat this all too common problem.

Bonus 5:Free parenting videos on a variety of subjects....with more being added all the time.

Bonus 6: Kids Fun Recipes - 120 Fun and Delicious Recipes e-book

Cooking is great fun and a wonderful learning experiance. Recipes like Chocolate Spiders, Rock Candy, Snake Hot Dogs, Popcorn Cake, Pizza Pinwheels, Kids Krunchy Krazy Korn, Crunchy Noodle Jumble and more. 120 fun and delicious recipes.

Bonus 7:  Free Report: "How I developed My Child's Genius and How You Can Too" By Esther Andrews.

Esther has this to say about ADD: "Do you know that a big percentage of children that are diagnosed with ADD are just children that are intelligent and fast-learning , children who find it hard to sit still, while they are completely bored?" 

You can turn your child from a problem into a protogè with the advice that Esther offers in her special report.

Bonus 8: 4 FREE Chapters of "Instant Learning for Amazing Grades." 
Contributed by Learning & Reading Specialist & Best-selling Author, Pat Wymann

At school your child is told what to learn, but not how to learn. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (especially those who are hyperactive as well) suffer in school because their learning style is different from the highly visual learning style that is used in schools. 

This resource is the first one to not only respect your child's learning style, but also show your child how to add this valuable visual strategy to his learning style so that he can succeed in school.

You will also discover the problem with the popular multiple intelligence learning theory and why catering yourchild's learning style could be a recipe for  academic failure.....and what to do instead.

BONUS 9: Free teleseminar " Connection Parenting"

Discover the secret to parenting from a place of love, instead of fear, with practical tips and examples.


Bonus 10: Keep Kids Busy

Dozens of fun learning games that are perfect for a rainy day or the long summer holidays.

Bonus 11: "The Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!" e-book

- an excerpt from 'Just Because Your Kid's Drive You Insane Doesn't Mean That You're A Bad Parent.' - written by Award Winning humourist and author Lisa Barker.

Parenting a child with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactive Disorder is no laughing matter! But this book will help you see the funny side of what can be a very daunting and thankless task.

Bonus 12: Positive Parenting e-book

This info-packed guide has more practical advice than many of the parenting books that I've read (and I've read hundreds over the last 13 years) 

You'll discover:

  • How to build your child's self-esteem.
  • How to use praise in a constructive rather than destructive way.
  • Using T.V. programs to build your child's character and strengthen his moral development.
  • Turning mistakes into opportunities for Improvement.
  • A checklist of things to do to give your child a headstart in life.
  • The secret to getting your child to love school and learning.
  • How you may  unwittingly be negatively programming your child for failure...and how to program him for success instead.
  • Effective study methods that will improve your child's grades.
  • How to protect your child from depression, stress and suicide.....common problems especially amongst ADD/ADHD Children.
  • The root cause of failure in children's lives and how to remove it from the life of your child.
  • The 8 areas that your child needs training and skills in, if he is to succeed...now and as an adult.
Bonus 13: A specially designed 'Success Course' for your child -
 "7 Lessons To Jumpstart Your Success."

Our kids learn all sorts of things at achool, but no one teaches them the lessons of Success. This course changes it all. And you get it free as a bonus for purchasing The Calm Kids Program. Don't you wish that you had access to a course like this when you were a kid. I know I do. It would have saved me many painful & expensive lessons. (You might even want to do the course yourself :-)

Lesson 1: The Ultimate Secret to Success.

Lesson 2: How To use Your Brainpower to Improve Yourself & Attract Good Things In Life.

Lesson 3:How Brillaint Students Design Their Own Report Card....Legally.

Lesson 4: 5 Great Ways to Start Your Studies....Anytime, Anywhere.

Lesson 5: Improve Your Memory With 5 Simple Tricks.

Lesson 6: How To be a People Magnet.

Lesson 7: How to prepare for Your Career....even though you're still in School.

Bonus 14: "Speaking So Kids Will Listen - 25 Simple Ways To Get Your Message Across To Your Kids."

  • 5 Communication blunders that will have kids tuning you out before you even get to the end of the first sentence.
  • Getting cooperation from your strong-willed and argumentative child.
  • Some tips to make talking about real life issues, like sex, violence, drugs  a bit easier.
  • The best time of the day to approach your teenager about sensitive topics.
  • How to use T.V., Current affairs and music as entry points.


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