
PS3LIGHTSFIX.COM- The SAFEST, EASIEST and QUICKEST way to fix the Yellow/Red/Green Light, Red Screen, Blu-Ray Drive, or any PS3 error code on the PS3

PS3LIGHTSFIX.COM- The SAFEST, EASIEST and QUICKEST way to fix the Yellow/Red/Green Light, Red Screen, Blu-Ray Drive, or any PS3 error code on the PS3 Today!

From The PS3 Repairshop Of Mr. Rob Sheffield
Certified PS3 Repairman

Dear PS3 Owner,

It sucks to have the Yellow/Red/Green Light, or even the Red Screen or some error code, doesn't it??

As I write this, Sony isn't doing anything about fixing the PS3's failure, but still charging the $150 fee. An article was even featured in the newspaper, where a guy claims he was charged $300! What a rip-off, for Sony, the creator! Anthony Blake, of Brisbane, Australia stated:
"I have had the Yellow Light of Death problem and when you contact Sony they simply claim that you have to fork out $300 to get the problem fixed. There is also there are no guarantees that the issue will not happen again in a 2 year old unit. This doesn't seem fair?"

No Anthony, that's doesn't seem fair, and why would it be? But, there is another way! Wouldn't you just want to have your PS3 back to the way it was not so long ago, with all those games and all that fun? Well, you're in luck, today, it's all possible. Your search is finally over!

No More 'Browsing' The Net for a Fix! This is your Final Destination!
No More 'Pain and Heartache' of Not Having a FUNCTIONING PS3!
No More 'Dangerous' PS3 Fix Methods!

No More Worries About Whether It's permanant or not! "I'm Sick And Tired Of This, Why Me!?"

Have you been given the cat and mouse game by Sony? Are you fed up with finding an actual way to fix it rather than sending it off in a box to Sony?

Have you heard of these stories? A PS3 user has his PS3 break down and omit a Yellow Light. He decides to call Sony. The representative, who is reluctant to give any helpful information, simply tells you to send the PS3 to them, pay the $150 and wait the 6 extra long weeks.

How do you feel? 

Angry at having to
wait 6 weeks
Angry at having to pay $150 for SONY'S PROBLEM!
Angry that you can't retain your HDD data
Angry and surprised it had to happen to you, after you gave Sony your money!

And if you haven't felt this yet, YOU WILL, unless you keep reading.

Sound familiar? I have heard the above scenario MANY times, and I should know how you feel...

Hi! My name is Rob Sheffield.  I am a professional PS3 repairman with a PS3 repair business located in Melbourne, Australia, which I run from home. I have been in the PS3 repair business for over 5 years now and have been repairing PS3's ever since they first came out. But lately, I have been noticing a rather large amount of repair requests coming from a particular problem and it seems to be quite common. And that is the Yellow/Red/Green Light problem and Red Screen, which can easily be repaired from home (D.I.Y), rather than from Sony. 

So how would you like to:

 Not have to wait 6 weeks?

 Not have to pay $150?

Permanently get rid of the Yellow/Red/Green Light of Death and the Red Screen!

 Get rid of any PS3 error code!

Fix any disk reading errors, or the Blu-Ray drive?

 Receive your PS3 back, rather than someones elses?

 Retain all your hard drive contents (Sony wipes the drive clean)!

Well, now you can! Introducing...

Inside this digital all-in-one set you will learn:

How to permanently fix the Blinking Yellow Light of Death (YLOD)

 How to permanently fix the Solid/flashing Red Light

 How to permanently fix the Flashing Green Light issue

 How to permanently fix the 3 beeps

 How to permanently fix the Red Screen

 How to permanently fix a freezing screen (during gameplay or during the menu)

 How to permanently fix the blu-ray drive (after freezing and blu-ray not accepting)


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ps3 error 2006

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error 80710723 for ps3

error 80710092 on ps3

error 80029564 on ps3

error 80010514 on ps3

error 80010514 for ps3

cod5 ps3 error

And All Within 1 Hour Or Less Today!


 Contains 5 professionally made Videos (simply follow along, if you prefer videos!)

 Contains a detailed eBook, with many pictures (pictures speak more than words!)

 Contains FULL COLOR pictures, that are visible and easy to see!

 Access to a members section and forum, where you can access all the tools and kit.

 Easy to follow Step-By-Step Instructions (no one is left behind!)

 No Need To Buy Expensive Equipment! All of the equipment needed are all common

household items!

 24/7 Support and one-on-one help, via email, when needed!

 Contains a one hour fix!



You can feel assured, because the methods that we use are completely secure and are the exact methods used by the creator of the PS3, Sony! These methods are NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE and they are completely safe.

Many people have asked me this question. You will need:
  • Screw Driver (Phillips and Flathead)
  • Toothpaste (Yes, toothpaste!)
  • A PC (if applicable to you)
  • Internet connection (So you can access everything)
THAT'S IT! Seriously, who in the world wants to wait that long for Sony to repair your PS3, especially when the 2010 is here! So, why not just get it fixed now within the next hour? That seems like the logical thing to do! And you can with the PS3LightsFix digital repair kit! No hassles, just your PS3 back to you!

OK, who doesn't want to save $150. For starters, I know I do! Sony won't admit that there is a problem with their PS3's so they don't have to fix them for free. But, instead they decide that they will charge you a
hefty fee of $150, not to mention postage and handling. But with my series, you can save right now and have it fixed now!



Note: The testimonials above are GENUINE and are in no way false! Results are typical.



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