
Writing Ad Copy, Web Copywriter

Writing Ad Copy, Web Copywriter

Attention: To All Business Owners Who Want More Sales...

"The Secret Weapon That Let's You Write Ads And Sales Letters (Even If You've Never Written An Ad In Your Life) Using My Secret Copywriting Software!

This Crazy Little Tool Works For Any Product Or
Service And In Any Niche Guaranteed!"

Here's 3 Reasons Why you must read this entire letter...

1. If you are running any type of business then knowing how to write ads is a MUST! Fail at this and you'd be better off keeping your day job!

2. The tool you're about to discover requires little to NO skill and guarantees you'll be to create all of the ad copy you could ever need for any marketing promotion you create!

3. You'll be shown how to Write or even Re-Write your own Sales Letters from scratch before you leave this page!


From: Maurice Smith
Date: March 2, 2010

Dear Business Owner,

Let me get right to the point.

I have an unfair advantage over you...Yes, I realize it's not fair.

I can create profitable ads for ANY product or service regardless of the niche it's in.

So am I a copywriter?

No. That just means that I don't write ad copy for others for a living. (Although over the years I've written enough of my own sales letters that I'm confident I could crank out ads and sales letters for other business owners too).

The unfair advantage I'm referring to is a secret tool that I have access to.

With this tool I can create ad copy for any new squeeze page I want to in minutes!

I can create an attention-grabbing pay per click ad or online auction title in seconds!

If I'm launching a new product and I need a sales letter, I can quickly create headlines, opening phrases, bullets, product guarantees, price introductions, scarcity phrases and closes in minutes!...Once I'm done I just insert my ad copy into my sales letter template, push a button and instantly generate a sales letter.

I can take private label products and quickly create new sales letters in just under an hour or so.

To be honest, I don't worry about writing ad copy anymore.

I don't have to go out and search for copywriters to write ads for me.

Looking back, one of my marketing buddies told me a story of how one copywriter charged him $1,200 upfront for a single sales letter...That copywriter was never heard from again...My buddy did get his $1,200 back, although months later after fighting with PayPal.

And it doesn't stop there.

I hear similar horror stories in many marketing forums throughout the Internet.

I hate it when I see people being taken advantage of by these so-called copywriters.

Okay, so where am I going with all of this?

You don't need to hire a copywriter for each of your projects.

You can use the same exact tool that I use and you'll never fail at creating another ad ever again.  

"So Why Should You Listen To Me?"

Here's why...Once you understand that good ad copy can be swiped and used over and over again the mystery of knowing how to write good ad copy will no longer be a mystery...At least not to you. Others, including your competitors will still think it's a mystery as they shell out large sums of money for simple one-page lead letters.

I've been in the business of creating ad copy templates since 2001. The ad templates that I develop are created from hundreds of the best ever headlines, opening phrases, bullet lists and on and on.

My first template was a fill in the blanks tool called the 3-Minute Headline Creator. I launched this product back in 2002 and it's still going strong today.

So when it comes to helping you write ad copy using a fill in the blanks template I basically wrote the book on this stuff. I've helped literally thousands of online marketers generate leads and sales for their products using the 3-Minute Headline Creator.

That's what this letter is all about....Showing you how to easily write your own profitable ads and sales letters in minutes and without creating a mess in the process! I've done all the hard work for you.

But please don't make this one mistake. Don't think for a minute you'll create million dollar ads and sales letters by just pushing a button. If your are expecting something for nothing, then this software is not for you.

But on the other hand, if you take the time to insert the right words that describes your product, like I'll show you, this software will crank out winning ads and sales letters quicker than any other way I know.

"Introducing The Push-Button Software For Creating Ads and Sales Letters For Any Product or Service...Starting Today!"

 "Click the Button to Watch The Video!"  

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Ad Copy Creator Pro is a simple to use "fill in the blanks" software tool. To use it all you do is answer simple questions from each template and push a two buttons and you get:

  • Power Words Creator - Over 600 power word suggestions in seconds!
  • Verbs Word List - Over 500 Action Verbs drop down list that get attention!
  • Benefit Words List - Over 600 benefit starting words to use as benefit statement starters!
  • Push-Button Benefit Phrase Creator - A single word field to create benefit "starting" phrases!
  • Opening Statement Creator Template - Over 60 opening statement phrase templates!
  • Fill In The Blanks Headline Creator Template - Over 100 ready-made headline templates modeled after proven headlines!
  • Bullet List Creator - Over 100 bullet list ad templates!
  • Price Introduction Creator Template - 10 powerful price introduction phrase templates!
  • Guarantee Statement Creator - 7 guarantee statement phrase templates!  

Maurice, I've never been this excited with something so powerful yet so easy that even the dumbest kid on the planet can do. Check this out. I've literally spent less than 1 minute answering some fun questions (I seriously enjoyed them) for the headline creator. Bang! Clicked the button and there popped out a looong list of unique and absolute killer headlines. Even though I'm moderately capable of writing a persuasive sales letter, I ALWAYS, always find myself sitting like a dead duck in front of my monitor when it comes to building the opening of the sales letter. This is too good to be true. Another 2 minutes and I've got more opening paragraph choices than I could possibly handle. The BEST sales letter tool I EVER invested in.:-)

Andre Vas

Here's more of what you get with Ad Copy Creator Pro:

  • Save time with pre-built ad copy templates where all you have to do is choose which piece of ad copy you want to go with!...(Templates 2-9)
  • Brainstorm blocks of 50-100 headlines, bullets and opening statements in minutes!...(Templates 2-5)
  • Instantly create an uncommon sense of urgency in the minds of your readers and ignite a buying frenzy causing your readers to trip over themselves just to buy your product!...(warning: this must be used with caution)...(Template 8)
  • Follow this one tip and make your bullet list so hard to resist that your prospects won't be able to rest until they purchase your product or service!...(Template 5)
  • Instantly establish a bond in the minds of your readers and quickly set the theme of your offer focusing on your prospect's biggest wants and desires!...(Template 3)
  • Learn this template and easily produce blocks of over 100 fresh and targeted bullet list combinations for each single bullet!...(Template 5)
  • Use this one simple cost justification template and make the cost of your product appear insignificant to your prospect regardless of your asking price!...(Template 6)
  • Eliminate buyer reluctance and instantly remove all the risk from your offers!...(Template 7)
  • Master this one template and highly increase your chances at getting your prospect to take action now and not later!...(Template 9)

"Click Here To Download Now For ONLY $47!"


Click here to order Ad Copy Creator Pro  
This is a digital product that will be available for download after purchase.

 And Here's a Few Non-Sales Letter Type Things
You Get To Do With Ad Copy Creator Pro

  • Gain access to the vault of high-impact words and phrases and assemble an arsenal of tireless ads that work effortlessly around the clock generating leads and sales while you do other things!...(Templates 2-3, 5)  
  • Master these two ad creation templates and create an unlimited supply of online classified ads whenever you need to!...(Template 3, 5)
  • Never be at a loss of words when composing headlines for every direct mail postcard you mail out!...(Template 3, 5)  
  • Craft highly responsive direct mail brochures that compels your prospects to respond immediately to your offer!...(Templates 3-9)
  • Produce highly competitive tiny little offline classified ads that generates responses like crazy!...(Templates 3, 5)  
  • The single process for creating emotionally driven direct mail headlines that you can use in minutes!...(Template 3)
  • How to create explosive direct mail lead letters so quickly and easily that it might make you feel a little guilty!...(Templates 3-9)  
  • Put together top selling ads for your card decks and increase ad response starting today!...(Templates 2-3, 5) 
  • Experience the unfair advantage when creating your e-zine ads using two push button ad templates!...(Templates 2, 4)
  • The push button opening phrase tool that helps create articles with one hundred times the power and 100% less effort!...(Template 3)  
  • Build opt-in email capture pages that sucks in new subscribers in minutes! (Templates 2-9)  
  • Make your yellow page ads sizzle using a powerful database of words that 90% of Yellow page advertisers don't know anything about!...(Templates 2, 4)
  • Do this one thing and easily make your business letterhead stand out in the mind of your readers!...(Template 2)
  • The headline on your business card strategy that almost no one is doing and be the first!...(Template 2)
"Here Are Some More Projects Where You Can
Use Ad Copy Creator Pro"
  • Opt-In Squeeze Pages
  • Articles
  • Classified Ads
  • Follow up emails
  • Yellow Page Ads
  • Direct Mail Brochures
  • Direct Mail Marketing Pieces
  • Sales Letters
  • Postcards
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • PLR Sales Letter Re-writes  

    And just about anything else you can think of where you sell using words!


    I got it, downloaded it, and looked through it rather quickly. However, I can tell you, even after skimming the sections of Ad Copy Creator Pro as an ad man for over 30 years, this is ingenious, and I wish I'd had it during my earlier consulting days. What a breeze it will be to use it now. Even old pros like me get writers block. Something like this has been needed for a long time in the industry. Even agencies (maybe especially agencies) should use this--their ads are always so feature oriented, and they should know better. I can't wait to use it for myself on a few client projects. The hardest part of any sales piece is always starting out. With your new software, ad creator pro, you give us everything we need to get the brain cells going, overcome writers block, and get going to terrific ads and letters without the usual painful process most people go through...Thanks again.

    - Reece Franklin

    "Grab a Copy of Ad Copy Creator Pro and Get The Never Before Seen" Product Bonuses Below!"

    Free Bonus #1 ($39.95 Value)

    Million Dollar Sales Letters By Robert Collier - Discover the secrets of America's premier writer of successful sales letters: Robert Collier. Inside, Robert will reveal the secret letters he has used to generate over an astounding million dollars in sales. There are 15 power packed letters in all.

    Free Bonus #2 ($67.00 Value)

    Magnetic Sales Letters...A Collection of 23 of The Greatest Direct Mail Sales Letters - It's a collection of over 23 proven money-making sales letters, written by Gary Halbert, Bill Myers, Brian Keith Voiles, Collin Almeida, Bob Serling and others that you can use as guides for your product or service....They are called the Magnetic Sales Letters Collection. To be honest, this collection of sales letters is more than you'll ever need!...It doesn't even matter what type of product or service you are selling! Just scroll down the list and find a sales letter that fits your product best!

    Free Bonus #3 ($27.00 Value)

    The Buy Impulse...26 Mind Control Tools That Get More Customers Who Spend More Frequently - Here are 26 tools and mind control tactics you can use to control the mind of your prospects that have worked since the 1920's and used by millionaire direct marketers to create fortunes in direct marketing.

    Free Bonus #4 ($27.00 Value)

    Split Testing On A Budget- This simple 14-page report takes away all of the confusion about running your own split-tests and shows you how to setup your own sales letter split-test campaigns without expensive software.

    Okay, So What's This Collection Of
    Fill in the Blanks Ad Copy Going To Cost Me?

    This easy to use ad copy creation system could easily sell for $297.00. But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount. If you act now you can download Ad Copy Creator Pro today for a ridiculously low price of only $47.00! The actual price of Ad Copy Creator Pro is priced at only $0.13 per day which is absolutely nothing considering the value that you'll receive! Besides, you can make 100 times your money back with just one well written sales letter.

    It Gets Better Still -- Ad Copy Creator Pro Is Completely
    Backed By My 60-Day Guarantee

    Now, in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it foolproof for you. I personally guarantee that when you purchase Ad Copy Creator Pro you will be able to easily create ads, headlines and bullets with the push of a button within the next 60 days!

    If you can't, I'll refund the entire cost of Ad Copy Creator Pro to you.

    Actually, you get double protection. Here's how. At any time during the next 60 days, if you sincerely feel I fell short in any way on delivering everything I promised, I'll be happy to give you a complete refund. Even if it's the day before my guarantee expires. What could be more fair?

    You can test drive Ad Copy Creator Pro for the next 60 days. You'll be able to conclusively determine whether Ad Copy Creator Pro will work for you. If it doesn't, I want you to get, your money back!

    The truth is, you'll never have to worry about a refund. Because once you begin learning how to easily write your sales letters with the push of a button with Ad Copy Creator Pro and see the value, I guarantee that someone would have to wrestle you to the ground to get you to let go of this software application.  

    It Would Take You Many Months And Hundreds Of Hours To Create Something Like This For Yourself...Bypass The Painful and Lonely Road Of Product Development And Leverage Off Of My Efforts" 



    "Click Here To Download Now For ONLY $47!"


    Click here to order Ad Copy Creator Pro


    This is a digital product that will be available for download after purchase.

    I did all of the work for you. Leverage off of me. It's all done for you. Imagine instantly coming up with headlines, bullet lists, opening statements and more ready for you to use for your ads! Trust me there is nothing like Ad Copy Creator Pro anywhere!

    I've shown you that Ad Copy Creator Pro is as risk-free as an offer can come. You and I both know that if you've read this far in the letter, you're seriously interested in making your words sell. All you have to do now is take action...



    P.S. Remember, owning a copy of Ad Copy Creator Pro is like having your own professional copywriter on your team writing powerful sales letters for you that sell right out of the box!

    P.S.S - Ad Copy Creator Pro works with all versions of Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP and XP Pro. Ad Copy Creator Pro is does not operate on Mac computers.

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