
Increase intelligence before birth - Increase Your Baby's Intelligence Before Birth

Increase intelligence before birth - Increase Your Baby's Intelligence Before Birth

How To Increase Your Baby's Intelligence Before Birth


 As  seen on ChannelChannel 7

Today Tonight

 Congratulations! You're pregnant, looking after someone as precious as an unborn baby has to be one of the most important things you will ever do in your life.

What would you say if I told you there are steps that you can take, to help your baby increase his intelligence before birth?

What if I showed you how, against all odds, I changed my baby's destiny forever.

Have you ever wondered why some babies develop faster than others.  Why does one baby give his first solo steps at 15 months and another at 9 months?  

How can some babies speak in clear 8 word sentences at 24 months while others begin to speak much later.

What about babies that are referred to as so called "gifted". Are they freaks of nature or were they born from genius parents?

Parents spend an absolute fortune on educational toys for their children, yet there is nothing more important, that you will ever do in your child's life, than to help him build the best possible brain that he can during your pregnancy.

 Jeanette Bolvary

Hi, my name is Jeanette Bolvary and I would like to share my story with you.  At the age of 35, after one miscarriage and another year of struggling to conceive, I finally fell pregnant with my son.

At 27 weeks, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  I searched for every bit of information I could find on the topic and discovered that gestational diabetes can, not only cause serious complications for mom and baby, but is also linked to low IQ and speech problems in children.

I was shocked and upset, but counted myself lucky to be pregnant and decided to do everything in my power to protect my baby.  It did not matter that my baby would not be the smartest kid on the block, I was desperate to have a baby.  

My pregnancy continued without any further complications and my son was born a very average 7.8 pounds.

Can you begin to imagine my astonishment when this baby started doing incredible things for his age.  Instead of slowed development he developed much faster than babies born to mothers that had normal uncomplicated pregnancies! 

Why? I had to ask the question.  Why would a mother with a condition like gestational diabetes, known to be responsible for lower IQ and speech problems in children, have a child that walks around the house at 9 months like he's been doing it for years. Does not stop talking all day until he shuts his eyes at night, and I am not referring to senseless babble. Clear speech, large vocabulary and complicated words like "dangerous" (at the age of 19 months!).

I needed to know and began my research.  What I found was astounding, scientists already have the answers!  Several discoveries in genetic studies pointed to many of the crucial things I did during my pregnancy, explaining how these actions I took can influence brain development.  That was the day I started writing my book.

If you are the type of person that wants your child to be intelligent, healthy, happy and successful in life, let me show you how you can make all the difference for your baby, before he is even born.

Jeanette Bolvary

(Author of Born Smart, Unlock The Potential In Your Baby's Genes)

Let's me uncover two of the biggest Smart Baby Myths right now

  • Smart babies inherited smart genes from their parents  

Not true, smart babies can and have been born to parents that are of average intelligence. Not only do I know of other parents that have no history of extremely high intelligence in their families, but I am also living proof of this.

  • Educational toys makes babies smarter  

Not true, a recent study on shapes compared University students with same aged individuals from a third world country that never had access to any educational toys. The University students scored no higher on the tests and confirmed what many parents already know, you can toss the shape sorter on the scrap heap.

How is it possible to increase a baby's intelligence before birth?

We used to believe that a baby inherits his Genome from his parents and that his destiny is, from the moment of conception, forever set

But in the last 10 years this thinking has completely been discarded with the discovery of the Epigenome Soon after conception a baby starts to switch genes in different cells on or off, mapping his epigenome.

This works not only with switching genes on or off, but also by turning genes up or down, explaining the differences between siblings, darker hair, different eye colors, differences in strength and intelligence. 

It is during the mapping of your baby's Epigenome where you can make all the difference.

3 Steps You Need To Take To Increase Your Baby's Intelligence Before Birth.

Step 1. Nutrition, this is a no-brainer.  Everyone knows you need to eat well during pregnancy.  Yet there are still some healthy foods that are better than others, not because they are more nutritious but because they help you  accomplish step 2.

Step 2.  Balance your hormones, this is really important.  Hormones have enormous influence when it comes to genes.  Chemical messengers, hormones activate and deactivate genes according to their levels present in your body. 

In a 2006 study findings suggested that the nutrient copper and its transporter, a gene called ATP7a, are vital to human thinking.

Prof Jonathan Gitlin asked:

Why don't we think a hundred times better than we do? One answer to that question is, perhaps we could – if the brain could make the right connections. We've found that copper modulates very critical events within the nervous system that influence how well we think. (Washington University School of Medicine 2006)

Another study on copper found that a pregnant mothers hormones regulate the gene ATP7a, the transporter of copper that are critical for developing the hippocampus and dentate gyrus, the higher learning and higher thinking areas in the brain.

* The key is not to supplement but to allow the hormones to regulate the nutrient naturally, too much copper can be dangerous!  What you are looking for is food sources only!*

But don't worry, my guide is very simple and you don't need to be an expert in biology.

Step 3. Toxin Free Environment, this sounds very simple but it's really not as easy as it sounds.  You may be very surprised to find how many everyday products in your home, even cosmetics and some foods in your diet is causing a mountain of obstacles for your poor baby, working hard to develop best he can.

Some toxins also mimic hormones and can potentially alter your baby's genes. 


Born Smart

Unlock The Potential In Your Baby's Genes

Born Smart    

A Guide for helping your baby improve his health and intelligence before birth


Health and intelligence is interconnected, you can't improve one without improving the other.


What You Will Find Inside

correctionMy complete roadmap for how to increase a baby's intelligence before birth. 

correctionmark My personal diet plan, the one I followed during my pregnancy complete with nutritional charts. 

 correctionThings you need to avoid during the mapping of your baby's epigenome. 

 correctHow to help your baby develop high emotional intelligence after birth. 

  correctionHow to avoid varicose veins and stretch marks during your pregnancy. 

  correctionHow you can help your baby repair damaged DNA

How much would you expect to pay for a guide like this?

Think of the money you are going to save on extra math's tuition, speech therapy, even doctors bills. 

If you go ahead an buy this right now, this minute, you can get it for just $99.(Read on... special offer below!)

$99 to provide your child with a life full of possibilities. Learning is easy for these children, they are smart, quick witted and super confident. 

Walking early also requires good balance. Born Smart babies have great balance, ball sense, are very coordinated and do well in sport.

Use the Emotional Intelligence guide included in the eBook and you can add sociable to the list.

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$49 to give your child something that you will never again be able to give.

Don't let this opportunity go by, you do not want to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life and wonder what might have been.

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Look, let's be straight with each other...

$49 for this is nothing. After all, what else would you do with a tiny amount of cash like that?

What else could you do with it?

Buy another baby outfit and hang it up with the 50 others in the wardrobe?

Pay for the latest baby learning dvd?

Yes, you could do those things, but guess what? After you do that, you'll still wonder about what could have been, because none of those things will help your child make the most of his natural ability.

Highly intelligent and naturally gifted as each and every baby should be!

So order now:

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