
WordPress Training Package

WordPress Training Package

"WordPress Is The #1 Blogging Platform In The World!"

"Millions Of People Have Succeeded With WordPress  Because It Is Very Easy To Use And The Search Engines Love It!"
"The WordPress Training Package, A Collection of Video Tutorials and WordPress Blogging Tools, Is An Extremely Easy To Understand And Most Complete Series You Can Ever Find On The Internet That Takes You From Learning The Basics To Becoming A WordPress Expert"  
"Annually, Up To A Million Developers
Create Plugins, Add-Ons, Widgets  And Themes In Order To
Make WordPress Easier, More Flexible And Better Than Ever!"

From The Desk of Daniel Toriola  
Monday, March 01, 2010.
RE: WordPress Training Package

Dear Aspiring WordPress Blogger,

WordPress is a great tool you should be using if you really want to succeed with the use of the internet. WordPress is the tool for an effective marketing strategy.

WordPress has put an end to the days of boring, outdated and static content websites and has enabled bloggers to share fresh and interesting content with internet users all over the world. After some years of existence, a lot people are now coming to realize that WordPress can change the way we do business. 

The Global Search Volume in Google for "WordPress" totals 7,480,000 monthly as at the end of 2009!

The trend statistics for WordPress from 2004 shows the blogging platform is the future of marketing.

WordPress Trend Stats

Since the past 20 months, the interest in WordPress training has been growing on a monthly basis.

wordpress trend

Google Trends, a great tool for market research, shows that people are now developing interest more than ever in WordPress training.   

About 230.3 million people visit one or more WordPress blogs every month and the numbers keep increasing. 

 wordpress training - monthly wordpress blog visit

Source: Quantcast. www.quantcast.com 

WordPress bloggers publish an average of 200,000 new posts with more than 300,000 new comments every day, with total page views of 1.69 billion every month.

wordpress training - monthly wordpress blog impressions 

Source: Quantcast. www.quantcast.com

To save space, other facts about WordPress, as at January 2010, are:

  • An average of 15,000 WordPress blogs are created daily
  • An average of 10,000 new WordPress users emerge daily
  • There are 19.1 million WordPress publishers with 9.8 million having installations on WordPress.org software and 9.3 million hosted on WordPress.org
  • WordPress blogs publishers write in over 120 languages

WordPress will continue to grow globally because thousands of new WordPress blogs are created every day by regular bloggers, companies, large media publishers, etc. with publishers creating all kinds of sites like online magazines, travel sites, social networks, sports sites, multimedia archives, video sites, language learning sites, scrapbooking sites, and many more.

Introducing WordPress Training Package

WordPress Training Package is a collection of 40 video tutorial series that teach the basic things and expert guide about WordPress in order to ensure that you succeed online. The total duration of this part is over 4 hours. The second part of the package contains another 20 video tutorials that reveal WordPress SEO secrets. The duration for this part is 2 hours. In total, WordPress Training Package has 6 hours for you to master the keys to succeeding with WordPress. 

Many people have become millionaires overnight because of the acquired skills in WordPress. The secret of these super bloggers is knowing what millions of others blog users do not know. We have developed WordPress Training Package because we sincerely want to be part of your success.

For you as an internet marketer, it is never too late to invest in your online business career with the WordPress Training Package.

Why Video Training for you to watch?

We released 60 videos in the package because videos are now the most popular way of communicating and doing business online. Tests have shown that we learn faster by watching a video, in addition to remembering longer. Hence, you stand to gain a lot by watching the videos in WordPress Training Package.

Why WordPress Training Package Is One Of The Best WordPress Training Programs

To make it clear, most most PLR videos on WordPress training you see out there are not good enough because just aren't good enough because they tend to be confusing, poorly produced, and in most cases outdated.

Those videos do not deliver value for the users because the so-called "experts" are  selling them online just to make some quick money off you. They do not care about the quality, accuracy or relevancy of such training materials.

This is where WordPress Training Package beats them all. Our videos deliver, every single time. All 60 videos were carefully planned, developed, refined and updated over time because it's our main intent to only give you relevant and up to date content.

Each video covers a certain aspect of installing and optimizing WordPress. Clear, concise instruction and direction to guarantee you get the most out of your WordPress install.     

WordPress Training Package videos have all been created, adapted and updated to ensure they are suitable for the latest version of the blogging platform!

In this wonderful package, you will have the latest and most complete collection of training materials - in the most popular format - about the most up-to-date version of WordPress - the blogging platform now being used by millions. It's impossible that this collection won't top your list of training videos and online products.

The first part, 40 WordPress Tutorial Videos - running from between 2 minutes to 13 minutes in length - in order to easily study all the steps to take you from being a Beginner to becoming a WordPress Expert.  

In this part, you'll learn:

  • How to Install WordPress Manually or Automatically
  • How to Get Your New Blog Ready for the Search Engines
  • How to Customize Your WordPress Dashboard
  • How to Create Posts, Pages and Images
  • How to Install and Automatically Upgrade Plugins
  • How to Install Themes and Widgets
  • How to Control Spam
  • How to Have Fun with Gravatars
  • The Benefits of Windows Live Writer
  • How to Backup your WordPress Blog
  • How to Edit WordPress Theme CSS Styles
  • How to Create a Static Front Page (for a Content Management
    System, a Sales Letter or even Ecommerce)
  • How to make your Blog Benefit from RSS
  • How to Build Your WordPress Email List
  • And much, much more!

The points above are just some of the things covered in the 4 hours of content on these 40 videos.

"Now, What Exactly Do These 40 Videos Cover?"

   Here are the video tutorials you can get access to right now if you purchase them today. The exact video length, resolution and file size are stated for each video.


Module 1 - Internet Marketing Basics

How to Register a Domain Name

This video is a step-by-step on how to search for domain names and register them using GoDaddy or NameCheap. You will also get some valuable tips on how to get the perfect domain name.

8.53 min
640x480 px
18.4 Mb
register domain name

Getting Your Web Hosting from HostGator

Web hosting is the lifeblood of any WordPress blog. In this video you'll discover the basics of web hosting and how to choose the correct web hosting plan among the hundreds of junk offers out there.

5.18 min
640x480 px
11.4 Mb
hostgator hosting

How to Change Your DNS in Godaddy

This video is important because you cannot do anything with your domain name and web hosting if you don't know how to change your DNS or Domain Name Server. 
2.39 min
640x480 px
4.44 Mb
dns in godaddy

How to Change Your DNS in NameCheap

You cannot do anything with your domain name and web hosting if you don't know how to change your DNS or Domain Name Server. This videos shows you how to do it in NameCheap.com

2.20 min
640x480 px
4.85 Mb
dns namecheap

How to Install and Use FileZilla FTP Program

FileZilla is a free FTP software every blogger needs! This video shows you how to download, install and connect FileZilla to your web hosting account.

4.15 min
640x480 px
7.74 Mb
installing filezilla

A Brief Introduction to Using cPanel

With cPanel you can manage your entire web hosting easily without relying on technical help. This video shows you how to create new email accounts, customize your cPanel layout and do other basic cPanel tasks.

8:01 min
640x480 px
28.20 Mb
cpanel introduction


Module 2 - Basic WordPress Tutorials

Installing WordPress Automatically Using cPanel

The easiest way to install a WordPress blog! You'll discover how you can get your new WordPress blog up and running in under 1 minute, with just a few mouse clicks..

3.30 min
640x480 px
4.88 Mb
installing wordpress in cpanel

Installing WordPress Manually Using FTP

Never try to install WordPress manually unless you're 100% sure of what you're doing! In this video, I clearly explain the 4 important steps in installing WordPress manually using MySQL and an FTP program..

10.18 min
640x480 px
22.2 Mb
installing wordpress manually

How To Clean Up A New WordPress Blog

A brand new WordPress blog has a fair amount of "junk" in it, which includes fake posts, comments, and useless links. I'll show you exactly what you need to clean up before you can start using your blog..

2.28 min
640x480 px
3.34 Mb
cleaning up a new wordpress blog

How to Change Your Permalinks Structure for Better Search Engine Ranking

By default, WordPress uses a permalinks structure that is not too SEO-friendly. In this video I reveal how to change your permalinks to a better format that is guaranteed to get you more free traffic from Google..

8:01 min
640x480 px
13.6 Mb
changing permalinks in wordpress

How to Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

Did you know you can move all WordPress components around and arrange them according to your preference? This video shows exactly how easy it is to customize your WordPress dashboard..

3.21 min
640x480 px
8.19 Mb
customize your wordpress dashboard

How to Create New Posts in WordPress

Discover how you can add new content to WordPress, how to use the built-in WYSIWYG editor to format your content, and how to publish your content. I also reveal how to automate your content using the "timestamp" feature - a great tip you can use!

11.19 min
640x480 px
24.0 Mb
creating posts in wordpress

How to Create New Pages in WordPress

Discover how you can create new pages in WordPress, which are separate from your regular blog content. I'll show you how easy this is to do, and how to change the order of your pages as well..

5.41 min
640x480 px
7.69 Mb
creating pages in wordpress

How to Use and Format Images in WordPress

A picture speaks a thousands words indeed! In this extremely rare video, I reveal how to upload images to WordPress and access them using the built-in WYSIWYG editor. I also reveal how to format pictures, use captions, and much more..

7.01 min
640x480 px
18.0 Mb
images in wordpress

How To Install Plugins Automatically

Plugins add important functionality to your WordPress blog. I show you how to use your dashboard to find the plugin you want and how to install it automatically without touching an FTP program..

3.44 min
640x480 px
5.46 Mb
install plugins automatically

How to Upgrade Plugins Automatically

Sick and tired of having to update your WordPress plugins? I'll show you how to update them automatically in WordPress with just a few clicks of your mouse. Upgrading plugins has never been this fun!

1.58 min
640x480 px
4.65 Mb
automatically upgrading wordpress plugins

How to Delete Plugins Automatically

So you've installed way too many plugins, and want to get rid of some? I show you how easy it is to do within your WordPress dashboard itself. No need for FTP here, and no more deleting the wrong files!

1.58 min
640x480 px
2.38 Mb
automatically deleting wordpress plugins

How to Upload and Install Plugins Manually

The good old way of adding and activating plugins on your blog, and still important to master because not every WordPress plugin can be installed automatically. Avoid making silly mistakes with this clear, informational step-by-step video..

6.02 min
640x480 px
16.0 Mb
manually installing wordpress plugins

How to Upload and Install Themes Manually

Make your blog shine with WordPress themes! There are literally thousands of free themes you can download and use to spice up an otherwise dull-looking blog. I reveal exactly how to download themes, unpack them, upload and activate them easily..

7.27 min
640x480 px
24.3 Mb
installing wordpress themes manually

How to Use WordPress Widgets in The Sidebar

WordPress widgets add even more cool features and functionality to your blog's sidebar. In less than 4 minutes, I'll reveal everything you've ever wanted to know about using widgets on your blog..

3.55 min
640x480 px
8.10 Mb
using wordpress widgets

Using The Akismet Spam Plugin / Controlling Spam

Right from your very first blog post, you'll get obnoxious spam that is not only annoying, but potentially embarrassing! I show you how to activate and use the Akismet plugin, as well as some simple tweaks you can make to automatically block 99% of SPAM..

7.03 min
640x480 px
10.5 Mb
using akismet and controlling spam

Getting and Using Gravatars for Your Blog

Put a face on your blog comments, and start developing a long-term relationship with your readers. I reveal how to do this automatically using Gravatars, and how you can get your own Gravatar..

5.28 min
640x480 px
19.3 Mb
using gravatars in wordpress




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