
Getting Into Law School

Getting Into Law School

March 13, 2010

WARNING: Do Not Read
This Unless You Are Absolutely,
100% Willing To Do Whatever
It Takes To Get Into The
Law School Of Your Dreams

Getting Into Law School

If you would like to know how someone can start with run-of-the-mill grades from a non-prestigious state University...and then...end up with 11 acceptance letters from 11 of the top law schools in the United States...this is going to be the most life-transforming letters you'll ever read.

Here's why: There's a guy from Idaho called H. Jefferson, Jr. who wanted to go to law school.  The problem was, he had taken 7 years to get an undergraduate degree from a medium-sized, state-run University.  And he didn't graduate with anything close to a 4.0 GPA.  Not exactly the kind of credentials law schools are looking for, and certainly not the kind of credentials prestigious law schools are looking for.

But guess what?  Jeff, as his friends call him, decided that he wasn't going to go to a crappy law school.  What he really didn't want to do was to go to the local, public school that everyone else in the state went to.  Instead, he limited his selections to law schools listed in the top 50 of the latest U.S. News & World Report law school rankings.  Eventually, he applied to 11 schools, most of which were in the top 25 of those same law school rankings.

Although Jeff later learned that his aversion to law schools not included in the top tiers of the law school rankings was entirely misplaced, he did manage to do everything just right when it came to applying to law school. 

You see, just a few weeks after sending his 11 law school applications in, he proudly displayed 11 law school acceptance letters to his astonished friends and family.

Wouldn't You Like to Decide
Which Law School to Attend
Instead of Deciding
What to do With Your Life
When You Don't Get Into Any
Law Schools at All?

Well, you're in luck, because Jeff's good fortune can be yours.  After picking a law school and spending three glorious years having his mind molded by tyrannical law professors, he decided to write down what he knew about getting into law school.  The result was a 3-ring-binder filled with his observations that he sold to prospective law students who had learned of Jeff's information from ads placed on E-Bay.  Because he forcused on sharing ideas not found in the mainstream law school admission books, Jeff called his book "Covert Tactics for Getting Into the Law School of Your Choice."

Because of the costs of printing, binding, and shipping the crude book, early purchasers of Jeff's book paid up to $90.  One copy was even shipped to someone halfway around the world in the United Arab Emirates.

Over the next few years Jeff continually updated his book, studying the law school admission techniques of other successful applicants and incorporating advice gleaned from law school admissions personnel and other experts. The book grew and became more and more popular.


Eventually, Jeff was selling several copies every week to hopeful law school applicants all over the world. The problem was that Jeff had a real job as an associate for a law midwestern law firm, and he simply didn't have time to keep up with processing and shipping all the orders.

o for a couple years, Covert Tactics disappeared from the world. 

Then Jeff Figured Out
How He Could Help People
Get Into Law School
at a Fraction of the Price
Without Spending All His Time
Printing and Shipping Copies.

He put it on the internet and the next generation of Covert Tactics was born.


Now, if you're thinking of blowing your hard-earned money for an expensive law school application service, or if you've ever wondered whether you have any chance at all of getting into a decent law school, then today is your lucky day...


...Because you've been conned and deceived, force-fed thousands of pages of misguided information in the hundreds of cookie-cutter law school admission books, the same information that is directly preventing you from getting into the law school of your dreams.


And now you've found the only place in the world where you can get Covert Tactics for Getting Into the Law School of Your Choice.


What you'll find is why most prospective law students struggle to get into mediocre law schools, while a select few - regardless of their GPA's and LSAT scores - watch the law school admission letters roll in. Frankly, some of the tactics may surprise you with their simplicity while others may shock you for other reasons, but the information had to come out sooner or later.


Jeff Wants to Expose the
Hidden Formula That a
Select Group of Law School
Applicants Have Used to
Beat the Competition and
Get Into the Law Schools of
Their dreams...

In the past decade Jeff has learned the truth hiding behind the secrecy of the tight-lipped admissions counselors and the false promises of the big-money law school application services.  He's turned that knowledge into a proven blueprint used to change the future of hundreds of failing law school applicants. He can prove this works, but first let's see if you've already fallen victim to the lies and misconceptions? 


Be honest with yourself...

Do you believe that a poor GPA and/or LSAT score means that you have no chance to go to the law school of my dreams; or alternatively...


Do you believe that a good or great GPA and/or LSAT score means that you are guaranteed admission to the law school of your dreams...


Do you believe that you need to spend hundreds, or maybe even thousands, of dollars to hire someone to prepare your law school applications, write your personal statements, etc....


Do you believe that if you don't go to a "prestigious" undergraduate school you can't go to a "prestigious" law school...


Do you believe that only a "prestigious" school can be the law school of your dreams...

If you've fallen victim to such thinking, then prepare yourself for a surprise...

getting into law school

  • You Can Learn how to
    Time Your Application to
    Maximize Your Chance of Success;

  • You Can Learn how to
    Differentiate Yourself from the
    Crowd, Even When You Think
    You're Just Like Everybody Else;

  • You Must Learn Why You
    Are Probably Targeting the
    Wrong School;

  • And, Learn how to
    Keep Others from Derailing
    Your Chances While
     You're not Looking.

So, Are You Ready to
Discover the Secrets That
This Year's Most Successful
Law School Applicants are
Already Using Against You?

I'm not sure how you ended up here, but if you're like the vast majority of people heading to law school, I probably do know a few things about you. You've spent dozens of hours trying to decipher the secrets of law school admission, you wonder whether law school rankings really mean anything, you wish your LSAT score was better, and/or you're beginning to doubt if getting into law school is something you really can do.


How do I know so much about you?


Because Jeff told me.  And I believe him, because from what I can tell, he's about the only guy out there who's figured out the answers to most of those questions - at least the ones that can be answered by mankind.


Remember earlier, when I told you how Jeff applied to and was admitted to 11 of the nation's top law schools?  Would you like to know which law schools we're talking about?  Well, after a lot of begging and arm-twisting, he agreed to let me share the list with you:

Jeff got into Cornell University Law School, then the University of Notre Dame Law School, Boston College Law School, New York University (NYU) School of Law, University of Arizona College of Law, Brigham Young University Law School, Southern Methodist University School of Law, McGeorge School of Law, U.C. Davis School of Law, Arizona State University College of Law, and the College of William and Mary School of Law.


And here's the kicker:  Those are the only schools he applied to - He   didn't get a single rejection letter!

I'll be honest with you, I think that list is pretty damn impressive!  But you know what, Jeff didn't want me to share the list because he's embarassed he didn't aim higher.  Even though most of these schools are ranked in the top 10-50 of the U.S. News and World Report rankings, he's disappointed that he thought Harvard, Yale, Stanford and the like were beyond hope. Unfortunately, he didn't know it then, but Jeff had discovered the secret to getting into great law schools despite less-than-stellar credentials.


And now he wants to teach you everything he knows.


These Covert Tactics
May Be Worth Well Over $1,000,000 in

Your First 10 Years Practicing Law

Where you go to law school can and will have a profound impact on the jobs you can choose from after you graduate from law school. If you go to a respectable but non-prestigious state school (or god-forbid somewhere even worse), you will likely be choosing from government jobs paying, in many cases, less than $45,000 per year.

While this is respectable pay, it doesn't begin to approach the $150,000+ you can make as a first year at the bigger firms in major metropolitan areas all around the country. Of course, these types of jobs are almost always reserved for graduates of the best national and regional law schools.

Over the course of your first 5-10 years in practice, the difference in salary and bonuses you earn, based on where you go to law school, can easily top one million dollars. 

Don't Sell Yourself Short,
Reach for the Stars!

I strongly advise you not to limit yourself at this point in your life. You should reach beyond your self imposed limitations and seek out a new and exciting law school experience. To maximize your opportunity to go to the best schools, you need    Covert Tactics for Getting Into the Law School of Your Choice.

Don’t ever let average LSAT scores and grades discourage you from applying to the school of your dreams.

If you don’t dream, don’t reach, you’ll never get into the school you really want to get into – because that school should be something you aspire to – not something that’s a given.

 And Don't Be Too Confident


Don't deceive yourself into thinking that your grades and LSAT scores are so good that you don't need to worry about how to properly prepare yourself and your application for the law school admission process.  Have you looked at the statistics about the applicants to top law schools - a lot of students with excellent credentials are being denied.  Don't be one of them.

Covert Tactics for Getting
Into the Law School of Your
Choice is a
Virtually Fool-Proof,
Risk-Free Law School Admission System
That Will Allow You to Target
the Best Schools for You,
Prepare Kick-Ass Law School
Applications, and Watch the
Admissions Letters Roll In!"

I guarantee that you'll love this book,
or you get every cent of your money back.

All of it...

Prove to yourself at MY risk, that Covert Tactics is the key to law school admissions success that you've been looking for. Prove to yourself that there is hope for you, even if you don't have perfect grades and test scores. You'll get instant access to the Covert Tactics manuscript so you can put it to the test.

Give these unconventional, little-known methods a trial run - follow Jeff's detailed instructions and watch the admissions letters come rolling in. Witness how you have been lied to by the big money law school admissions gurus and institutional test prep and application services. Understand why so many have failed when they don't need to, and how you can crush the competition...

...And if for ANY reason at all you are unhappy, simply let us know within 56 days for a FULL, no-questions-asked, refund.

You Must Be Remarkable

If You Want To Go To a Top Law School

The competition isn't just intense - its stifling. Every year over 100,000 prospective law students apply for open spots in less than 200 ABA-accredited law schools. About 40,000 of those applicants won't get in anywhere they apply.

But Jeff is living proof that you can go to a great law school if you do the right things.

 Every Other "How to Get Into Law School Book" Ignores the Things That Most People Really Need to Know 

By now you realize that going to law school is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make and that the choice of where to go - not to mention the decisions of the schools that you will apply to - will have a profound influence on the rest of your life.

Like thousands of others, you've probably studied everything there is to study on the subject of how to get into law school. Indeed, you may have purchased and read repeatedly every book ever written on the subject of law school admission.

There is a lot of valuable information in most of these books and programs. In fact, Covert Tactics shares some of that same information.  But what Jeff ultimately discovered was that some of the most important keys to law school admission were either ignored completely or treated in a cursory manner.

This may be because many of these books were written by admissions counselors who are reluctant to admit or confirm some of the truths underlying the process. Nonetheless, if you have not already done so I strongly advise you to purchase at least a few of these books and thoughtfully consider the information therein.

The problem is, you can also overpay for crap. I don't believe you should pay hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars to have someone help you do what you should be able to figure out how to do on your own.

Learn to Play the Game
By Copying the Success
Strategies of Others

Fortunately for you, most of the people sitting across from you in the crowded LSAT test-center have done very little to prepare for that test, and many will never even submit a law school application. Among the many who do submit applications to law school, the vast mindless majority will simply jump through the hoops – ignoring the many strategies available to improve their admissions chances.

Those who do learn how to play the game – as you are now – are at a decided advantage. There are methods that can help you avoid failure in your pursuit of the best legal education available. Don't cheat yourself in this critical endeavor.

Although I fail to understand the reasoning, I am sometimes asked if using the tactics shared here gives the reader an “unfair” advantage. Such thinking is behind most of the misery and failure many people experience.

Frankly, successful people seek knowledge and pursue excellence in all that they do. Believe me when I say that law school admission committees will only appreciate your efforts at going the extra mile to be admitted to their school. Doing so will make you exactly the sort of person they are looking for.

You have heard it before, and I’ll stress it here again, law school is hard. If you give a half-assed effort at getting into law school, you will probably give a similar effort once you get in – if you are able to get in at all.

 How to Order 

To order the Covert Tactics book today and learn the little-used, unorthodox strategies of one the most successful law school applicants in the history of the world, click on the link below. This is the 21st century, so you will get instant access in the form of an E-Book. Remember, there is no risk to you - we offer a 100%, no-questions-asked money back guarantee. 

The Covert Tactics E-Book is delivered via a digital download (PDF File) immediately after your purchase.  If you do not have the software required to view PDF files, a link for free download of Adobe Reader, which will allow you to view the file, will be available on the download page.


It's decision time: are you in, or out.?

You're not the only visitor to this site - hundreds of your competitors are already using these techniques against  you. You need to decide whether you want to take advantage of this opportunity and protect yourself from your competition. The advantages to you are obvious and significant, and the potential losses far outweigh the insignificant costs.

You've been warned... Indeed, you have no real choice.

You must act fast.


Order via ClickBank's secure payment servers
via credit card, Paypal, or electronic check.

Instant download.

I offer an 8 week money back guarantee! I'm willing to tell you exactly how I got into 11 of the top law schools in the country! So why are you still reading clear down here at the bottom of the page?  There is nothing more I can tell you to convince you to buy the Covert Tactics program. If you haven't ordered yet please do so now before its too late.



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