
Former Miss Wisconsin USA's Ultimate Guide to Winning Pageants

Former Miss Wisconsin USA's Ultimate Guide to Winning Pageants

quoteopenYou are about to learn the secrets that helped me win the Miss Wisconsin USA Crown and help my girls win pageants EVERY single year…quoteright
                                                        ~Suzi Hosfeld

Winning a pageant is based on much more than good looks alone.  You are only a few minutes away from discovering what separates queens from girls who lose pageants time and time again. 
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Dear Future Pageant Queen,

My name is Suzi Hosfeld. Let me start off by telling you that I am concerned. I am concerned that you are being misled by information all over the internet when it comes to how to win a pageant and effectively answering pageant interview questions. I have been in the pageant industry since before winning the Miss Wisconsin USA title in 1983 and competing in the Miss USA Pageant the same year. I’ve never left, because it’s such a passion of mine.

You’ve probably noticed that some people on the internet claim to be pageant coaches, but do not have the experience and results to back it up. Be smart girls! I truly care about your success.

My models & actors can be seen in the pages of every fashion magazine as well as TV shows and sit-coms. My pageant successes are many and include: Lees Garcia-2009 Miss Florida US International and 1st runner-up at the Miss United States International Pageant, Morgan Lucas, top 15 at Miss Florida Teen USA, 2009 Miss Teen Florida World and 2010 Miss Teen NH USA.

I have been a preliminary director for Miss Florida USA and am currently the Owner and President of Envy Models & Talent & Envy Pageant Productions, Inc. Currently, you can find me spending time training girls on pageant interview questions and working as the Executive Director of Miss Teen Florida World and Miss Florida US International Pageants.

With all my years in the pageant industry, I am about to give you all of my biggest secrets to help you win a pageant even if you’re a first-timer. Details are below.

To Your Success,
Suzi Hosfeld, Former Miss Wisconsin USA, Pageant Coach
pageant questions                                                                how to win a pageant

Don’t Make the Biggest Mistake Most Girls Make

You have seen some of the major beauty pageant blunders on TV, like what happened to Miss South Carolina in 2008. The fact is this happens much more often than you think, but in smaller pageants that are not broadcasted on TV. You can save yourself this embarrassment. You see, most girls enter a beauty pageant and go about it in a lazy way.

How to win a pageant isn’t something that you can just base on good looks alone, the girls who win pageants over and over again are the girls who educate themselves on every aspect of the pageant.

With My All Access E-Course You will Learn:

Yes   The Top 101 Pageant Questions that are Asked at Every Pageant
Yes   How to Choose the Right Pageant System for You
Yes   The Complete Guide to Picking the Perfect Swimsuit
Yes   Every Tip You Will Ever Need to the Evening Gown Portion
Yes   How to Answer Beauty Pageant Interview Questions
Yes   What the Judges are Looking for in You
Yes   How to Be Remembered by the Judges
Yes   How to Have the Perfect Walk
Yes   And TONS more...

Ridiculously Special Bonuses:

pageant star 1 Hour of Personal 1 on 1 coaching with me (value $100) Limited number available...see P.S. below
pageant star The Top 11 Qualities of a Winning Queen Guidebook (value $27)
pageant star The 1 Week Prior-to-Pageant Ultimate Exercise and Nutrition Guide to Looking Perfect on Stage (value $27)

All This AND Bonuses for only $37

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Here’s what other girls who have taken my training have to say:

"Thank you for all the hard work you have put into me and helping me achieve my dreams. You are an amazing Director and Coach and I owe you everything!"
Morgan Lucas
2009 Miss Teen Florida World
2010 Miss NH Teen USA

"You are AMAZING! And I love you so much!"
Lees Garcia
2009 Miss Florida US International
1st runner-up at Miss United States International

"I could not possibly thank you enough for all the hard work and help you have given me. I've never been so excited."
Rachel Collins
Miss Teen Naples World

"Suzi- Thank you for all the help you have given me. You bring out the best in me!"
Shannon Wilson
Miss Teen Cape Coral World

"Suzi-Thank you so much for all that you did and continue to do for me. You believed in me and taught me how to win. I promise you that one day you will be even more proud of who I have become."
Ana Oliveira
2010 Miss Teen SW Florida World

"Suzi- Thank you for preparing me for the pageant, the long hours, the workouts, the practice...I could not be prepared without you."
Jenna Canfield
2009 Miss Sarasota Teen USA

"Suzi-You are amazing! Thank you for all the direction, the assistance and the late hours. You were such a great help and motivation-could not do this without you!"
Kendra Altemeyer
2009 Miss Fort Myers Teen USA

"There are only two words I have..."Thank you!"
Donna Snow
Miss SW Florida


Breakdown of Pageant Interview Questions Portion of E-Course

Competing in a Pageant is nerve-racking in and of itself, and then there’s the Question and Answer portion. You have spent soo many hours, days, weeks, and even months preparing yourself, making sure you have the perfect gown, perfect hair, and a perfect body ready for the pageant. The day of the pageant comes much quicker than you expected and you know that you’ve done just about everything in your power to look your best. And then there’s the Pageant Interview Questions and Answers portion…

There’s plenty of reasons why the Question and Answer part of the pageant has so much fear and anxiety built around it. Just think, you standing there in front of the judges, your family, friends and the rest of the audience. You have to expect the unexpected pageant interview questions! Many girls train for years to be fully prepared to answer whichever beauty pageant questions come their way. The last thing that you ever want is to kick butt in the beginning of the pageant just to have it completely squashed by your STUTTERING, NERVOUS response. We all remember what happened to Miss South Carolina like it was yesterday.

In the E-Course you are going to learn everything you need to know to make sure that you perform at your peak on the actual day of the pageant. It’s not some wimpy advice just telling you to smile and keep your head on straight, this is actual information that I have used to help my girls win pageants for decades. You have full access to it once you purchase the course.

All This AND Bonuses for only $37

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guarantee 100% Money Back Guarantee

When you purchase the The Ultimate Guide to Winning Pageants, if you aren't 100% satisified with the product, we will happily refund every single penny, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

P.S. I am only offering the Bonus 1 Hour Coaching Session with me to the next 100, 77, 52, 27, 7 girls that order the e-course. My time is extremely valuable, so I just can’t leave this offer out there forever.

P.P.S. You will be given instant access to all of the E-Course materials IMMEDIATELY after you check out. I won’t hold back on anything.

Last Chance…

Remember, it's only $37

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