
Genius Brain Power Brainwave Entrainment Meditation IQ Increase Mind Expansion Binaural Beat

Genius Brain Power Brainwave Entrainment Meditation IQ Increase Mind Expansion Binaural Beat

This Ultra-Powerful Brain Training System Will
Unleash Your Inner Genius . . . Guaranteed!

Genius Brain Power is an Instant MP3 Download of the Most Powerful “Brainwave Entrainment” Audio Technology in the World

It Will Sky Rocket Your IQ
It Will Help You Easily Release Stress, Worries and Anxiety
It Will Allow You to Effortlessly Reach Incredibly Deep States of Relaxation
It Will Improve Nearly Every Area of Your Mind and Your Life by Turning On the Unused Portions of Your Brain
It Is Effortless -- Just Relax and Let the Audio Do All the Work
It Costs Far Less Than Other (Less Effective) Products on the Market
You Get to Experience it Risk Free With an Ironclad Money Back Guarantee

Wake Up the Sleeping Parts of Your Brain and
Experience Amazing Levels of Genius

All of the positive experiences that Genius Brain Power can give you can also be achieved by extended meditation sessions. 

However, consistently achieving deep enough meditative states to activate dormant sections of the brain takes A LOT of practice.

Even with years of training, it is very difficult for most people to stay in a deep meditative state for more than a minute or two.

If you have ever tried to meditate but found your mind wandering all over the place, then you know what I mean. 

Most people get discouraged and give up after a few attempts at meditation.  However every study of the most spiritually and financially successful people in the world shows that they ALL meditate on a regular basis.  If you’re not meditating, you are missing out on a vital part of what it means to be truly alive.

Fortunately, Modern Technology Has Developed a Way to Easily Experience All the Benefits of Deep Meditation . . .

It Is Called Brainwave Entrainment, and it Can Change Your Life.

This technology guides the brain into a specific brainwave frequency using special rhythmic pulses of sound. By guiding the brain into deep frequency brainwave patterns and keeping it there, you can induce a profoundly deep meditative state with almost no effort.

By exposing the brain to special computer generated tones that are pulsed at a specific frequency, the brain will synchronize its electrical impulses to that same frequency.  This means the brain becomes “entrained” to (matched to) the specific frequency of the pulses, which gives us the ability to choose the primary frequency we want to experience in our brain.

This means YOU can effortlessly achieve the state of ultra deep meditation simply by relaxing and listening to Genius Brain Power.

"I discovered the joy of living in the Now"

"You name it, I’ve tried it. What is the difference between this entrainment program and others? It works -- effortlessly.

Other programs promise positive outcome, but those are fleeting. I simply couldn’t get results to “stick.” I used to live a pressure cooker existence complete with nervous overload, nightmares and fearful morning awakenings.

With these brainwave entrainment meditations I have enjoyed wonderful, restorative sleep at night. I discovered the joy of living in the Now and I have flashes of insight that are helping me to understand life. Also, age spots on my skin have diminished and my eyelashes are growing thicker and longer.

I have now moved into a whole new way of calmly loving life and it seems as if I have found endlessly more time. It takes faith and trust to try something different, but your quality of life is worth it! Thank you so much, Cameron!"

- Ann, BC, Canada

You Can Also Unleash Your Genius Without Meditating

Even if you DON’T want to meditate, Genius Brain Power can still make you smarter.  This is because two of the recordings are designed to be used while you are fully alert with your eyes open. 

These two tracks are called IQ Increase and Beta Relaxed focus. 

They are specifically designed to stimulate increased electrical activity and blood flow in the brain, literally speeding up your brain and promoting new dendrite and synapse growth. 

Many people find they can eliminate caffeine from their diet by simply starting their morning with a dose of IQ Increase and Beta Relaxed focus. 

Of course, increasing the intelligence of your logical mind through IQ Increase is only the beginning.  The real magic begins once you start quickly, easily and consistently going into deep meditative states by simply closing your eyes and listening to the deep brainwave tracks in Genius Brain Power.   

Everyone who has used the Genius Brain Power package is amazed at how it makes meditating so effortless.  With just 3-4 deep relaxation sessions per week, and as little as 30 minutes per session, a magical blossoming of your brain’s potential will begin to emerge. 

Your creativity will kick into high gear, filling you with great ideas on how to improve your life.  Your energy levels will increase, giving you the motivation to make those creative urges reality. 

Your moods will even out, reducing your reactions when your “buttons are pushed.”  You will feel happier, more free, more relaxed and more at peace with yourself and the world.

"I am free now of all the biggest fears and dramas in my life"

"Thank you so much for all the good things your work has brought to my life. I am using your Brainwave entrainment package every day. I have achieved AMAZING meditative states that I would have never achieved without years of practice.

I feel so connected to the universe and creation, and my vibrations have jumped sky high! I am free now of all the biggest fears and dramas in my life, and my consciousness expands and expands every day!

Again thank you very much for everything you are doing for humanity, I will be eternally thankful for the day I ran into your website."

- Carlo C., France

Modern Technology Has Produced
The Ultimate Brainwave Entrainment

The highly advanced entrainment technology used in the Genius Brain Power system is far more effective than what is being used in much higher priced products. Other companies use a very old type of Brainwave Entrainment that was discovered 150 years ago. 

This older, less effective entrainment technology uses what are called “Binaural beats” that send differently pitched frequencies into each ear to get your brain to “do math” and entrain to the difference between the two pitches.  Binaural beats were a great discovery, but many people don’t respond very well to this method of entrainment. 

Brain Wave Entrainment Increases Intelligence

That’s why I use a far superior, much more modern brainwave entrainment technology in Genius Brain Power.  Utilizing computer generated, rhythmically pulsed beats, Genius Brain Power easily guide your brain into optimal frequencies for deep relaxation and rocketing your IQ.

Rhythm is one of the most basic, deeply ingrained functions in the human brain.  Everyone's brain responds to rhythm, which is why I can guarantee that Genius Brian Power will do everything I have promised you, and even more.

With these audible, computer generated pulsed tones, the brain is safely, gently but powerfully guided to entrain to your most optimal brainwave frequencies.  These tones need to be audible, so you will hear them along with the music in the Genius Brain Power package, AND if you consciously focus on the pulsing tones on the meditation tracks, it will help you experience deeper meditative states very quickly.

"Easily did what I worked so hard at trying to achieve"

"I have been rigorously working with meditation, frequency waves, and prayer for some time. When I used your brainwave entrainment, it easily did what I worked so hard at trying to achieve: Clearer thoughts, calmness, relaxation, deep sleep, healing and more. Thanks!"
- Mario A

The Culmination of a Lifetime of Spiritual Disciplines

My name is Cameron Day and the major focus of my life has been spiritual evolution (with a minor in technology ;-).  I have helped thousands of people to reconnect to their inner divinity through my website AscensionHelp.com.  Through years of spiritual studies, focused personal evolution and building technological skills, I arrived at a point where I could create the incredibly transformational Genius Brain Power MP3 audio recordings.

That's me as a young child,
practicing meditation

I have been meditating since I was 4 years old thanks to my parents who practice a unique style of Buddhist chanting meditation. This kind of meditation is known as "active meditation" or "mantra meditation" and I was very fortunate to learn it as a child.

In my teenage years I explored "silent meditation" techniques that involve stilling the mind in order to receive energy and information from the Source of all creation. In my early 20s, I studied Kundalini Yoga which helped me transcend my mind chatter and experience ultra deep, rapturous meditative states.

I went on to study other spiritual disciplines related to energetic healing of the psyche, manifesting, ego transcendence and much more.  I always did well in spiritual disciplines, but I knew I had the potential to achieve much more.

In 2003 I first discovered brainwave entrainment.  I bought a $150 introductory level of a “Binaural beat” package, which was all that was available back then.  It worked OK for a while, but results quickly diminished, which is why that particular program has 12 or so levels to keep people progressing.  Rather than follow their pre-determined program, I decided to do research and find a better brainwave entrainment option.

In my research, I discovered that the reason binaural beats lose their effectiveness is because the brain gets used to processing the two different frequencies coming to it, and just handles them each separately without “doing the math” to entrain to the desired frequency.  The “solution” that proponents of binaural beats used was to keep lowering the "carrier frequencies" to give the brain new stimulus.  That wasn’t good enough for me because I wanted something that would always work and that my brain could never ignore.

When I discovered pulsed tones, I knew I had found the solution!  The brain doesn’t adapt to these rhythmic tones and ignore them. Rhythm is embedded so deeply into the human brain and psyche that it always responds to rhythmic frequencies.  In fact, all of my research, testing and feedback from customers has shown that the brain responds better to the rhythmic brainwave entrainment pulses in Genius Brain Power the more often they are used!

I created a comprehensive audio package for my AscensionHelp.com subscribers.  The package was a huge success, with tremendous results reported such as:

  • Amazingly Deep Meditations
  • Spiritual Breakthroughs
  • Deeper, More Restful Sleep
  • Consciousness Expansion & Profound Insights
  • Greater Energy, Clarity & Inner Peace
  • Wonderful Manifestations (More Abundance)
  • Gently & Naturally Healing Old Emotional Wounds From the Past
  • Increased ability to Learn New Information
  • Recall of Previously Forgotten or Blocked Memories
  • Lucid dreaming... and much more

Click Here To Get Instant Access
To These Amazing Audios

"I have used many other entrainment programs..."

"I just had to let you know what your Brainwave Entrainment has done for me. I have used many other entrainment programs but I have never received so much and so quickly as I have from yours.

I love starting my day with IQ Increase. It has helped me be able to focus in even the most chaotic situations. Instead of reacting and regretting, now I am aware of how I want to react or not. All the tracks are great, but Delta Ultra Deep Meditation is my all time favorite. Thank you for helping me raise my awareness."
- Bill S, Rochester, NY

The Vast Scope of This Package is Unparalleled

The Genius Brain Power Brainwave Entrainment MP3 package has everything you need to Sky Rocket Your IQ and experience Ultra-Deep Relaxation. You will receive TEN(!) total brainwave entrainment audio recordings. Yes, you read that right. The core package has an unprecedented ten brainwave entrainment audio tracks, giving you plenty of options to suit your needs.

Your Genius Brain Power package starts with two energizing recordings that give your brain a stimulating "work out" to increase your mental processing speed and promote new dendrite and synapse growth.

You can listen to these IQ boosting recordings with your eyes open while you are working, running errands, commuting to and from work, etc.  These two tracks are mixed with gorgeous classical music from Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Pachelbel, Gluck and Mendelssohn:

  • 42 minute IQ increase track
  • 60 minute Beta relaxed focus and concentration track

I like to start every day with IQ increase after breakfast, then listen to Beta relaxed focus as I check email and work.  I usually listen to both tracks once or twice per day, and I find along with making me progressively smarter, they help me get more work done in less time while feeling energized yet relaxed the whole time.

The Deep Relaxation / Meditation recordings in Genius Brain Power are so comprehensive that there is no other brainwave entrainment product in the world that even comes close.

All of these meditation tracks are mixed with relaxing, mind expanding didgeridoo music that has its own mild brain entrainment effect which merges perfectly with the pulsed brainwave entrainment tones.

We start with Light Meditation in the Alpha frequency with a follow up Deep Meditation in Theta frequency:

  • 30 minute Alpha Light Meditation
  • 30 minute Theta Deep Meditation

When you first start meditating with Genius Brain Power, begin with Alpha Light Meditation. If you want to extend your Alpha meditation session, Theta Deep Meditation picks up at the frequency point where the Alpha track leaves off, giving you a wonderful 60 minute meditation experience.

Once you are comfortable meditating in Alpha, the next level of meditations are the “Stand-Alone” Theta recordings. These stand-alone recordings are meant to be used by themselves for either a 30 minute or a 60 minute deep Theta meditation:

  • 30 minute Theta Stand-alone Meditation
  • 60 minute Theta Stand-alone Meditation

After you are able to stay awake while meditating in Theta, you are ready for the deepest level of brainwave entrainment meditation possible: Delta.  The first entry to Delta in Genius Brain Power is via two tracks that are designed to be used together:  

  • 30 minute Advanced Theta Deep Meditation
  • 30 minute Advanced Delta Deep Meditation

Finally, we have two Delta "Stand-Alone" meditations. These stand-alone recordings are meant to be used by themselves for either a 30 minute or a 60 minute ultra deep Delta meditation. Each of them will take you into the ultra deep Delta meditative state, but the 60 minute version will hold your brain there for much longer.

  • 30 minute Delta Ultra Deep Standalone Meditation
  • 60 minute Delta Ultra Deep Standalone Meditation

Most of the companies offering less effective brainwave entrainment products only give their customers one Theta, one Delta and an Alpha track.  Then they charge $200-$300 per “level” for 12 or so levels. 

Genius Brain Power is here to transcend that paradigm of over-priced, mildly effective entrainment products by offering you far more effectiveness and three times as much content for a fraction of the price others charge.

Click Here To Get Instant Access
To These Amazing Audios

"I will use this in my practice as a hypnotherapist"

"Thank you Cameron for your Brainwave Entrainment package. I have used others such as Hemisync and Centerpointe before.  I have enjoyed greater concentration and sense of peace after listening to your recordings. I will use them in my practice as a hypnotherapist because the brain wave technology greatly assists my clients in achieving greater clarity and self improvement."

Thank you again,
Robin Meza,
Certified Hypnotherapist

One of the Smartest Buying Decisions You Will Ever Make

You may be thinking that this is going to be an expensive package...

The “market price" for this package could easily be well over $200, and many people would be happy to pay it.  However, because my focus is on helping as many people as possible achieve a better quality of life through expanded consciousness, I am offering the entire audio package with TEN different brainwave entrainment audio tracks for just $88!

MP3 players are affordable and easy to use. I recommend two in the Quick Start Guide available after your purchase.

I can offer this package at such a low price because I have taken measures to minimize production and distribution expenses. First of all...  

Genius Brain Power is only available as an MP3 download.

This means there are no physical CDs to produce and ship, and no expensive packaging or glossy manuals. These things would only serve to inflate the cost of the package and use up resources like paper and plastic as well as space in your home.  (The "box" image used is just for good looks on screen.)

One of the biggest benefits of MP3 audio is that you can order now and begin entraining your brain TODAY. Your download will probably be finished by the time you are done reading the online Quick Start Guide.

Even if you are unfamiliar with MP3s, you can listen to these music files right from your computer, because your computer already has the ability to play MP3s built right in. If you decide you want the audio on CD, you can easily burn these MP3s to 6 CDs. (Google "how to burn an MP3 cd").

However, I recommend that you just "tech up" and get famaliar with MP3s, because they are here to stay, just like the internet.

Think about this for a moment: there is so much fantastic brainwave entrainment audio in this package that it will take SIX CDs to fit it all! At this price I am practically giving this package away, and I feel REALLY GOOD about that. I am serious when I tell you that my main motivation for offering this package is to help as many people as possible have a better quality of life.

By now, I hope you realize that purchasing Genius Brain Power is a "no-brainer" (pun intended) because of the immense value it is going to add to your life.

My family, friends and affiliates think I should double the price of this amazing package.  I can’t promise the current price will stay this low for long, so order your Genius Brain Power package now.

Click Here To Get Instant Access
To These Amazing Audios

Still Not Sure? I Address the Top Questions & Concerns...

If you are still not convinced that Genius Brain Power will be one of the best purchases you ever make, I would like to address your reservations now. Here are the main questions and concerns that I encounter from prospective customers.

  1. "I don’t understand MP3s"
    Think of an MP3 as an electronic version of a CD song, but better.  You can play an MP3 on any computer, on any MP3 player or you can burn them to a CD.  MP3 players are easy to use, can be bought for $25 (decent) to $100 (terrific), and your *entire* CD library can be put onto a single MP3 player device. 

  2. "I want CDs"
    If you are still using CDs, these MP3 files can be easily burned to CDs using your computer that you are reading this with right now. 

  3. "Will you be around if I need support or guidance?"
    Absolutely! I am available to answer any questions you have regarding your Genius Brain Power package, as well as to help get you “unstuck” from limiting belief systems.

  4. "I don’t want to meditate"
    You DO want to relax and de-stress, though…right?  If you can set aside the time for a couple 30-60 minute “relaxation sessions” per week, you can gain the wonderful benefits from Genius Brain Power’s remarkable deep meditation tracks.  Remember, the audio is doing the “heavy lifting” so that you can just relax and enjoy the benefits.

    If you can’t (or won’t) set aside some time to relax during the week, many people only use the deeper Theta & Delta tracks to help them fall asleep, and they still report benefits.  IQ Increase & Beta Relaxed Focus can be used at any time during normal daily activities.

  5. "I already know how to meditate"
    Excellent!  You will probably see results very quickly and achieve incredibly deep, profound meditative states with the Theta & Delta tracks.

  6. "I am too old for my brain to evolve"
    Nonsense.  Science is barely beginning to understand the amazing capacity of the human brain to adapt and evolve.  The brain does not lose the ability to learn as a person ages, but rather people neglect to stimulate their brains adequately to induce continuing improvements.  Genius Brain Power is a marvelous foundation for any “brain fitness & brain training” regimen no matter what your age.

  7. "Self-Improvement stuff never works for me…"
    If you use it consistently, Genius Brain Power will produce profound improvements in the way your brain operates.  I guarantee it!  The key is consistent usage.  Nothing will happen if you use it for a week and forget about it (like those self-improvement products gathering dust on so many shelves around the world).

  8. "It costs too much"
    The Genius Brain Power package is priced very low considering the vast amount of time, expense, research and testing that went into making it, along with hosting expenses, digital delivery software expenses, website programming, etc etc etc. 

    It has three times the content for a third of the price of other less effective entrainment packages that keep you coming back for $200-$300 "levels" over and over again, costing thousands of dollars over time.  If anything, Genius Brain Power is underpriced.

  9. "It costs too little"
    I completely agree, but that does not mean the product is ineffective.  The low price is simply a reflection of my desire to improve as many minds in this world as I can.

  10. "Will this cure/fix/solve my problem with (whatever ails me)?"
    Almost every ailment can be ultimately traced back to limiting self-concepts and beliefs about the world.  Change your mind, and you can change your life and eventually improve your health.

  11. "I don’t like didgeridoo music"
    The didgeridoo is perhaps the oldest wind instrument on Earth. It resonates with an ancient frequency that is far more potent than sounds of waterfalls, oceans or the rain.

    The didgeridoo music used in Genius Brain Power is designed to illicit a very relaxing, mind expanding effect independent of the entrainment frequencies, in order to enhance your overall brainwave entrainment experience. The key is to let your mind relax. Release the need to think about and analyze every sound you hear and just let go so the music can do its job. 

Technology So Powerful I GUARANTEE You Will See Results

I am so confident in the Genius Brain Power package that I back it with a 100% unconditional 180 day money back guarantee.  If you are not satisfied with the package for any reason at all, just ask for a refund. 

I can make such a bold guarantee because I have seen that every single person who uses the Genius Brain Power system experiences a wide variety of amazing results, unique to each individual's needs.

So don't wait a minute longer. Order right now and begin experiencing the wonders of the best brainwave entrainment package available today.

Yes, Cameron! I Want To Unlock My Brain's Full Potential With These Fantastic Entrainment Audios

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I want to take advantage of the amazing power of brainwave entrainment. I want more motivation, energy, focus, creativity and much more all from simply listening to your powerful audio recordings.

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I know that I don't have to wait days to recieve my audios via snail mail but I can download all the audios instantly to listen to them on any PC, mac, mp3 player or ipod.

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I realize that the price could rise at any time so I am acting FAST and locking in the special price of just $88!

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I understand that I have a full 180 day money-back guarantee to exploit these audios to their full potential. And, if I'm not satisfied in any way, I'll receive a full and courteous refund of my purchase price.

Try it now risk free
Order with confidence. Your order is securely processed by ClickBank, the largest internet retailer of digitally delivered goods.
Brain Wave Secure

Here's to YOUR genius brain,

Cameron Day

P.S. Within 10 minutes you can personally experience the power of these entrainment audios as they gently change your brain waves, to help you come alive with more energy, learn quicker, think more creatively, focus on your work like never before and also achieve amazingly deep states of meditation.

P.P.S Remember your investment is completely risk free, because you have a full 180 days to see if these audios work for you. If you are unsatisfied in anyway, simply ask for a full refund.

P.P.P.S Do you have a specific problem or need but don't see the solution here? Simply contact me about it and I may create the audio just for you and include it in this already amazing package.



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